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Everything posted by MarinesWife

  1. $150. This covers everything except food at campouts (typically $5-7 per person), winter camp, summer camp, and part of the uniform (shirt, pants, belt, socks). Fees and the rest can be covered through popcorn sales.
  2. Last year, I made up a schedule for each week, and then sat down with all the Tiger parents and they took turns signing up for the items. We did not have anyone that would sign up to be the Den Leader, though eventually I did get one parent that agreed to remind the others of when it was their week, and kept track of awards (essentially being the den leader!). It worked out great...parents were involved, and the kids loved working with the different parents every week.
  3. We do like Momof2Cubs....our fees are due in September. The fee amount includes the amount needed for re-charter. A small portion is due upfront and the rest can be earned through popcorn sales.
  4. Our pack pays for everything you listed. The only thing we do not pay for are council camps. Our fee is $175 per boy (but we are going to reduce that to $150 next years since the dens don't use as much money as we figured originally). This can be earned through popcorn sales - the boys earn 25% of their sales. We have 40 boys and sold $22K in popcorn.
  5. I think this is a fabulous idea and one I'm going to use this year! We do Spring Recruitment. It's in May and then we invite everyone to our May Pack Meeting. This past year we just folded the boys into their dens and they participated over the summer (only pack events) as they wanted. In September they began den meetings iwht their dens. I think havinb a "Bobcat Den" for a few weeks after we do our recruitment is a great way for these boys to form new friendships, get to know some den leaders and the Cubmaster, and to really feel included. I'm all over it. Thank you!
  6. We sing!! One or two songs every pack meeting. We didn't before though but I think the boys love it. Especially if it's a good rowdy song with fun lyrics. Repeat after me's are the easiest.
  7. We use Yahoo Groups. I put events on the calendar and it sends out reminders. I just add everyone's email address as they join, no need for them to do anything. Emails sent go out to everybody. Very simple but effective.
  8. Last year we did a cake walk at the end of the Blue and Gold evening. I didn't hear anything negative about that so I'm sure we'll be doing it again. I thought it was fun anyway!! I didn't see any disappointed boys/children and it seemed like they all enjoyed themselves and just considered it a game. Anyone could play - parents/siblings/Scouts. As each person one they got to choose the cake they were taking home. In our rules for the cake bake we made sure it was very clear that boys would NOT be taking home their own cake, that someone else would be winning it.
  9. Evmori: (So basically, the Cub family pays nothing if they sell their allotment of popcorn, correct? The math doesn't work 36 boys at $185/boy = $6,660. What is the other $10K for? Who does the selling? ) I'm not sure what you're asking. What other $10K? Our fee is $175 and the boys get 25% of what they sell, no matter how high they sell. The extra above the fee can be used for winter or summer camp. The other 5% of our commission is to pay for leader registrations and books. If there is extra than we put it back into the pack in terms of supplies, paying for camps, etc
  10. I know some people have said they'd lose families if they raised their fees. I just don't believe it's about the fee. I think it's just their choice. We didn't lose a single family when we raised our fee this year. Last year it was $70 or something...it was all broken down and didn't include very much. We thought we might lose families or get a lot of complaints but we were willing to chat with them individually. We did have one newish family complain. They had been in a pack in a different state who charge approx the same and didn't think they got their money's worth. I showed them
  11. Registration Boy's Life Magazine Insurance Neckerchief & Slide Book Pack t-shirt Pack campout fees Pinewood Derby car Raingutter Regatta boat Patches Awards Den Supplies Field Trips and more.... Does not include Council camps When we added in all those things from last year including the average for the amount spent on awards/supplies/etc. it came to $185. Because we do have more $ from popcorn than just the $175 per boy we use that money to do what we call "get ahead." We keep a stock of books and neckerchiefs. WE make sure there is always a he
  12. I think in 2008 we had 25 boys but I wasn't the popcorn kernal so I don't how many sold. In 2009 we had 22 boys sell out of 28 at the time. And this year 2010 we have 36 active scouts but since we're not done I don't know how many have sold. So far only 14 have picked up popcorn from me and/or sold at booth sales. In 2008 there was nothing for the boys really except the prizes. Nothing to motivate the adults. In 2009 I did the scout accounts but it wasn't smooth. This year I had a year under my belt. We're giving a straight 25% and it's really made a difference. We are on a mi
  13. For our pack, having scout accounts has increased our sales tremendously. With roughly the same number of boys, in 2008 we sold $10K, in 2009 we sold $15K (and I think it could have been higher but we ran out of show n sell and canceled 3 more days of booths), and this year we are at almost 20K and still have another booth sale weekend and more sales to go. And our fee is high. $175. We give 25% in scout account money. Guess what? They sell the popcorn to get there and we don't stress about money. And parents who really want the next council camps paid for go above and beyond and he
  14. This year it's $50 down and then they have to pay or earn through popcorn sales the remaining $125. Each boy has a goal of selling $500 to meet that amount. Every boy gets 25% of all his sales. We use the remaining amount we earn from popcorn to pay for adult registrations, books, and trainings. The fee for Cub Scouts is $175 per year. This includes (for the Scout only): Registration Boys Life magazine Insurance Neckerchief & Slide Book Pack t-shirt Pack campout fees Pinewood Derby car Raingutter Regatta boat Patches Awards Den Supplies Field Trips A
  15. We encourage boys to do belt loops or work on electives over the summer. If there is an achievement they just HAVE To do, so be it, but we just remind them that they'll be working on achievements in their den meetings. having said that, in our pack, your son would receive his rank award at the very next pack meeting. We think its important that boys get immediate recognition.
