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Posts posted by Scouter&mom

  1. As I watched the news develop on CNN last night, I couldn't help but think about my son who is at our Scout camp for staff week this week.

    I had already been wondering if they would have special severe weather drills this year, after a tornado (or severe winds) went through camp during staff week last year. Thankfully the weather only took some trees down and blocked some road ways. The first full day they were there this year, we had severe thunderstorms with hail that were very near camp, and have had severe thunderstorms each evening they have been there. I expect that a tornado drill will now be incorporated in their training this week, and will also likely be incorporated in the program for each week of camp.


    As I continue to pray for these Scouts and Scouters and their families, I will also say a prayer of thanks that they were "prepared" and are handling the rescue and recovery process as well as they apparently are.

  2. I have been reluctant to take Woodbadge for a similar reason. Not that I think my ticket items will change my unit too much, but that I refuse to become caught up in our council's "honey-do" list of projects that they try to pass off to Woodbadgers. Friends who have attended have been "encouraged" to tweak their ticket to solve a district or council need and have even been presented with a council want/need list.

  3. Gern suggested trading your SUV for a used Honda civic... Well let me ask, If I trade my paid-for crew cab truck for that used Civic, who would haul my scouts and their gear around? Do I just pull my support


    And please tell me where to find that used civic for a reasonable price. I have spent the last 6 months looking for a used car for my son. I can buy a new one for the same price as a used one that I feel like will get him back and forth to band practice and Scout camp without leaving walking miles of country roads.



  4. WOW!! I can't imagine our SE trying to force training on some of our leaders by threatening to refuse charter renewal. I do think training should be on-going for everyone. We have a mix of feelings about training in our council and district. Some who think the old WB is the only course that was any good, and those that think the new courses are better, and some of us in the middle who see advantages and disadvantages to both. Just this week, I heard a SM say that the NYLT syllabus was missing all the leadership training that was in the old JLT course and that he doesn't thing the NYLT course is very good. While I have not taken the class (I am female, so couldn't be in Boy Scouts growing up and way too old now), I have read through my son's book. When I mentioned that there was lots of leadership (people management) skills in the book, that it included many of the things that were in my graduate Organizational Management course, I took a few years ago, He couldn't accept that that is what current research and trends recommend. So some will be glad to re-take classes (if cost and location are reasonable), and some will refuse to even acknowledge that something good can come out of them. I just can't imagine the SE threatening unit charters when their very job is a numbers game.

  5. Don't know about Cub Leader Position Specific, but just yesterday our District Director told me there was a new syllabus and training package for New Leader Essentials. It would seem the others would be updated too. Especially since Wood Badge has become WB 21st century and JLT has become NYLT. They all sure need it, since the hair and clothing on some of them is straight out of the 70's, and should be allowed to be retired.

  6. Lisa,


    I am ordering Coleman's cot & air mattress combination, since I am short, I can get by with 72" long one. Air mattress is removable and whole thing only weighs just over 10 lbs. Ordering from coleman's non-profit site (added on troop order), it cost about $45 and since troop order is well over $200 shipping is free.


    Since I have arthritis in several joints from doing too many rough activities, I find a regular cot is too hard, even with a camping pad. I can deal with a pad for a night or two, but for a week, I gotta be more comfortable.


  7. Our council holds council pinewood derby at local mall. Our council is rural and this is the only large mall in the council, so people from all over come to it. We get to set up in the area where Santa is at Christmas and Easter Bunny is in early spring. Kids know there is something interesting in that area of the mall usually. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Leaders are encouraged to come in uniform. They are allowed to pass out information to anyone who asks (just can't approach mall customers unasked). We usually get some new kids from that.

  8. Lisa,


    Jamboree as a Scout is a once in a lifetime chance. (for most anyway because of the timing of the event), but like the others said, it is not a troop thing. They will be part of a council contingent troop with many boys of different ages going.


