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Everything posted by PACK15NISSAN

  1. Pack212Scouter: (Please note that I am simply trying to argue my case, so that if the requirement comes into question from one of the boys in another Pack I can reasonably defend myself and not have several boys that have to complete another 2 belt loops just to achieve that badge) I am not adding a requirement nor am I taking away one, I am simply modifying an existing one to include something that we all know should be there. Here is exactly what the requirement states: While you are a Webelos Scout, earn Cub Scouting Sports belt loops for two individual sports (badminton, bicyclin
  2. I really don't think my question is coming across very well. I realize that I went ahead and made a decision concerning my Pack, but is what I did a voilation of anything? Is it okay for the DL and/or the CM to change or modify a requirement toward rank?
  3. I have used the 'Fast Track' program, as a new leader a found it helpful. I had been involved and seen several den meetings before I took over but if not 'Fast Track' would be a great supplementary tool until NLE and Leader Specific training. As a Webelos leader I didn't see anything I would use but I still think the information is useful. Our Pack has no problems with Advancement but I would imagine that BSA has looked at the numbers and they have come up with this program to help those who aren't making the grade. It only takes about 30-45 minutes to complete and can be done onlin
  4. I was working on the Sportsman Activity Badge with my group during our Cub Scout Day Camp and filled everything out they completed and sent it home. It wasn't until I was filling in my son's book at home that I realized, the earn 2 individual sports belt loops requirement did not have a listing for either BB's or Archery. I counted both of them at camp and have already sent the kids (some from other packs) home with the approved papers for the parents to record. I talked it over with my CM and he said to go ahead and count it, should I call the other packs and talk to their Webelos Leader or C
  5. Thanks for the info concerning the Geogist Activity Badge. Our Pack is in Western North Carolina, I don't know of any caves that would help maybe Linville Caverns but I would need to check, and we don't have a Museum. However, we do have a University and a Technical College that might have some one who could help. I would not have really thought to see if we have a Geology Merit Badge Counselor, that would be great if we do. Thank,s
  6. I am planning on taking the boys to our local Arboretum, they have a Boy Scout and Webelos program that they can help get some of the badges done. One of the parents has a girlfriend who works there so we should be able to set things up so that we can do both the Naturalist and the Forrester Badge in one day with lunch in between to the class. Each class is about 2 and half hours long and cost $10, is this too much to ask of parents? I was planning on doing it on a Saturday, and I would still leave the evening free. We don't collect any den dues, so I don't think it will be a problem but
  7. In response to ScoutNut: Will be spending time with the boy scouts throughout both years. We already have several campouts with them planned for the fall and at least 1 in the spring. Each boy agreed that they wanted to try to earn the Super Acheiver, I will help push them to earn it, but I won't pull them along. I simply told them I would work as hard as they did, and that if everyone tried it could be done. However, if throughout the year we need to slow down or stop working so hard we will. My goal is for them to do their best not just get an award. I did talk to both the parents
  8. In response to John-in-KC: Super Acheiver is an award given to boys who complete all 20 Webelos Activity Badges. It is an award for any and all boys who earn it (it should make mention of it in the Webelos Handbook). I don't know anything about a Twentifier patch but the BSA program supports the Super Acheiver patch and if am not mistaken it is transferable to a boy scout badge. I already have lesson plans in place for them to earn their Webelos Badge by the end of December and really the only things that will hold them back from AOL at the end of the year will be putting in their ti
  9. AnaMaria, I agree with you whole heartedly, a boys success in Cub Scouts has a lot to do with parent involvement. We have den meetings each week, and pack meetings usually once a month, so the boys will have 3 to 4 days each month in den to work on badges. I am going to try not to give too much homework, but I going to let everyone know again that the boys need to be at each meeting or they will miss something and need to make it up. I also plan to have some days set aside for make-ups every couple of months for those who need it, if not they can just work on something fun with the Den Chief.
  10. I am a new leader in the cub scouting program and have just taken over our now Webelos den. My son joined in February this year and we worked hard to catch up and he achieved his Bobcat Badge, Bear Badge, Whittling Chip, 4 Belt Loops, World Conservation Bagde, God and Me, and 2 Arrow Points in about 3 months. We both had to go hard and we loved it so the current leader thought I would be good to lead the boys as they go into Webelos since it is a little faster paced. Our den consists of about 10-12 boys, but only 8 come consistantly. I am going to try and get them all (at the 8 who come)
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