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Posts posted by NickP412

  1. This is something that is ultimately between you, your wife and your son.


    Boy scouts and more over becoming an eagle scout isnt for everyone. However getting eagle is what for most people legitimizes the time you were in scouts. If I were the parents i would explain just one last time what it means to be an eagle scout and let him know that just what being an eagle scout means both in and outside of the world of scouting. then leave and let him make the choice if he wishes to get his eagle.


    Forcing him to get the eagle is only positive in the sense he will have something nice to put on a resume. However you run the risk of then ruining something it sounds like he enjoys. I think that if he is forced to get his eagle it wont mean to him what it means to myself and those who got it on our own accord.

  2. I would ask him kindly to leave, even if he is a youth I wouldnt want him around the other youth for several reasons:


    1-Hes an Eagle making him a role model, do you want a gay person to be the boys role model?


    2-I doubt many boys will want to tent with him( I wouldnt)it wouldnt be safe.


    3-Its dangerous.


    If he try's to fight it send it to national, if he still proudly touts his orientation after he turns 18 report that to nation and they might strip him of his eagle.

  3. I've seen old timers and my dad wear it to events for the OA and while ive never seen anyone go up to them and complain about it I do hear grumbles, thats why I wanted to know

    whats you all thought about it. It seems many dislike it.


    Funny idea for wearing it on the inside lol XD

  4. At the last OA work day we had a discussion about the "OA Legends" sash back patch.

    Picture here: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gccbsa.org/ClipArt/Order%2520of%2520the%2520Arrow/Legend%2520Patch.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gccbsa.org/Pages/CA_Order_of_the_Arrow.html&usg=__o80wuNquXiCOBSgXBR015EPbPUc=&h=4581&w=600&sz=290&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Y0k_joSPH0bGDM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=20&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dorder%2Bof%2Bthe%2Barrow%2Blegends%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1


    Some seem to not be awful fond of seeing arrowmen wear these patches, what are your views on them? It seems like something I only see the older scouters wear and its few and far between. Im 18 and have one but its not sewed on i just have it as a collectible piece.


    So my question is what do you think about this patch?

  5. Ours is chained to a light post in a parking lot, granted a dedicated enough criminal could cut the chain and drive off with the trailer. However this has yet to happen and I hope it never does.


    I would like to meet the person who steals scout trailer, most of them are in church parking lots and have scouts written on them one place or another, I cant even imagine the type of person who would do that =/


    Let me also add that I remember seeing a video on the internet by fox news about a stolen scout trailer, at the end they gave information where they could reach the scoutmaster to donate money or gear, so contacting the news might not be a bad idea.

  6. Thanks for those links guy's. Looks like it will be several years before I begin to earn knots due to the fact that most require a tenure of sorts. I put together my uniform for staff this summer, im so excited its my first year on camp staff, ive got the eagle knot and arrow of light knot.


    Eagle92 thank you, i eagled in October. I think ill do an okay job not acting as SPL (knock on wood) because for the past 2 years ive functioned as my troops Jr. Assistant Scoutmaster. So ive been quasi-adult-leaderish in a sense and have been eating with them all this time so transition may not be to hard. The only thing that may be odd to me is sleeping in adult tents/cabins because even though im an "adult" im still a young person and there like all my dads age so I think that may be awkward but ill manage lol.


    thanks again for help.

  7. Hello guy's some of you may have remembered me from about a year ago asking for clarification on eagle stuff when I was going through with my project. You even may have recalled a year before that asking for help on leading my troop in marching=P. Well in 2 weeks and 3 days i will be 18 and naturally im interested in staying active as a young adult. I come here now asking for someone to post a link to a site that list all the adult square knots and possibly even tells the requirements for those knots.


    Thanks for any help you guys can offer. Have a good day





  8. This is something my troop ran into with several of the boys. They were held up at the board of review/scoutmaster conference. I believe the adults said not showing up to the majority of events was showing a lack in scout-spirit. In the case with my troop we did loose a few boys but quite a few did begin attending more events.

  9. Hey guys, Its been a while since I've visited this site i know but I've been doing school work. However i came here to tell you all tomorrow i have my Eagle Scout Master Conference! Then ill try to set up a B.O.R asap. Im pretty happy and also wanted to take this time to thank some of you guys, ive came here on several instances for help, advice and such about Eagle stuff.


    Thanks guys!

  10. You guys bring up some valid points. I've got 25 badges right now and getting 3 more this fall when we have our court of honor this September. After that im going to go out for 2 more so i can snag a golden palm then ill more than likely quit working on merit badges. I'll be 18 this may so i wont have much time left anyways. I was just wondering your thoughts.

  11. I was wondering if the few people who earn all 121 merit badges get a special award or square knot? i know very few people do but don't you think we could if nothing else pass out a special palm? I'm not anywhere close to this ill be happy with my gold palm but i think for all the awards we pass out we could make one for this?


    your thoughts? ....I'm just trying to stir up new conversation.

  12. Patches tell story's, they mean more to the person who earned them than to the person who buys it off of E-bay. So tell us what patch you have that mean the most to you? something that you worked really hard for and wear with pride. Here are my top 3:


    #1-I dont have my eagle yet but i'm confident this fall i will pass my B.O.R and when i do ill be most proud of it!


    #2-Philmont Patch ..some people did'nt think i could do it, not being the slimmest scout in the troop but i did and completed trek 33!


    #3-OA pocket flap, it shows that my fellow scouts think highly of me enough to let me undertake such a challenge and come out wiser and over all a better scout than i was.



    What are your favorite awards?

  13. i dont like gays either, i dont trust them either...now maybe im misunderstanding the whole thign and if so then sorry for being a jiblet head but i think the issue here was you called the new uniform gay. people got mad because they wear that uniform for one and 2 gay isnt a word that cna be used to describe a article of clothing.



    something tells me that i may have misunderstood you from the get-go.

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