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Scoutmaster Ron

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Posts posted by Scoutmaster Ron

  1. Thats correct Ed...how can a counselor know if a Scout completes the requirements without ever meeting with him?


    At last nights troop meeting the Mom mentioned to me is "That Horsemanship merit badge is tough, I've been on ranches all my life and around horses and I dont even know half of it, You'ed have to be a vet or something"

  2. Bob,

    Really!! So a counselor never really has to meet with a scout he or she just has to ask the parent if your son knows this knows that and can sign off on the blue card? I know you really did type that but that's kinda what I'm readiing please correct me if I'm misunderstanding you.

  3. Ed, you're correct..Bob sorry maybe I wasnt clear the COR is asking the Mom of the scout "does he know the parts to the saddle" questions that should be asked of the scout. She is not meeting with the scout and his buddy on the merit badge


  4. I have a similar situation in the unit I'm serving is that a scout who does not attend summer camp due to his family leaving the state to live in at their ranch the COR has offered to sign off his blue card for horsemanship. Now my problem is that although she may have taken the training for a merit badge she is not registed for this subject nor is she meeting with the scout she is covering the topics with his Mom and the Mom will check to see if he know these items. In the panels opionion should I go to the S.M. and raise some objections to this?

  5. Here is a game you can try. You'll need one other person in on it and the scouts initials or at least their first name. It starts off by you saying "I'm going to go camping and I'm going to bring a rake and a swimsuit hence my initials are R.S. your friend does the same for his then goaround the circle, now when the scouts get a wrong answer the both of you say "nah you can't go camping" now as scouts dont get this you can answer for them "You could go camping if you brought a tent and a tarp if the boys initials were T.T. but still make him come up with the answer.

    Anyway the scouts enjoyed this and ya guess who was the last one to "get it"...me

  6. I recently just did this training. It was done on a Saturday read the material, watch the video then read the material and watch the video again. I incorperated other leaders in the unit to either host the activity or the discussion. Send out personal invitations to the Scout's home announce it in e-mails have fun with it.

  7. If units are putting attendance requirments in their by-laws why doesn't council or Natl put out a memo indicating that they are in violation of BSA Advancement procedures? The unit I'm serving currently does have an attendance requirement of 50% outings 50% meetings.

    Frankly, Bob has made a very strong case of determinging active-vs-attendance and how we need to deliver the program "one boy at a time". I will be advising a change in our by laws.

  8. How did Dutch oven cooking become so popular with the BSA? , maybe I'v been sheltered, but before my son joined Cub's way back when I didnt even know about this phenominon, now when I go camping it's got to be with a D.O. What about you?

  9. I'm doing an article for the troop's newsletter and wanted to know if anyone has attended a World Jambo. What I would like to know is how was your experience? Are you attending the one in 2007 ? Especially any intersting stories that have come from it.

  10. Eamonn,

    The $10.00 was just a reference I know of any charge. I had thought about attending w/my son only and staying at a nearby hotel just for a day. I would just like to see what it's like, experience the fellowship and see the opening or closing campfire.

  11. Eammon,

    Are you saying visitors cannot particiapate in any activity..I certainly understand that someone paying $10.00 or whatever to get in should not have the same opportunity's as someone paying full price. Do you normally have to attend in order to wear the patch on your uniform?

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