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Posts posted by scottteng

  1. We have an excellent chaplain's aide who is not a first class scout but who provides an excellent non sectarian service for our troop. The only difference is is that he does this because he likes it not because he needs it for his next rank. He is in regular contact with our appointed by COR chaplain. Why rock the boat?

  2. The real America could be defined as those areas which still can be defined by less people per square mile as can be supported by that area of land. The other areas would be classified as cities which by their nature must have support in the nature of food imports, centralized water and sewage disposal, and other government organized support systems. If one would view a county by county electoral map one would easily see the dichotomy of red vs blue. That government is the answer does not occur to the people living outside the blue zones it is a fact of life to those within.

  3. Well Lisabob what does it hurt to spread some of that rank wealth around! Sorry for the dig at your well stated political affiliations which you are entitled too. It harms all the other life scouts who may have struggled against all odds to attain that rank. Eagle fortunately is another story said candidate must come up with a project which will pass muster, and convince a district board that it has done so while demonstrating said candidate's leadership ability. Note that leadership may be conspicuously absent from the candidate's resume to this point all of his POR's being just that responsibilities to the troop such as the librarian where as long as he did not loose over half the unused merit badge books he will be a success. What else can one do with the not quite ready for prime time scout who earns the merit badges and does not overly rock the boat. Maybe the striving for Eagle will ready him or at least not embarrass the other Eagles too much.

  4. The problem is lack of repetitive reinforcement of the skills specified. A taut line hitch was used extensively on every campout not many years ago. None of my troop's current equipment requires one of them. Even the stake out lines have those little metal or plastic thing-a-ma-jigs that simplify the process for both us and for the scouts. Should they learn it sure! When they do not remember it a couple of years later who's fault is it? The real question is when in a situation where they had to tie that knot or something close would they at least do something. How much of what you learned in school do you remember? Oh I have an Algebra test here for you how much is that again? The real question is do the requirements need to be updated again? My confession is I cannot tie a taut line hitch without consulting a scout book mainly because I never use it.

  5. We have a "tree weed" that grows here in South Florida wherever there is too much moisture. It can get to 2" staff size in one season of growth. It has a very pretty mottled brown and blond wood when the bark is scraped off the leaves that are on it when growing are 5 pointed fuzzy ones. It makes great walking staffs and is in abundant supply and has much more character than the broomstick versions sold at most scout shops.

  6. Webelos leader outdoor is required for said leader to earn their webelos leader knot. The way this course is being run at present is in combination with IOLS the boy scout version of same and affords the webelos leader opportunities to develop relationships with ASM and SM's of troops that actually attend training. All in all it is a worthwhile training session. Our local rule is that your BALOO is good until the next time our district offers the Webelos leader outdoor after that you are toast. Most webelos would be better off piggybacking camping on a troop they are considering joining sometimes boys are way different on a trip than in a meeting. Don't camp the cubs too much or they get burned out on it and miss all the fun of boy scouts.

  7. Cast iron fry pans are superb for ones daily use pans around the house. I have four of different sizes that I keep in use. The use that a troop may put them too may not be the best for them. When I stored pans in my non climate controlled garage the seemed to acquire a layer of rust due to humidity and the oil to turn to muck with the dust. I suspect that the same thing would happen in a troop trailer particularly if the pan was not dried on the stove and re-oiled. Our troop gear are the stainless steel camping sets with the removable handles. These lack the "non-stick" coating which seems to be the issue. If the boys burn stuff in em we turn them loose with a brillo pad and a little or a lot of elbow grease will get them clean. The problem with "non-stick" is that stuff still sticks and then you are limited in what you use to clean them. Visit a professional or restaurant kitchen and you will see stainless cookware most of the time.

  8. Yeah its weather underground tried to go back but the edit button is off on that post (now back on??). There are no magic truth filters out there especially in the muddiest election it seems we have ever had. Both parties seem to pick the worst possible people to be their respective nominee. You can bet though if McPain had associations with say David Duke that Obama has had with Ayers that the pot would be boiling over with outrage.(This message has been edited by scottteng)

  9. " Barack Obama, elected by the Board of Directors as founding chairman and president of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (19951999), resigned as chairman and president in September 1999 to run as a candidate in the 2000 Democratic primary for the 1st Congressional District of Illinois, and was succeeded by Edward Bottum (19992001)."


