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Everything posted by NE-IV-88-Beaver

  1. OGE, I know that posters have tried to PM some of the moderators unsuccessfully.
  2. Eamon and Oak Tree, It's been 3+ hours since you say that you sent me a PM and I haven't got any. It must not be working!!
  3. Has anyone had success using Private Messaging lately? I haven't had any luck!
  4. This is the part of your posts that I was referring to: RE: Scout Spirit requirement Posted: Tuesday, 12/1/2009: 4:32:37 PM NJ, I didn't want to get into specifics. I do have a problem with a Life Scout who is working on his Eagle project. I never had a problem with him until he got caught cheating on his project and not following the district policies. Since that time I have had several discussions with him without success. I am about to level some severe disciplinary action over his last stunt. I figure I'll do him a favor and deal with him before the committee has a chance.
  5. This is not for the same Scout you were referencing in your November - December, 2009 posts: http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=259835#id_259913 ? Sounds like a similar situation!
  6. reeddma, As with most things that you would like to know, it's a waste of time trying to track down the information on the BSA National website. The best source of information on merit badges is usscouts.org . As a district merit badge counselor coordinator, that's the first place that I check for merit badge information. Below is the link to the historical merit badge program: http://www.usscouts.org/usscouts/meritbadges.asp
  7. The subject of the new rank patches was broached at our troop committee last night and the consensus of opinion was that we will try to avoid using them if possible.
  8. Isn't it just a little strange that there is no response whatsoever from mdsummer45? At least she could let us know that there has been no information forthcoming from National!
  9. OGE, great retooling on the old Abbott and Costello bit!! Thanks!
  10. Thanks Eagle92 and OldGrayOwl! Come on everyone else, there must be lots more ideas out there!!
  11. The requirements for the new badges have not been announced. The shedule for their release is as follows: A NEW merit badge, for Scuba Diving, was released and made available to Scouts as of December 1, 2009. In addition, BSA has announced that four other new merit badges will be released later in 2010. These will include Inventing in the first quarter, Scouting Heritage and Geocaching in the 2nd quarter, and Robotics in the fourth quarter. http://www.usscouts.org/advance/changes/advchanges10.asp I hope that your son enjoys the Scouting Heritage MB when he is able to work on
  12. The campfire skits at our district events have been recycled so many times that there are few surprises for even the newest boys. Has anyone seen a good new campfire skit that they would like to share?
  13. The whole situation in San Diego is a shame but we need to realize that we are not going to be able to beat them on public land. We're going to loose in court every time now so we need to move away from that venue and stop wasting money fighting it. Maybe a simpler solution is to have a Boy Scouts of America and a Boy Scouts of California. You could spend your dollars fighting with BSA over the use of the name but could probably win in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. If that works, the rest of us wouldn't have to give up our ideals and programs! Who knows, if there was a gr
  14. Dean, Phones/are/not/allowed/in/school TCD It's got to be easier to hear than to read!
  15. You can go to the link below to see the requirements for the badges: http://www.usscouts.org/usscouts/meritbadges.asp I am putting together information to disseminate within my district and council now. If anyone would like a copy, they can PM me.
  16. E, I'm with you on because of how it works in my district and council. Volunteers have been able to have ineffective DE's removed on occasion. This is probably directly related to the relative strengths of the council board and the SE. I can now understand some of the cynicism that some of our fellow posters express when commenting on district and council administrative issues. I don't know if I could have stayed involved for as long as I have in a situation such as they have presented.
  17. Real glad my district doesn't work that way. Volunteer input builds a better team. We're more into DE's coming and going than DC's.
  18. Taking a little bit of a different tack, actually the District Chairman would have been elected at the District annual business meeting by the District Members-at-large in attendance. Any COR's in attendance would have voted as well, but I'm reasonably sure that the DMAL's outnumbered them. In respect for the service that these volunteers perform, the Council President should attend the next District meeting and offer some explanation. It wouldn't be necessary to go into all of the details but the basic reasons for removal should be shared. If not, the backlash to the Council, in terms of the
  19. REQUIREMENTS FOR MERIT BADGE COUNSELORS To qualify as a Merit Badge Counselor, you must: * Be at least 18 years old. * Be proficient in the merit badge subject by vocation, avocation, or special training. (see below) * Be able to work with Scout-age boys. * Be registered with the Boy Scouts of America * Complete and submit the BSA Merit Badge Counselor Information Form (No. 33405), indicating which Merit badges you wish to counsel. As a Merit Badge Counselor, you must agree to: * Follow the requirements of the merit badge, making no deletions
  20. And nice ties they were! Polyester, virtually indestructible! Unfortunately the tan one gets dirty fairy easily if you're a sloppy eater at those Courts of Honor. I'm sitting here holding my blue one and my tan one in my hand. The blue one is about a half inch wider (3-3/4") than the tan one (3-1/4"). The blue one is about 31 years old and the tan about 27. I've worn them both with long sleeve and short sleeve shirts and actually find them more comfortable than a necker with my collar turned under. Ah, nostalgia! What a wonderful thing!
  21. If the Scoutmaster chose to not take immediate action at the time of the event, bringing it before the PLC is definitely the way to go. You just need to be prepared to live with the results; if they choose no disciplinary action, let it go, or to back them to the hilt if they do. Our Scouts can often be better judges than adults on an appropriate punishment in situations like this. We have had this happen in our troop on a couple of occasions and I think that the PLC dealt with the situations much better than the troop committee would have. It also keeps it at the youth level, which to my way
  22. "When I brought up the cost of Scouting, I wasn't so much much thinking of the cost for the individual. If my math is right? It costs the Council about $220 per youth member." Eamon - This amount varies greatly by Council. The figure for our Council, a fairly large one, is $145 per Scout. That is the figure that they base their FOS individual requests on. Just putting that information out there so that our international brothers can see that there is a wide range in the cost of Scouting in the BSA.
  23. Aging out wouldn't have any effect on the appeals process. We're all out here just waiting to hear what happened from mdsummer45. The fourth quarter has concluded and she obviously had something recently that she wanted to communicate to Eagle732.
  24. Very good, Eamon! Looking at BSA from the outside (with some insight from the inside!).
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