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Everything posted by PNWscouter

  1. So, after soaking up all the posts on this topic as well as a little song, I came to some realizations. I must say that I am sorry, Sorry I didn't realize that in virtual scouting, extending class "b" wear from summer to the rest of the year would result in me driving my boys around in the bed of my truck, on private property without permission, drinking beer and cussing while shooting pistols at street signs or any other G2SS violation. I didn't realize adults wearing a uniform will give more support to their boys and be more trustworthy than they now are (you can even trust them with money.)
  2. CR, I feel once a week fundraising is quite excessive. I would guess the boys would burn out on this quickly. Does the LDS church not kick in quite a bit of money to help buy camping equipment? Fundraising for individual equipment is against the law if you are raising it under the impression it is for Boy Scouts or your church. Any funds that are raised under this non-profit status must remain with the troop or church. If you need a gear list email me and I will send you the one we use, or there are many on the net you could tailor to your needs. Most important when starting a new troop, re
  3. You mention some important points about mixed boys in patrols but in our troop we have the same thing going on with same age patrols. Even though they are in different patrols the older boys still help and try to maintain control over the younger boys. When we go camping the older boys will set up their site then help the younger boys, if the younger boys are having trouble cooking, they will ask help from the older boys, etc. On patrol outings the ASM or adults will help the younger boys. The problem with a mixed patrol is different age group doing different things. What do you do if the olde
  4. One warning about some colors that seem bright in sunlight and close range is they do not appear that way at a distance. Red is a perfect example of this, at a distance or in dim light conditions, red appears black. If you are looking for colors that can be seen beyond the range of a voice I would pick hunter (flourescent) orange. Also cammo is only effective if the person wearing it is perfectly still and against an object of simular color such as white in snow or treebark pattern standing against a tree trunk. In most cases there is a contrasting background which can be seen easily. Someone
  5. Yes, at camp I give the meds to the medic and let him deal with them. He administered them as the parents wished but I would give the scout his medication before bed since it was impossible to track down the medic and guess when would be the appropriate time. (He had to have them one hour before bed.) The main reason I posted this question was for our troop other outings throughout the year.
  6. "Everyone knows that each troop has the flexibility of creating a program that is tailored to their youth." That is not an accurate representaion of the fatcs. I know of nothing in the BSA program that says that. The program is already created. The Co in signing the annual "Shared responsibilities" agreement contracts with the BSA to follow their program, policies and procedures. Bob, in my view it is. You are right, the program is there but the BSA does not tell a troop they have to go on 3 backpacking trips, 2 tailgate camping trips and one high adventure trip a year. They leav
  7. Parents helping are not an option. Dad works all of the time and mom is not willing, trust me I have asked. So, what is considered administering medication? If I hold the medicaton bottle under lock and let the scout take the bottle and swallow the correct number of pills am I free from liability? Also, who would I contact to see if I would be liable to follow a parents note rather than the Dr's orders on the bottle if the dosage was less or at a different time than the Dr's orders? I would not give more than the Dr's orders but at different times could cause problems as well.
  8. So those of you who are a UC or DC, I am sure you see others in the position who do not do their duties. If you had to take a guess why do you think they sign up for a position if they are not going to do anything? Is it just a status thing for them? They can say the have a title and tell others they help scouters? The reason I ask, 8 years as a scouter, I have had one call from a UC asking when and where our meetings were so he could visit, after this conversation, he vanished. In 8 years I have never had a representitive from the district show up for a CS or BS meeting, I have never even see
  9. So I have to ask, what constitutes a uniformed organization? Rpushies, does this mean that any time your troop is together the uniform is on? Do your scouts wear their uniform every day of every outing? Others state they wear just the official shirt but any type of pants, is this considered being in uniform? If a scout wears everything but the socks, is he in uniform, in my personal opinion, no on all counts, he is not in uniform. I also do not consider Scout pants, socks, belt and a troop tee shirt a uniform but again, this is my opinion. Personally, I am a fan of the uniform, and in the p
  10. EagleInKy, sorry, I knew this and still managed to screw up! Trust me, if I continue to post on here, you will be a busy man, grammar and spelling are not my strong suits.......come to think of it, I have no strong suits.
  11. I agree that I just need to step back on this one, I have done all I can. I did not nor would not intentionally not give meds or withhold meds from any scout. If mom drops him off and gives me the meds and written instructions on when and how to administer them that conform to the instructions on the bottle, I will follow the instructions. If dad drops him off and does not give me the medication then I will not. Hopefully dad will be bringing him to the meeting. Here is another question, lets say that the bottle reads take 3 pills a day. Parents instructions read only give one in the am. Is th
  12. We also tried this and my son was the only WEBELO to attend the camporee. This was advertised at roundtable but was not planned well as there was nothing for him to do. I did not feel it was fair to pair him with one of my patrols because he could drag them down. It ended up working out because a few great scouters took him around and he helped grade campsites and perform other tasks of the "staff." I have offered our troop to help with WEBELO woods but it always seems that they have enough help. I wanted to do this so the boys would could be exposed to the cubs and possibly recruit from this.
  13. I am sure that many of you have scouts who are diagnosed with ADHD and are on meds. Many of these boys need this medication to maintain focus in their daily lives but it seems that some could do without (or lower doses.) I have one scout that is on medication, I cannot remember the name or dosage at this moment (it is on the med form if needed) and he takes another medication to sleep. When I handed over this medicine at summer camp, the medic responded with "wow, that is a large dose, no wonder he needs XXX to go to sleep." Now, this scout is a great boy but a follower and very lethargic. At
  14. My question is why break the NSP up if they wish to remain together? Why not hold an election and convert this NSP into a regular patrol?
  15. Okay, it has been a long day at work, let's see if I can do some math. My truck gets 16MPG with a V8. A newer truck or SUV will get 25MPG, a difference of 9MPG. Now, this new SUV will cost me 30k+, less the 5k the dealer will give me for mine. Sales tax, dealer fees, higher insurance rates, license etc wil eat up the 5K so we are back to 30K for the new truck. Now, with that 30K I keep my truck and buy gas. At 3 bucks a gallon I can buy 10,000 gallons of gas. Now, at 16MPG, I can drive an extra 160,000 miles. This does not factor in the interest I would have to pay on this new vehicle since I
  16. Actually I had 2/3 trips planned, one involving a canoe trip down a calm river, about 2-3MPH current. The second would be a waterski/motorboating MB class. I think I will test the boys that didn't pass at the lake if they want to ski but let them go on the canoe and in the boat if they want. Does this sound like a good plan? BTW, one boy was scared because he couldn't see the bottom, the other was because of the alge. Also, my son who will be a BS next x-over freaks out over fish!!!!!
  17. I have another question about swimmer tests. Suppose a scout passes his swimmer test in a pool following all the requirements. Later, he fails the same test at summer camp in a lake. Is this scout now considered a beginner and unable to do anything requiring a swimmer status? If so, do future tests now have to be administered in a lake? This recently happened to two of my boys.
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