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Scoutmaster Ron

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Posts posted by Scoutmaster Ron

  1. In the unit that I serve..a completly untrained committee (Troop Committee Challenge) which is composed of a disgrunted ex s.m., a COH that is way to involved in the program ie: calls the SPL (S.M.'s son) to remind him of the PLC, advancement person who told a scout he had to wait 30 days between BOR's, does not return scouts calls for BOR's a CC who doesnt like confrontation and discriminates agains other women from attending campouts. I think I covered everything.

  2. I've always thought theat these were conducted by a seperate group of individuals outside of the troop committee, however recently our own committee conducted on for one of it's own scouts. Is this correct?

  3. 2Eagle,

    I dont see how regular relates to active, a scout may attend meetings but may not participate. Let me give an example we recently had a Life Scout transfer in, this kid rarely talks to anyone, does not interact with the other scouts, does not play in the patrol games however just because he walked in the door your unit would call him active.

    You say your unit calls active, regular and you mentioned that under 50% isn't regular and if your not regular your not active. Please correct me if this is not accurate I may have misunderstood but isnt that putting a number too it?

  4. 2Eagle says "I find "active" to be a fuzzy word but don't attach a number to it in our by-laws. We use the word regular. Less than 50% ain't regular."


    But arent you doing just that putting a number to active or are you putting a number to regualar ? Does regular mean active to your unit? Active means that active not regular, or should be here or participates or better be here and no where else.

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