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Proud Eagle

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Everything posted by Proud Eagle

  1. I really must thank everyone for the intelligent replies. I never expected any based on what I first posted. I must say I stand corrected about Judge Moore's oath of office. However, the idea that US Federal Courts supercede any State/Local government oath of office automatically is false. In practice the federal government can impose its will on any state or local government and the officers thereof. However, if Judge Moore's oath of office had not included any obligation to uphold the US Constitution (which others have testitified that it did, and I take them at their word) th
  2. Why couldn't a thread started a year and a half ago with its last post being over a month ago be allowed to die? This same issue keeps coming up and coming up and coming up. Nothing new is added to it. No progress is made. The only thing that is ever accomplished is to deepen the devide between the opposing sides and scare away the undecided/moderate croud from gitting into the debate. I imagine we all have our views on this issue and will probably not change them based on on some post on the internet. Therefore further posts on this issue, while perhaps entertaining, serve no
  3. I am going to give this in story form. I will summarize with numbers at the bottom of the post. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I joined Tiger Cubs in first grade back in the fall of 1990 I think. I stayed in Cubs all through the program including 2 years of Webelos. In spring of 1995 (or maybe it was fall 94 ?) I went to a Council Camporee that had invited all Boy Scouts and Webelos (with parents I believe) to attend. My father and I were the only members of our pack to attend. When we arrived my dad checked us in and the
  4. Well I really do learn something new every day. I had never heard of such a thing before. Now I know that they are. Here is a question- What in the world do you need those for at a summer camp? I can't imagine wanting MORE heat during summer camp.
  5. I don't think there is any problem with females on camp staff, generally speaking. There can be problems related to female camp staff. If females are hired because they are females, or to provide girls to keep the boys on staff from getting lonely, that would not be a good thing. However, if the female is the most qualified person for holding the postition at Scout camp, then I see no reason not to have them. (As long as facilities and such allow for it.) In fact it would be great if we could replace some of the so-so staffers with top notch staffers of either gender. I am a bi
  6. The reason we have problems with 3 to a tent is all the gear. Each Scout seems to bring a duffel full of stuff at least half their own size. Plus 3 presents greater opportunity for personality conlfict. It just isn't an optimal situation. Now, for backpacking the packs stay outside so no issue with gear in the way. When we have odd numbers we handle it one of two ways. If the odd number is with the group of younger scouts we go 3 to a tent. If the odd number involves older Scouts, they have the option of one tenting alone. I don't really see this as a buddy system problem becau
  7. This could get a bit off track. Sorry. DS, what is wrong with "The Great Southern Region"? oh, is the BSA website correct that current starting salaries are 32k ? Most of us in the volunteer ranks don't really know what anyone makes. We generally are lead to believe that new DEs get paid worse than teachers (which would not be true in our area if that number is correct). We are also generally lead to believe that our council SE has a 6 figure income. No one really seems to know. That is just what rumor mill usually seems to think. Oh, and how much of a bad sign is
  8. OldGreyEagle, My SM likes a simpler version of that same saying. He just goes with, "Semper ubi sub ubi." Apparently it was the actually his patrol moto for a while way back when. That is one of those perks of having a college English teacher as an SM. That and many whitty jokes, comments, come backs and the like. Few of the boys can ever match wits with him because of his excellent command of language. I was never a great student of Latin. I remember some bits and pieces of it and how to look up most of what I don't remember. I think I would be in deep trouble if I had to tra
  9. I hate to accuse anyone of anything, or make claims about someone else's actions. However, I think it seems justified in this case. BSA is not doing a good job of explaining the patrol method and its current form of implementation. The blame goes to the pros, the volunteers, to everyone in the BSA in a leadership role. Certainly some people, programs, places have the system working fine and are teaching it well. That seems to be far from universal. Back when I was first elected to be SPL I went out and got as much information on how the troop was supposed to function as I c
  10. yeash! That sounds like it was about a thunderstorm and an injury away from being an unmitigated dissaster. I hope that was either a very bad weekend for the troop, or you can find a different troop that has its act together. Good luck on your search for a quality unit. (and no, I don't mean one with the patch and ribon, though that is something to look for)
  11. Eamonn, Someone would have to be nuts to think what you are trying to do is bad. So long as you are filling positions with people capable of doing them, you sound like you are right on target. It would be great if there was no need for people to fill multiple positions within Scouting. However, I think we all know that is sometimes necessary to get the job done. So while it may not technically be allowed to be a unit leader and a unit commissioner, there are times that is necessary to get the job done. The same could be said of any number of other situations. If you make delivering
  12. I guessed that you probably had some work around for that. I was just giving you a little virtual elbowing in the ribs. I think you are spot on about smaller numbers being quieter. However, I have to wonder why it is even a problem. I know in my troop everyone just understands that 2 is what works best. Most of the Scouts have had the experience of being stuck in a tent with 3, and everyone's gear, and doesn't want to repeat it. Though for backpacking I think the troop has been going 3 to a tent lately, since the gear stays out of the tent, and weight is an issue. Oh, we use the Eur
  13. OK, whoever hijacked Bob White's account should go ahead and turn himself in. We all know that Bob White would never make a Troop rule, since all needed rules are in the program as is. Sorry, I just really counld't help myself.
