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Posts posted by Nike

  1. I think we are seeing another example about how the quality of leadership impacts the quality of program, and how the biases of those adults also play out. We all know good troops, bad, troops, indifferent troops. And then there are the higher headquarters. We all have stories.


    There's something about calling your organization "American Heritage" and then excluding part of that heritage that I find noxious. To me it smacks of jingoism and nativism.


    And no, I don't know the particulars of the AHG program because the handbook and leader books can only be purchased by members and a large part of their website is password protected. There's just not a lot of transparency in the organization.





  2. JMH--


    GS of Western Washington has several info sessions this month. If one is in your area, it might be a place to meet the council rep for your area. If you emailed, don't hold your breath. Call council and ask to contact the specific Director of Membership & Marketing (basically a DE) or the Service Unit Manager for your area.



  3. http://www.ahgonline.org/uploads/FAQCharterRep.pdf


    Q. Who can be a Troop Unit or Assistant Leader?

    A. Qualifications include:

    At least 21 years of age and a citizen of the United States

    Willingness and desire to work with girls, parents and Troop Board

    Subscribe to and affirm the Oath, Creed, Mission Statement, Statement of Faith and all other rules of AHG, Inc.

    Communication and human relations skills

    Registered AHG member with Charter Organizations approval (background checks required.)


    This is on page 2 of the document. I suppose a CO may be more flexible.

  4. AHG got its start because they did feel culturally/morally excluded in GSUSA and were obviously not eligible for membership in BSA.


    Yes, we are all exclusive to some degree or another, but we structure our missions, visions, programs, etc to be inclusive to a greater of lesser degree.


    I'm somewhat suspicious of BSA's intentions toward AHG. Will the big-wigs in Texas promote the relationship until it no longer serves BSA's interests or are they in this for the long haul and mean to subsume AHG as a turn-key Girls' Division? Does anyone know BSA's record in this regard?




  5. My understanding of "twinning" is having both the pack and the girls' org do everything together except den/troop meetings, and even those might all occur at the same time but in different meeting rooms sometimes using the same meeting plans and materials.


    With kids involved in so much these days, I can see how that would look attractive to parents. However, Cubs is for boys and AHG is ostensibly for girls. I would think that co-events should be few and far between.


    Parents really need to ask themselves what they are looking for in a youth program. Efficieny is generally not an aim, goal or method in any of them. But we are a creative species, and we will make square pegs fit those blasted round holes.



  6. AHG will be limiting thier prospective choices of CO do to the requirement that the CO subscribe to the AHG Statement of Faith, and many civic organization won't want to sign it as well.


    AHG also requires that all volunteers be American citizens, 21, and subscribe to the Statement of Faith, with no caveat for legal-immigrants. This will be another limitation on thier possible growth.(This message has been edited by Nike)

  7. "good prospect for growth based on superior organizational patterns and values"


    Because GSUSA is such a weak, inferior, unorganized group promoting immorality that it could never reach it's centennial year on March 12, 2012. :) That crazy Daisy!



  8. I don't think AHG will eclipse GSUSA as a girls' organization because I don't believe that thier target population is large enough: families willing to enroll thier daughters for active proselytizing in exchange for a girls' scouting program.


    As for AHG, I think that they could really do well with the far-right evangelical churches and schools and the LDS wards. From all accounts, AHG would be much more engaging and fun than YWs.


    As for me personally, AHG wouldn't accept me as I am or as I think or as I Believe. As long as they are upfront that they are a ministry for the Christian evangelization of girls, more power to them.

  9. Were the AHGs very upfront about the fact they consider themselves a Christian ministry first and a girls' organization second?


    Do they have a mandatory statement of Christian faith for leaders? (I believe they at least used to.)


    I don't think AHG will ever eclipse Girl Scouts, but it is a better fit for some families.

  10. OMG!!!!!!


    If the situation is one adult and any number of girls, you have yourselves a significant mess/legal disaster in the making.


    Your friend needs help, of all sorts, now. Or, she needs to put her for down and stop meeting until she can get her required number of registered adults at every meeting on a reliable basis.


    If she were meeting in my area under those circumstances, we'd be having a serious discussion.

  11. From own experience, I like 12-14 girls with two leaders and one other parent on hand in the younger levels. You get a pretty reliable ten count at every meeting and event.


    Also, due to the transience of military posts, we try to grade balance troops so that a troop doesn't die every two years as well as avoiding multi age troops if possible.

  12. Shouldn't a caregiver slot be for a Scout with a profound medical or developmental need? Especially since the caregiver will occupy either a youth or adult slot.


    Just because a parent doesn't trust his child not to screw up or the adults not to notice symptoms does not mean that boy needs a caregiver. Give the kid a break and let him grow up to be responsible for himself.

  13. Trainer lady,


    With the exception of girls being awarded badges for which they are not eligible due to program level, your troop is doing it right. With a combined age level troop of 35 there is no reasonable excuse for this other than a lack of training. Would you put up with a pack of 35 all earning Tiger even though they all weren't in 1st grade or six? I hope not.



  14. Basement,


    You must live in one of the worst overlapping BSA districts and GS service areas the country. What I wrote is what I have encountered.


    While it is up to each council to lay down their males at camp policy, most councils are considerably more enlightened than yours.

  15. http://www.girlscouts.org/program/journeys/maps/map_brownie.asp


    Above is a link to a graphic that illustrates the options in the Brownie program. There is no list of what activities must be accomplished, however individual awards do have requirements. If your friends try to make one to one correlations between Cubs and Brownies, they will not be happy. The best thing they can do is to approach Brownies with an open mind and an empty calendar. As in Cubs, every girl deserves a trained leader.


    "Ask the girls.". This is the wisdom Juliette Gordon Low left us before her death in the late 20s. Leaders can plan a great year without asking the girls, but the program is about girls learning to express themselves and then cooperating to make their dreams reality.

  16. Girl Scouts can most definitely host family campouts (one family to a tent, please) and community activities to which they can invite anyone they wish. Just fill out your insurance paperwork and get a check in the mail.


    Do remember though, that when Girl Scouts started girls did not routinely do anything outside thier extended family other than go to school or church. Girl Scouting was about helping girls get out in the world, to be independent thinkers and leaders, and to be active contributing citizens, before women even had the right to vote. We still have that mandate of fostering independence in girls, which is a core reason why Girl Scouting isn't as family oriented as Cubs.



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