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Posts posted by Nike

  1. Anonymous e-mails alleging wrongdoing against someone who is a valued volunteer in the eyes of the council? That's not going to turn out well.


    I would advise you as a husband to drop it and let your wife sort out her relationships with this troop on her own. If she decides to start a new Cadette troop in the fall, I hope you will fully support her and register as an 03 (general volunteer) and perhaps volunteer to organize an event or do something else at your local area level.






  2. Your council's take on the "01", a designation I'd like to get rid of, is complete and utter bull-hockey in my experience. The Director of Management and Marketing (DMM) for the Service unit/area has sole discretion over who to recommend for appointment as leaders, co-leaders, assistant leaders, and other volunteer positions. The "01" is not voted upon, and even if the parents vote, the DMM can put the kibosh on that by not approving the applicant. The only people voting on anything in a GS troop should be the girls.


    The "01" is simply the person who has agreed to be ultimately responsible for the troop's funds and forms. Your council is sticking with this person because he is a name on a roster for a troop, and they don't want to go looking for someone to take his place or have to dissolve the troop. Plus, in their experience, he's probably a dependable guy they have no issues with.


    And yes, we have male leaders now in GS. However, the co/asst leader needs to be female and not related to the male leader. We have several men who lead their daughters' troops in our area. We recognize it as very positive, and the girls are absolutely thrilled when their dads can participate in Girl Scouts, too.


    Personally, I'd look into moving to a different troop or starting another. Just smile and be polite in the future. There is no need to start voting and couping, because that rarely works out positively.

  3. Every council has a volunteer agreement and policy and procedures statement. These should be on the website.


    I'd be curious what concerns you shared that seemingly kicked this off. And, was this addressed to you and your wife or just her?



  4. What don't they do? is a better question. Last year I know our troops went camping, ropes courses, geocaching, museums, the zoo, several different countries, a working farm, the local pools, hiked, cooked out, Potato car derby, scavenger hunt downtown, movie day, volksmarch, volunteered all over post, did four or five Silver Award projects, three or four Bronze projects, and one girl completed her Gold Award of the three in progress.


    At our day camp the stations were: Games (Noodle Ball!), Geocaching, Girl Scout Grab Bag, Naturalist, Drama, Creator--recycling theme, canoeing, rock wall climbing, and outdoor cooking where they cooked their lunch one day during the week.


    Every troop is going to be different, and every leader team is going to have their own comfort zone. Helpful, knowledgable parents who volunteer to lead well planned activities the girls are interested in trying and that fall within the new safety guidelines (available on line at your local council) will have an enourmously positive impact on their daughters' Girl Scout experience.





  5. CDs who are going to tolerate a parade of siblings at resident camp need to have a plan for those siblings. Either give them their own station area with spare stuff and instructions, charge to blend them into the program, or maybe both depending on age.


    Out at Philmont, non-conference spouses are able to sign up for quite a few day trips etc. Same could be done for commissioner families at camp.


    Whatever a CD decides to do, he needs to make it clear that these are the boundaries, and they are not to be crossed. Families who think they are just special need to be asked to comply or leave.



  6. If the CC and SM aren't going to follow camp rules, and the CD wasn't enforcing rules...


    This has to be nipped in the bud, or you will have a heck of a mess soon. If you lose the family, so be it.


    And, I would personally complain to the CD and the Council on my own behalf.

  7. If you go here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/AboutCubScouts/ThePack.aspx

    the org chart shows the Pack Committee above the Cubmaster and all the DLs below him, implying that the CM works for the committee.


    Here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/AboutCubScouts/ThePack/pcomm.aspx

    it lists out all the duties of the CC and different MCs: Treasurer, Secretary, Advancement, Outings, Membership, and FOS.


    The CM and DLs aren't mentioned anywhere as being a part of the Pack Committee.







  8. We have to have bylaws because we are an overseas pack and it is an Army reg. We are only allowed to operate on post if we are an official private organization and thus able to use certain facilities and assets for free or minimal cost. We are also only allowed to fundraise and have a military banking account if we are an officially sanctioned private org.