    Cost may very well be a factor, but because of our location and the equipment, Jambo has been less expensive than Philmont. Most of our southern boys already had what they needed for jamboree. Just a few more pairs of shorts and a couple extra shirts. Since we don't have any mountains within 2-3 hours or desert closer than 2 day drive, our boys don't all have heavy duty hiking boots and pratically no cold weather gear. We also would need a couple of days to acclimate to elevation.


    Take a good look at the tourism books that state tourism puts out for surrounding areas. They are great at giving you ideas for places to explore. Less than 100 miles from us, there is a canoe trail that has campsites all along the way, that is part of state park system. Outfitters advertise in the state book and offer packages that are much more affordable than going to the Natl HA base at Northern Waters (much much further away)


    So there are pros and cons to each option.. Maybe plan a HA for 2009 and 2011 and don't plan anything big for 2010. Fund raise and let them set goals..

  9. None of the GA state parks I have talked to have given us a discount either. We usually use the primitive sites when we take the troop (never taken the pack to a State Park). Don't forget to have your parents who have an Annual ParkPass to use them or allow you to use them. When we have been at State Parks, I have gone around to the regular campground showers and used them. Just make sure I have my Annual Pass hanging from mirror.


    Another thought is check on camping at other BS camps nearby. For example, our camp is less than 100 miles from your location, and we have nice showers with hot water, heat, and electricity and even have electricity in some camp sites (gotta run fans during summer camp).

  10. Our troop uses bamboo!! It's lightweight and fairly sturdy. You would have to plan your sizes for a tower or monkey bridge, but you would with wood too. It can grow to 3-4" in diameter.


    Bamboo is a noxious weed. It was planted many places (here in the South at least) as screening plants back in the 40's and 50's, and has gone wild taking over large areas. It is hard to kill, and many landowners wouldn't mind you cutting some. My mother has some on a farm that she has paid to have sprayed by crop duster and it still keeps growing and spreading. We cut poles each time we are there to keep the troop supplied with pioneering material. Take a ride and look along field edges or near where houses were, then go ask the landowner.

  11. Our troop lends equipment to our pack on a regular basis. We decided that since "A Scout is Thrifty", it made much more sense for the pack not to purchase duplicate equipment that would only be used four or five times a year. This allows the pack (and all the boys and parents) to attend the cub scout and webelos weekends at our council camp easily. We have enough tents that we can loan tents to parents if they need them, and they don't have to go buy one just to go to camp one weekend and try out camping. Many parents will buy their own tent after the first weekend, when they decide Cub Scout camping isn't too bad. We even let the Girl Scouts use the trailer one weekend. (GASP.. we support all the Scouts at our CO!).


    As a thank you, the pack has agreed to help purchase our next equipment order as we need replacement items.

  12. As a life long Georgian, my advice is learn to live with it. If it can't be washed with bleach (and lots of it) it will be red clay colored. Red, orange, and brown don't show it as bad as light colors. Every year, I watch the boys go home from summer camp with orange tinted light blue, yellow or grey camp shirts.


    If you look in lots of the state park stores and other "tourist" stores, you will see "official red GA clay" tee shirts.


    By the way, when my son went to Jambo, he took pictures of the dirt, because it was black and not red.

  13. So doesn't somebody want to donate me some time off work, so I can take em up on my invitation?


    If you are invited, but can't go, can you ask to go another year? Do certain councils or regions get more spots, or was it just that our council may have been one of those "test" councils. I know a lot of people that got the packet. Really would love to go, and take my 17 year old and let him do NAYLE, but I just can't get away from work this year.

  14. All I can say is WOW!!! Our very small council, will not do anything but basic leader courses during its annual University of Scouting during early fall. Everyone sits through New Leader Essentials (unless you show up late for the day) then they do age level training.. SM/ASM, Commissioner training or Den Leader specific. And then they wonder why no one bothers to come. I have been a registered leader for 5 years and been to several age trainings. Cub Scout Pow-Wow is on a different day and they do teach supplemental classes there, no basic training.


    My big complaint.. Is set the date and get the info out to the masses as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute to let everyone know what is going on. Let me know the classes are worth my while and give me time to schedule them.