  16. We have 28 right now. We'll gain some more at round up. Usually 10. But we will lose some of the 28 that I don't know about (already had 8 or so move). We lose approximately 1/3 of our pack every due to military moves. We just keep plugging away each year.
  17. We have an Outdoor Activity Chair that takes all the ideas and plans them out. For the summer we do 2 activities per month. We want to give boys every opportunity to get their Summertime Award and the things we did this summer were not heavy on the planning. Here is our schedule for this year: June Campout with Raingutter Regatta Baseball Game overnighter July Star Gazing with local Astronomy group Pizza/Swim party August Western town re-enactment Pack Meeting Our Swim party got a huge turnout! We live on a small military base with 6 pools at our dispos
  18. We have a Yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com Everyone signs up for it, or I just add their email myself. I send out everything through there. Den Leaders get rosters frequently and they contact their parents through email also. I keep the calendar up to date also and it automatically sends out reminders at times designated by me.
  19. We do a flyer and take them to the school to be handed out (district approval first). I find out how many boys are in classes 1-4 or whatever and then take them in. IN the spring I gave them 175 flyers for grades K-2 and we signed up 5 boys. I look at it as a way to get our name out there, maybe get some interest going. I'm always hearing, "We didn't know there was Cub Scouts here!"
  20. We would not be interested in a co-ed program for Cub Scouts. Boys are different. They're goofy and funny and silly and are interested (generally) in different things than girls. Yes, the boys are all even different from one another, but in general, they are all different and act different than the girls. We are part of an American Heritage Girl Troop. In 2009, BSA and AHG signed a Memorandum of Mutual Support. That's your answer to co-ed packs...start an AHG troop and get the girls outside and busy!
  21. I did make a few changes after it was printed out but here is the gist. I combined 3 different ceremonies that I found online. We were creekside. The boys started out on the other side of the creek across a little rock/wood bridge. Today we are celebrating the conclusion of our Scouting year. As many of you know, Scouting started in England in 1907 when Lord Robert Baden-Powell took 7 boys to Brownsea Island for a camping experiment. But the roots of Scouting go even farther back. In 1899, Baden-Powell was a Colonel in the British Army fighting the Dutch Boers in South Africa. Colonel
  22. I always love to hear feedback from new parents. I just wanted to make a comment regarding popcorn selling. We have 12 new boys, 6 sold popcorn. Out of the other 6, 3 joined kind of late in popcorn selling and just didn't do it. Out of our 20 returning boys, only 2 didn't sell. The timing is bad, however, I would not want those boys to miss out on the benefits of selling! They get prizes and recognition. We also offer incentives to the parents in not having to pay dues. The way we did it this year...first we rally uped the boys. Got them all excited about prizes a
  23. If we couldn't have siblings at meetings, my husband and I would have to leave the program! We have 6 children, so always have someone extra taggling along, as so far we have just one in Cub Scouts. Many of the older boys do get dropped off, but we encourage parents to stay and help. Siblings can play games with them, most just watch. We have a large Bear den, currently at 15 I believe, and we need parents there to help. If there is ever an issue with siblings, I have encouraged den leaders to let me know, and I'd chat with the parents. But so far, there hasn't been. Melissa
  24. Cub Scout packs can only do family camping at sites that have running water and showers. FALSE Look at your site selection form! Water must be provided. And toilets close by. Nothing about showers!!
  25. Several of our families were excited to find out about the memorandum. Our pack has "voted" to do joint activities with the AHG Troop that we are starting. Many of our families will be doing both. Right now, we'll do outdoor activities together. We tried to charter the new AHG troop with our pack's (and Troop's) Charter Organization but there was a hold up with the insurance liability. So we're now going to be chartered by a church in our small town. We have many families excited about this! Melissa
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