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Posts posted by scottteng

  1. We try to nip this in the bud in advance. Who is going to blow off their water skiing session. We let the new scouts know in no uncertain terms that until they have Swimming and First Aid mb there are certain trips they are not eligible for. We did have two older scouts decide that they wanted to do lifeguard to "hang at the pool all day" of course it does not hurt that our new eagle scout has a summer job at the city pool as a lifeguard. Warn them in advance about the boring parts and do not let them take MB's that can not be completed at camp. Why do camps offer sports or athletics without making sure the boys know the prereq's. Those are the most likely ones to be blown off they think its like PE in school and it isn't.

  2. As long as it is on there only the most extreme of the uniform police will get out their tape measure and check distances. As long as it looks OK it should be fine. If I were you I would send the old uniform to summer camp to get all nasty and save the new uniform for the COH afterwards. We actually have kids in our troop that have a camp uni and a dress uni the camp ones acquire mustard, ketchup, and other stains as they are required to wear them to dinner!

  3. Our general plan is a by the scouts for the scouts outline. A communication MB candidate is the MC with all the scouts participating. They describe each event since the last COH and what they did and what they learned. Sometimes it almost gets roses and thorny. One scout for each event from the newest new scout to the JLC. The only rule is they had to be there. some of em turn into Popsicles but it is all good. Seems to work for us, some MC's do ceremonial stuff others just call up the presenters and let em go for it all the while is running a powerpoint slide show of the best of the pics from the troop historian. Leaders present the rank cards and MB cards. Never heard a gripe from a parent yet even if their kid was one of the popsicles its still a good photo op.

  4. Our camp staffs are officially a crew too. They have spirit and camaraderie and are generally ok. I fear the main reason they are a crew is to cover them with insurance in case one of them should get hurt. Most are BSA members anyhow and for the cost of a new application the camp crew is covered.

  5. I would recommend a call to the local council office to obtain the phone numbers of the Shooting Sports Directors. These fine gentleman are camp school trained to run shooting sports programs. This would be the person to contact. We have a number of them here but they are always in need of extra help being the volunteers they all are. Don't know about anywhere else but in order to run a range here you need a council card which you earn in 20 hours OJT on the range.

  6. It til now has never been a problem because the boys who are den chief's have also had other POR's with the troop along the way. Some of the boys do much better with the cubs they succumb to peer pressure to goof around when with their peers then the most amazing transition takes place. The very things the lad has been scolded about will come out of his mouth at the den meetings. If there was someone who wanted to just do Den Chief I would try to find out why and closely monitor his performance. Their are plenty of troop POR's that really do not require much leadership just some work and dedication. Den chief requires leadership just at a different age level and don't forget it also means interacting with a den leader as well.

  7. I agree with the buck a can no change easy to justify have bottled water too. The real tourist traps here in Florida get $3 for bottled water. I would not try to sell mixed with water beverages such as lemonade or bug juice that is asking for a problem. Give someone a can or sealed bottle and they know it has not been tampered with. Add candy bars and bagged snacks to the mix and you have a winner. I would not even go the hot dog route as that needs cooking. These options will keep you out of health dept. requirements also.

  8. It's Florida its the rainy season. We are not so much concerned with clean as with dry. All our campers are told to pack 7 sets of clothes in zip lock bags for the six days at camp and to bring a clothesline for drying stuff weather permitting. It may just get rinsed again. Some even know to hang stuff in their tent if it really should stay dry Uniform shirts come to mind. It was not too long ago when most people had two sets of clothes and they took a bath monthly if needed or not so the boys will survive a week of camp. Thank God for aquatics first year campers probably would not shower were it not required to go in the pool. Most of ours take an aquatics MB or Patch every year not so much to stay clean but because the pool is cooling in 95+ degree weather.

  9. We used to run a E prep exercise every year with a scenario like a downed plane and teams searching with maps and coordinates and first aid when they found the victims. Been a while since we did it. it would work well for a district camporee. Most of our boys do e prep at summer camp I assume they participate in some kind of mock drill like the one we used to put on.

  10. Too many words! reduce the front page clutter to the bear essentials with click out links to all the expanded stuff. Decide who your primary customer is and gear the web site to them is it a recruiting tool, for the boys, for the parents, or for the leaders. All of the other stuff can be there but it all should not go on the front page. One of the more successful packs in our area web site is here:


  11. Stuff happens it could have been misplaced or the address on the target not clear and patch RTS. Find a friendly shooting sports director and see if he has a spare one. If your district has a shooting sports team (crew) you could ask one of the leaders of it where one could be had. They send the patches out on an honor basis now and we send back a list of names that got them. It was killing the budget sending all the targets in when they just pitched them. The other option would be to call the NSSF the number on their website is 203.426.1320.

  12. Some pack troops have buy outs if the scout does not fund raise a certain amount then the parents must cut a check to the pack/troop. Some parents prefer this option or to pay as they go for son's scouting experience. Different families have different values.

  13. We have a week long day camp but each cub only gets appx three total hours instruction and range time. We usually have two 45 minute sessions and 3 30 minute sessions because of specials removing chunks of time from certain days. This is not sufficient to gain enough proficiency for the pin. We shoot the daisy bb gun 15' target rather than the easier nra one. If we are inclined we may shoot the NSSA patch target as well. We do class only Monday and then one maybe at most two five round shoots on Tues. Wed. and Thurs then Friday we just do fun shoot as all scores must be compiled and into advancements Thursday evening. There are plenty of awards available Belt loops, NRA pins, Daisy pins, NSSA patches. We did the NRA airgun safety program this year for a change from the BSA program. They are all very good with specific things we want the cubs to all take home at the end of the week. We also recruit for a shooting team and I suppose those boys could ear a pin if so inclined but they seem to drift more towards competitive endeavors. Shooting Daisy targets as we do would preclude issuing pins as they are much smaller than the specified targets. The other rather wishful requirement is that the cub scouts adjust sights. All our bb guns and 22 rifles are equipped with match sights and we do everything in our power to keep the cubs and boy scouts from messing with them.

  14. Archery and BB gun are not on the Sportsman list. In areas without day camp programs they are just too hard to get. Sounds like you already made a call and he covered you.

  15. I recall the thread and the general consensus that was arrived at after much back and forth was that scouts should wear uniforms if and where appropriate. The brainier parts ie. presentations to boards, appearances before govn't agencies and low labor projects call for uniforms. Grunt work in the hot sun ie. digging holes, planting trees, clearing trails call for appropriate clothing here that it likely T-shirt and shorts. An older scouting shirt would be nice.

  16. To the list I would add pencil and paper. We encourage the boys to come to meetings with Pencil, paper, rope, Scout handbook already. It needs some thought maybe they should bring all those items to every meeting. It is a great setup for a day trip or for a summer camp day pack but do include the pencil and paper.

  17. Like most corporate relocations they were made an offer they could not refuse to move to Texas. Lots of contributed dollars. There are people who will eventually give you the names etc but that is the crux of it plus Texas is central to the country not in the NE corridor like NJ.

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