    I recently went to another councils University of Scouting and had a wonderful time. Learned lots. One course was on Outdoor First Aid, was taught by an ER doc and Professor of ER medicine, who just happened to be an outdoorsman and dad to a Tiger in the council. His information was relevant to areas in the council, including at Council camp. Another was a show of gadgets... a backpacker SM and a car-camping SM showed off their toys. -- backpack stove vs All the coleman cooking goodies, Great to have opinions of people that have used them.

  15. Pizza for one patrol at Troop meeting... that sounds like you are asking for whining and complaining to start in... I can see the patrol that wins the pizza having the other boys hanging over them, saying "hey good buddy, you remember when I helped you out?" etc.. Too many of them will beg and bribe and it won't be a special thing for them.. The kids are indoctrinated with everything must be fair from everywhere else, so make it easy for the winners to enjoy the spoils of glory.


    How about getting some pizza's to campout for that one patrol?? Or as supper when they return from camping? Little easier to see the winners can enjoy and the others are only slightly envious.. but not begging.. work it into program.. I also like idea of SM cooking or cleaning for patrol.

  16. For those of you that get the chance, check on "NASCAR Angels" this week, was just on here in the east. Each week, they select an "deserving" individual, repair and upgrade his car, and throw in some visits with NASCAR celeberities. This week it was a SM in inner city Indianapolis. His car was re-done, he and some of his troop visited "The Brickyard" race track, he and his troop were given camping goodies from several NASCAR sponsors and the boys in his troop earned Auto Mechanics merit badge helping the shop repair his car. Really cool show. Video of show is available at NASCAR site. http://www.nascar.com/video/cup/2008/02/19/nascar.angels.204.nascar/index.html?MostPopular


    I am not a big NASCAR fan, but really enjoyed the show. Like most of our troops, he had boys in complete uniforms, boys in partial uniforms and boys in tee shirts. It showed boys as boys, they weren't all dressed in perfect brand new uniforms from Scout shop. This was not a National BSA production, but did really show Scouting in a good light. Showed SM doing what most SM's do. Trying to change boys lives and make a difference.


  17. Should OA lodges collect permission slips and/or Medical authorization forms for events? I am thinking more of things like Conclaves than ordeal or fellowship weekends. In either case, since the lodge member usually will not have a parent along, shouldn't the lodge require permission forms/and authorization for medical treatment.


    Is our lodge the only one that doesn't collect these? Or is OA somehow outside of BSA and G2SS regulations?


    I don't like to be an alarmist, but it scares me terribly to see these adults (that I don't know well) taking boys hundreds of miles away without a form. I would hate for my son to trip, break his arm, and then wait in pain for me to be contacted, while the hospital won't even give him a tylenol (because they don't have authorization and he isn't 18 yet.)


  18. Do be sure and annotate Dual Membership on apllications. Also when re-charter comes up, don't forget to remind everyone. If you do internet re-charter, you have a check box to mark your dual registered, non-primary (non-paying) members.



  19. Beav,


    ya not gonna make this grit-eater jealous! We have many days of sunshine. Even last week when the temp was in the teens overnight, it got up to upper 40's during day and we had gorgeous sunshine. It's not the cold I mind, it is the grey dreary days without end that I disliked when I went "up north". I was having beginning to have issues after 5 days with no sun, just a never ending cycle of rain, sleet, and snow. This morning we had thunderstorms and tornado watch. By lunch, we were in the 60's and the sun was out. Nice day to get outside (and I don't have to worry about frostbite).


    Cold weather camping is a challenge, since some of our boys don't even have a winter coat. My son has a ROTC coat and a pair of hunting coveralls. And soon he will have a HS letter jacket. No other outdoor wear. He does however, have a 15 degree sleeping bag, a liner and some long johns and sweats.. yes, what you aren't supposed to have cotton. (or a cotton blend at least). The only coats/pants you can find around here are camo hunting clothes.

