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About scotiacat

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  1. I was over on ebay and came across a Scout Swastika!!! Is this for real or a hoax? It says it was "old school" before the Germans took it, but I find it hard to fathom. I also wonder if it is real/true, what people think of it, knowing what it means now, although apparently not then. In another thread someone asked if something was a Scout item in the past is it still legit now.... can you imagine the issues if a Scout wore this item today????? http://cgi.ebay.com/V-RARE-BOY-SCOUTS-SWASTIKA-THANKS-BADGE-SCOUTING_W0QQitemZ120058315833QQihZ002QQcategoryZ404QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. I'm not sure where to stand on this topic. Looking at official Council websites and even in marketing materials, the Tigers are STILL shown wearing the "old" orange T-shirts. Some even show both uniforms in their marketing and sites. I'm not sure if this has some connection to using up over-runs of marketing materials and even excess shirts at the Council stores or something, but at least the sites are running consistent with the flyers and pamphlets they are giving out.(This message has been edited by scotiacat)(This message has been edited by scotiacat)
  3. Catch and Release.... Let me get this straight; I catch a fish, it is under the state Department of Wildlife's minimum length. Do I release it or risk getting caught by a game warden and facing fines, penalties and possibly jail time for having in my possesion an illegal fish? Uh- duh!!! Hello....
  4. http://www.peta.org/feat/merit/index.html Is there anything this group won't do????
  5. During last nights college Bowl game on ESPN, the BYU (Brigham Young University) Cougars had the ball and the announcers were talking about their (Mormon) Church Service where they were required to go to other areas and do their church work. It was during this discussion with the co-announcer that they also mentioned of the 92 players, there were 30 Eagle Scouts on the team. Interesting...
  6. Thought the folks would be interested in these three articles from our local paper. http://www.masslive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/living-0/113195787744470.xml?nnae http://www.masslive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news-0/1130835010199160.xml?nncp http://www.masslive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news-0/1130834701199160.xml?nnnp
  7. Longhaul, The 2005 second printing edition of the Cub Scout Leader Book clearly defines (and updates) the advancement of each rank. No longer does it say they must be in first grade for a Tiger, second grade for a wolf and so on. It now reads that a "Tiger Cub badge is for those boys who have completed kindergarten (or are 7 years old)." This is on page 18-4 of the book. It also refers to the other ranks in the same manner. Since June 1st is the advancement date, this enables all Scouts, even Tigers, to attend summer camp and do work specific to their rank. As an added note,
  8. I would then tell Torveaux to go back and re-read his Wolf book and not to select words from a paragraph by leaving out the remaining portions. (is this where the Scout police come in and warn about interpretation of the written rules?) it continues... "He might, however, find some electives that he could be completing before he earns his Wolf badge. Some of the activities in "Sports," Wolf elective 20, might be examples. As long as he completes these electives after he has earned his Bobcat, you may credit him for them, but be sure to keep him focused on the 12 achievements until
  9. I think if you read the comments from FScouter, Bob White and others, they tend to read "scripture" from the BSA as if it is law. That is the impression they give, there is no flex in a subject, no gray area what so ever. No common sense, just because it is written, "so it shall be done".
  10. WARNING... this message may be taken as an attack on an individual. However, it is NOT. Rather, it is my interpretation to one (and others) posters actions. It is made to encourage thought and debate. Maybe it should be its own thread, I don't know. FScouter, while I applaud you on your knowledge and also your research and looking up the answers for everyone in various manuals much like Bob White, I have to ask, is everything done by the book? I challenge you to find any day camp, where the Scouts wear a camp shirt, that the adults don't encourage the Scouts to salute. They, for thi
  11. After reading some of the replies, I thought I'd chime in with my two cents. So the Chartering Organization gets everything, let's take a look at this, at least from my perspective: 1.. My pack gets a place to meet, a hall in the church from the CO. We get no money or anything else, just a meeting room. 2.. You mean to tell me, when we have a fundraiser and the money that goes into the pack account and Scout account, the CO (in this case, the church) owns those funds? 3.. If someone, regardless if they are inside or outside the pack donates tents, money, equipment to the pack, the C
  12. As a parent, I would repremand my child if the incident was out of control. If the leader handled my son in such a manner, he'd be looking up at the sky while lying on his back! Sure, I'd be just asa wrong. But if charges are put on me, I'd claim it was self defense for my child who was being manhandled by an adult. By the way, the leader would've had charges filed as well. I'm sure the BSA National office would like this type of publicity.... NOT!!!
  13. Good God people, are we that brain washed that we live every minute and every day by the BSA book? We don't don't even live by the good "Book", yet we have this debate.... Think about this, then you tell me what is right and what is wrong. When companies and their employees donate to the United Way, the UW doesn't discriminate against those people and how they contributed or where they contributed it from. Now, where do you think the local BSA Council's get their funding from? Yep, you got it, the United Way. So when the companies and employees of Miller, Anheiser-Busch, Coor
  14. The first thing that comes to mind after reading some of the replies are that first we have the uniform police, now we have the fund raiser/activity police. What am I referring to? I Quote: "The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members." "It's those last words, "any activity involving participation of youth members", that seem to disqualify this type of fundraising." By that s
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