  14. The committee members must set a good example to the troop. The CC should certainly wear the uniform to set an example to both the youth and adults. (Imagine the chairman of the board showing up without a suit, same mental image for a CC out of uniform.) Any committee members that work with youth should also wear the uniform. If a committee member only goes to committee meetings and the youth (including their children) don't see them going to a Scout meeting without uniform, well, not much harm done.
  15. I just have to second what has been said. The person should wear the uniform of the position they are performing. If that is somehow not possible wearing their primary position uniform would be a reasonable second choice. The most recent uniform inspection sheats actually make the point about shoulder loops that everyone should wear the loops for the position they are performing at that moment. So the COR always wears silver loops? Our COR is also the district advancement chair, does that make any difference? Our COR is also a committee member (he was an ASM), would he wear silve
  16. Gettysburd is great. I went there with my troop back in '97 while we were heading up to Baltimore, DC, and a visit to Jambo. There is something awe inspiring about the place. It is beyond my ability to explain, but it is plain that it is hallowed ground. Have a good time (and if you go into town, don't worry about the constant sirens, it is nothing.)
  17. Here is what is probably a dumb question... Can you be registered in multiple councils at the same time?
  18. I will give my date of birth, but it will require some work to convert it as this hasn't been the standard form for giving dates in quite a few centuries. DIES MARTIS A.D. XVIII KAL. OCT. MMDCCXXXVI A.U.C. That should leave most of the members of the forum in the dark. Now for a date that is of equal importance for Scouting purposes for me: My Eagle Board of Review: (in a more modern system than above) Dies Iovis xxxi Januarius MMII For anyone who happens to be an expert in the Classics, keep the translations to yourself. Hopefully those are converted correctly. I am
  19. oh come on, I think you can give FOG a break... It is not the adults job to give the youth something to do. While it is often a good idea to provide some ideas, it is up to the youth to act on them. That is one of the elements of being boy run. As adult leaders or job is to set up the buffet, explain the options, maybe make a few suggestions, and then get out of the way and let the boys eat. We don't spoon feed them. A couple of years ago I was asked to help organize and lead the planning process for the next years troop calendar. I talked some about things we had done in
  20. Obviously you need a good program to keep those that show an interest coming back. However, all the program in the world won't get you any new members if no one outside the unit knows about it. I would say the key thing is to develope some type of relationship with the cub units in the area. Optimally your SM or an ASM would make periodic contact with the pack leaders in the area to keep lines of communication open and your unit would provide den chiefs to some webelos dens to develope contact with the individuals. At the very least you should work with the leaders of the webe
  21. I am glad to see that my throwing gas into the fire didn't cause it to explode. Incorrect/incomplete uniforms are a problem in most units. I know it is a problem in my troop. My troop has 10 scouts that are life or star, maybe two of them have proper uniform on a regular basis. It was hard to tell the difference between the uniforms of those 10 experienced scouts and the 6 new ones last time I was arround. (this weekend) Somehow we have fouled up over the last 8 years. Back in '95 you didn't go into a board of review for advancement without complete uniform. Now most of the
  22. well, it seems my relief was short lived.... Here is an article I ran across today. It is from the Roman Catholic publication Crisis. It is published by Deal Hudson. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good News, Bad News CRISIS Magazine - e-Letter November 14, 2003 ********************************************** Dear Friend, I've got two things I want to bring to your attention... I'll start with the bad news. As you probably already know, the Episcopal church in America (ECUSA) recently
  23. I think you all missed my central point about Moore. He took an Oath to uphold the constitution of the state of Alabama. He never took an oath to follow the federal court or to follow the US Constitution. If you held Moore's position on the role of God in laws of Alabama(which seems to be backed by parts of the Alabama constitution), how could you uphold your Oath and follow the court order? I don't think it would be possible. Perhaps the federal court should consider reviewing the Alabama Constitution to see if it is Constitutional. Also, who has control of the state judicial buildi
  24. Brace yourselves for your daily break from reality. ------------------------------ As I am certain most of you know, the chief justice of the Alabama supreme court was removed for violations of the code of judicial cannons. I find this case to be an interesting one. I think the outcome was entirely predictable, and the appeal will find the same outcome. I do have pitty for Judge Moore. It is rare that someone is punished in this country for doing what they truelly believe to be right. I happen to believe that the Judge does believe he did the right thing. He may very
  25. FOG, you are right, members would have signed an application, so they should know. Though some of them may not have paid enough attention to what they signed. The bigger problem is people who think they are part of the committee but are not. This is mostly parents that attend the meetings when they are around and think it is actually a parents committee. NJ, Your first answer is what I expected. Your second is not. Thank you for your input. I don't really know the answer, I just remember a converstation about 3 or so years ago with a very reliable source.
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