    Believe me, we have to go through recertification soon with Garrison, and we will have tightened up by-laws. I was curious as to how people deal with the Scout Parent designation.




  9. First, we only have by-laws because we operate on a military installation. Most of it was pulled right off of BSA websites.


    So, for those of you with by-laws, are parents who are not registered in an official leadership capacity (listed as Scoutparents on the charter) considered part of your body to vote on the budget and revision of by-laws?


    We have no definition of a quorum for anything other than Pack Committee Meetings.





  10. Long Answer:

    The Cubmaster directs the programming and the den leaders.


    The Committee Chair oversees the administration of the pack's business by the Committee.


    The Committee supports the program the Cubmaster develops.


    Short Answer:

    If if requires a signature, it's most likely committee business. If it's got glue, a moving object, or fire, it's most likely program.




  11. Does anyone know which specific priests/congregations have pushed this to the bishops? Which bishops really seem to be sinking thier teeth into it?


    I wonder if someone is trying to prove his political worthiness within the church to those higher-up.

  12. #1. If you are there on an official Den or Pack field trip, no. You are engaged in a group activity and presenting yourselves as Cub Scouts. The event is not sanctioned by the local council.


    #2. Unless you have permission from council and a certified CS range officer, no. All the specified events where Cubs can shoot the bows and BB guns to which they are limited are council events or council sanctioned district events.

  13. For your perusal:


    Cub Scouting Standards

    Cub Scouts are permitted to participate only in the fol- lowing shooting activities.

    Archery and BB gun shooting are restricted to day camps, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camps, council- managed family camping programs, or to council activities where there are properly trained supervisors and all stan- dards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. Archery and BB gun shooting are not to be done at the pack level.

    Tiger Cubs, Wolf Cub Scouts, and Bear Cub Scouts are not permitted to use any other type of pistol or firearm, including pellet guns.

    Webelos Scouts are permitted to use air rifles at Webelos resident camp in accordance to BSA national standards for resident camp.



    This version had the Jan 2012 updates.



    It's never fun to say no. Having that fantastic chart that shows age appropriateness of activities overed in G2SS is very helpful at planning meetings.

  14. When a Girl Scout troop meets somewhere outside of a private home, it is because the leaders have asked if they can use the space. The troop and the property owner may have a very close relationship, especially if many of the troop members are part of the organization or the organization or a person in it has a soft spot for Girl Scouts. Very, very few troop nationally have any kind of financial sponsor.


    A simple fix for bishops who don't want Girl Scouts meeting in their churches is to simply say that only officially sponsored groups may use church facilities in the diocese. Done.


    GSUSA doesn't need to reform itself to the satisfaction of the bishops anymore than the bishops need to reform themselves to the satisfaction of the Girl Scouts.




    (This message has been edited by Nike)

  15. Girl Scouts still sell cookies because Girl Scouts sell cookies. The big bucks are not in cookies!


    Also, funds raised during a program year should be spent during that program year unless the troop has a plan to spend them in the near term, such as saving up for a big trip. In the States, in order for the girls to go on big, expensive, long trips, they have to have Council approval. So in theory when the bookkeepers see that Troop 123 has $10,000 in their account holding over for the next year, they can cross reference that with filed travel plans for that troop to visit the Sangam World Center in India the next year. Otherwise, there will be questions as to why all the fundraising and no fund expending.

  16. Here in Europe we get $1 per box which is split between the troop and the local committee. Our OCMT get .25, and we use it to fund area-wide events, equipment purchase like tents, stoves, and dutch ovens for our area equipment locker, and troop sets of books.


    Most troops use their cookie money for troop trips, but not necessarily into the woods, and to fund other troop field trips as well as supplies and awards. The girls plan how they will spend the money and the leaders should be encouraging the girls to plan as much of the trip as is practicable.


    So next time you buy cookies, ask the girls what they plan to do with their profits.

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