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    Gulf Shores Alabama

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  1. Those are temporary patches and go on the right pocket of the scout uniform. Only one can be worn at a time
  2. go to the cub scout leaders vertual leader book and look under bear requirements for the shavings and chips achievements. it has all the safety information and how to handle a pocket knife
  3. By all means make up your own awards. The Cub Scout Leader How To Book has some great ideas or you can come up with your own. Each year at our last pack meeting I present all the boys with a certificate printed up on my computer recognizing them for something, weither it be achieving their rank, helping others, or anything I can come up with. I get the parents to help come up with something and the boys get a kick out of seeing what their award will be for this year
  4. Look in the www.scouting.org website. Under the members section for cubscouts. If you look under the awards section you'll find the requirements for this award.
  5. Gee Guys I hope no one looking for more information on Boy scouts is reading this thread. I don't think making fun of a religion ( yes Wicca is a religion) that you don't understand is keeping with the scout law. Shouldn't we be teaching the boys to respect others and their beliefs regardless of how we feel? I was under the impression that this forum was for asking questions and getting answers and help with scouting Not making fun of other people and their religons. People who make fun of what they don't understand are why we have hate crimes. Do we really want to teach our scouts that its ok to make fun of what we don't understand or what we perceive as different or wierd???
  6. Thanks for the help, I did find one on e-bay.
  7. Does any one have a copy of the old Leader How to Book that I could purchase from them? I have the new one but would like to get the old one also. I have checked at the council scout shop and they no longer have the old ones. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance Kassie
  8. I don't know if this will help you or not, but in my den we have a code of conduct. The boys helped to write it and agreed to follow it. Also at the beginning of the year I gave each parent a letter stating what was expected from the boys and what would happen if they could not follow the rules. If the boy has to be corrected twice the parent is called or asked to take the boy home. The next time he is asked to leave he is not allowed to return untill the boy and his parents meet with the den leader and the cubmaster. I have two ADHD boys in my den, while they do require extra handling I haven't had too much problems with them. I do not lower the standards for them, I also be sure to praise them when they do behave. You also might try asking the parent to just drop the boy off and not stay, some boys act better when their parents aren't around.
  9. I just finished my first year as a Webelos leader. We started our meeting with the pledge and the cub scout promise, about 1/2 way through the year we switched to the boy scout promise. Also we had the boys elect a denner and assistant denner to serve for 1 month, they switched positions after 2 weeks. The denner and asst.denner did the flag ceremony and helped out. If you dont already have it go buy the Webelos Leader guide it will really help a lot. Good Luck Kassie
  10. DR BS: I might have visited your web site after the first message, but you have spammed every thread on this forum. do you really think that is the way to get people to visit your site?????
  11. The only problem I really have with the uniforms is that my son wears a size 12 Husky and most of my den also wear husky sizes. The scout shop does not carry husky sizes and if you go by waist size then I suppossed to buy him a size 22??? Not to mention the length is way too long but with that size the crotch is hanging down to his knees, I know baggy clothes are in but I feel that the scout uniform should fit correctly. Any ideas on how to convince national that not everyone is a regular size and we should not have to special order husky sizes? By the time the special orders finally come in they not longer fit and at the cost of special order I can't afford to order him two pair of pants that he probably won't be able to wear when I get them.
  12. kassie428


    Does anyone have a recipe for slime made from Borax that is both a solid and a liquid? I remember seeing the recipe somewhere but can't find it and I want to make it with my Webelos den as part of their scientist activity pin.
  13. kassie428

    New books

    Thanks for the insight, I've just found out that I'm going to be the new Wolf den leader next year as this years Tiger leader is moving over the summer. I was going to go and get a wolf book when I picked up the awards for the next pack meeting but now I thank I'll wait untill July and get the new ones.
  14. I haven't seen this one yet but a few months ago someone was circulating the same thing only this time it was Dr Pepper not Pepsi, turns out it was all a hoax. Don't know who started it or where but the cans never surfaced
  15. We had the same problem in our Webelos den, I had a couple of boys who said they did the work for the Swimming Webelos activity pin at their swim team meetings and mom verified it. What I did rather than just take mom's word for it is I told the boys to take their Webelos book to the next swim team meeting and get the swim coach to sign off on the requirements. That way I know they actually did the requirements. We do the same thing with requirments that the boys say they have done in school. I send a letter to the boys teacher telling her who I am and what I need and asking her to sign off on requirements that the boy has done this year in school. Most teachers don't mind especially if the boy asks before or after class. This way it is fair for everyone, we don't have mom signing off on Webelos requirements that the boy completed while he was a Bear.
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