    So the chairman of the board of directors is not considered an employee oh that's right he's the boss. This quote is right from the wiki article you posted a link too. Sorry in my book he's an employee. Barak Hussain Obama, William Ayers(of Black Panther fame), et al blew through 100 million dollars of foundation money with no significant accomplishments.

  10. Axe and knife throwing are grouped together and known as rendezvous sports. Operates under the same regs as any other shooting sport venue. You need a location, a shooting sports director(who can have all the other venues open too) and a rendezvous qualified range master. Is not something a troop should do on their own hook but if you have a scout reservation with a range nearby something that could be arranged there. Our rendezvous area is right next to archery and is very popular when open during our field days.

  11. We have a lot of boys with certain Merit badge cards from a neighboring council's Merit badge counselors. Most of the large museums and wildlife places have found it to their advantage to offer both boy scout and girl scout programs. The majority are in the city and are registered with the other council. We have even gone as a troop to some of these programs. Some of our scouts have attended that councils merit badge university. Most of these do tend to be the easier ones not the ones with three month requirements and non Eagle required. We have a district list for counselors for travel reasons. It is fairly up to date usually once per year. As long as the Scoutmaster and advancement person are happy why would there be any question from on high.

  12. Sometimes guests are invited to share their expertise in that case it would be appropriate for the troop to pick up their meals. Some requirements require discussion with public official and if your SM can get one to your campout kudo's are in order. Sometimes outsiders are required for activities shooting sports and pools jump to mind. Camp masters are often invited to share a meal with the troop. Our troop has a rule if you are one of the required two leaders for a trip the troop pays your meals and fees. If you are an extra beyond the two adults you are expected to pay your own way.

  13. This is the time they should be using to shop the prospective troops they may join. All troops are slightly different and multiple visits and even a camping trip help the prospect get to know the rest of the troop. I would forgive the poor pack event attendance if they were exploring the next step.

  14. Observe them if they are close by all means put them together that will make a hard transition easier and allow them to work together towards advancement. If they are the oil and water boys then this is the perfect opportunity to separate them for the good of all.

  15. We now have a troop bugler a lapsed middle school trumpet player. Wakes em up in the AM and puts em to bed at night. I have heard that the honorarium for a military funeral is $75 to the bugler (this being Florida there are plenty of these) but my very lazy son will still not learn how to play taps. The new bugler is his best bud in the troop and regular tent partner. We do tend to overleadership the run of the mill POR's. They are just that a position with a responsibility to the troop. Be it wake up calls, merit badge books for the next guy, understandable "church" services, or a scrap book with photos.

  16. Some people are just oil and water they won't mix no matter what. Some of the bickering is amusing reading but it sometimes gets out of hand. I read a post today where someone new was not coming back because they felt they had been mistreated. Sometimes the very familiarity we strive for breeds contempt for politeness. This I think is one of those human nature things most of us fight more with our spouse and kids than anyone else.(This message has been edited by scottteng)

  17. We too present the badge a week at most two after the BOR and present the pocket cards, parent pins and paper First class certs at the next COH. We only do two COH per year under this system sometimes the parents get a lot of pins from the new scout patrol. We had an older brother of one of our new scouts join and he got all three ranks at the last COH. Had to catch up to go on the first class and above reward trip b4 school cranked back up.

  18. It always helps for someone associated with your troop to be in the district loop. Talk someone into being a unit commissioner if those are needed in your area they will not be assigned to you but they will be in the loop.Our district has its own web site thanks to someones wood badge ticket. Info on said site is usually more accurate than council's. Round tables are important to attend that is where this months info is. Things may well indeed be canceled we will cancel scheduled trainings if less than 6 people have let the chairman know they are coming. It does not make sense to have 5 instructors to teach one participant. Don't throw too many stones at the LDS troops remember they are draftees not volunteers like the rest of us. We have two LDS troops in our district and the SM's attend round table regularly. The local bishop must use his good sense in picking them as they have kids involved. Maybe the quality of scouts varies in inverse proportion to your distance from Utah as the real horror stories seem to come from that area.

  19. You probably have him out of his comfort zone. He may have never even heard of that specific training. I would be proactive order the $12.99 syllabus from national then next time you see him have the syllabus in hand and ask him for help getting through it. There is not much demand for some of the odder specific trainings we have never had more than one for venture specific. The syllabus is item 34877 available here:


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