  20. spend time getting to know him.. find out what his likes, dislikes and experience are. Hope he really enjoys Scout type things and has a Scouting background. Be there to talk and answer questions. Just be positive and don't expect the new one to be the old one.


    Previous one had a business degree and athletic background, but no Scouting, didn't like camping, was great at talking to the little boys and fundraising, but wasn't much interested in program. New one is Eagle Scout, loves hiking, mountain biking and recruits boys with his "cool toys". He really cares about the program and empathizes with volunteers. He was hired, because he went to council office to volunteer, and found there was a real need he could fill. He is not originally from the area, but works hard to learn.

  21. Ok, I guess I should have been more specific. I do remember that the Scout applied on the youth application. I am looking for more information on things like if they have to audition or submit a tape or a recommendation letter. I know a Scout is honest and wouldn't say "hey, I can play trumpet" if he couldn't but there could be a big range of ability between various boys. I would think they would want boys with Marching Band experience. What I really looking for is information on the selection process and specific requirements that would relate to band.

  22. Does anybody know the previous requirements for Jambo band? My son has expressed interest in going to Jambo 2010 as a band member. I remember seeing the info for 2005, but since he was going as a contingent member, I didn't pay a lot of attention. Since he will be 19 in 2010, he is exploring options on going as staff.


  23. I don't specifically know of anyone that used this exact line, but I suspect it (or something very similar is used often). I think many of those parents learn which troops are the MB & Eagle mills and move their sons to those troops. I know of at least two boys that have left our troop for a better fit because that was their reason for being there -- getting Eagle for the bragging rights.


    I think of the mom who when I mentioned a conflict my son had with a band activity telling me that "thank goodness sons have earned their eagle and are through with that (scouting)." This is the same mom when asked how her oldest son had gotten an early admission letter from West Point, replied "he is an Eagle Scout." The real question was how the process worked that her son got an admission letter early and another young man (who is also an Eagle) was going for an interview with our Congressman the next week to try to secure a nomination. And the real answer was that he went to a special summer program that gave him extra points.

  24. It can be done, but I think many kids aren't motivated quite enough.


    We have one boy, who crossed over in Feb and picked up First Class last meeting before Christmas. He hasn't missed many meetings, and almost always makes it to other activities. He crossed over and then began to prepare for camporee. We had a campout and a lockin (slept in building, but spent all day outside setting up camp, cooking, etc) at the church in preparation for camporee that he attended. He went to summer camp (said first year program was boring because he had already done it all) and has been on all our campouts this fall. He has participated in other activities and community service that the troop has done. Now, granted, he lives next door to the church that is our CO and his mother is active in church and is Cubmaster, so he has the opportunity and support to attend things. When his mom when to Akela Cub weekend, he had opportunity to assist with program. Mom also drove him to several summer merit badge programs sponsored by local college in adjoining district, but he was the one that wanted to attend the classes when he found out they were available.


    We have another boy who joined the troop a couple of years ago, came for a while, and then quit because he was caught in a tug of war between Mom and Dad. He came back just a couple of months ago and has already earned Tenderfoot. He is a little older and more mature and now is ready to set the world on fire. It does help that he has a grandaddy that is a believer in Scouts and makes sure all his grandchildren that want to be in Scouts get to be there.


    We have other boys who joined in May as school was ending. They didn't have the Scouting background, and the extreme devotion to the program, and they have only just completed every thing for Tenderfoot.


    My own son is one of those, that will float along just enjoying the program and the suddenly realize he wants a higher rank before some event. He was First Class for a year, then just before Natl Jambo, he decided he wanted to go as Star. Rocked along as Star for a year, then decided he wanted to go to something else as Life and got his act together. I think now that he has been Life for nearly two years, he is much more mature and much more ready to demonstrate the leadership that is expected of an Eagle Scout.


    So is First Class First Year achievable for average Scout? I guess it depends on the program the troop offers. And then whether this "average" Scout really wants to be there or if it is just something to do. Some LOVE it, and some just go because they "don't have anything better to do".



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