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Everything posted by johnsned

  1. I have been on staff for 5 WB courses this fall I am going to be Course Director, I am also on staff for our councils TDC (Trainers Development Conference), where one of the sessions is How Adults Learn they do and exercise where they dived the group into three teams, each need to learn a phrase in American Sign Language. Group #1 has written instructions on how to make the gestures Group #2 has the written Instructions and cartoon drawing of each sign. Neither of these groups instructors can show them and they are discouraged from practicing. Group #3 is given both sets of instruction plus
  2. Dan... Dan... Dan... I know exactly what I posted. It was a JOKE!! You know what that is right? Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line." A story about someone taking things way too seriously, completely fictitious. Before I posted this I couldnt have imaged people seeing this as a true story, I wasnt trying to express my opinion on matching pants, scout socks or neckerchiefs. It was like I said about people who take things to an absurd extreme. I will make sure that I submit any further posts to my attorney, so
  3. I think I may be nominated for the Noble Peace Prize since I was able to gey Bob White and Fat Old Guy on the same side of an issue. Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse? JohnSned The only bad thing is not they are both comming after me! :-)
  4. TwoCubDad get's it. This story was a joke about the people who take it seriously and are too anxious to judge others and point out there shortcommings. I guess I wasn't sufficiently clear when I started this topic. This is a joke, not an actual event not even a parable. When I said "I thought this was funny and made some good points" Again I was unclear. Some points good some point perhaps not so good. I agree with the spirit of the story not every point. I thought it was more humorous than educational. Bob White, I appreciate the way you voiced your concern. "My concern johnsn
  5. Did I suggest that anybody suggested anything else? I was just giving my opinion.
  6. I think some of you unwittingly became the butt of this joke. I do not disagree with placing importance to the uniform; I think it serves an important purpose. I do think you can take this way too seriously and I think that is what the fake, made-up, imaginary story illustrates. On my honor I will do my best I encourage my scouts to do their best, as I get to know them I understand more what their individual best is. I then encourage them to meet that, but hold back judgements until I know what their best is. It is no business of mine if I see a Scouter who sewed on a temporary pa
  7. I think the award should be awarded base solely on the quality of contribution to youth, and the impact that persons contribution had on youth. Unit, District or Council Level regardless. It should be an outstanding contribution something above and beyond the call of duty. Not because the Council Chairman was the council chairmen for 3 years does he deserve a Silver Beaver, it needs to be exceptional and outstanding his personal contribution to youth. The heart and soul of Scouting is at the unit level.
  8. A friend of mine posted this on another site, I thought it was pretty funny and made some good points. "OK, I have a confession to make. I used to belong to the Uniform Police. Yes, it's true. I rose quickly through the organization. First I worked part-time answering the phone at the "Uniform Snitch Hotline", and then assisting at Uniform Inspections, and then I became a full-fledged Uniform Inspector. Then FINALLY I got the big one, a promotion to become an undercover Insignia Placement Enforcement Officer, top grade. Oh baby, I had finally arrived! Wow! You should have seen me walking
  9. (I got this from a friend, I thought it was funny) Greetings, Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of your choice, with respect for the religious and secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, including their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. May you have a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated
  10. One correction, it is not the Varsity/Venture letter. It is the Varsity letter, the two programs are separate and don't share awards. The first requirement to get the Varsity letter is be a registered member of a Varsity Team. Only members of a Varsity Unit are eligible for the Letter and Denali award.
  11. That would be great. What language did you program it in? JohnSned
  12. Here in sunny California we seldom even use tents, sometimes the Camporee is the only time we use them. What is the big difference if the boys use their tent, the troop tent or no tent? Sounds like a power play to me, aren't the boys supposed to lead. To let them lead you need to empower them, let them make decisions and deal with the consequences, then the adults help them understand the consequences, and how making decisions lead to consequences.
  13. I also think that you should wear the uniform. I think the more adults that come in uniform the better. I think it is a powerful gesture of support. JohnSned
  14. I used to be a Fox! WEM-51-2-00 John Snediker Course Director Fall 2004
  15. Is anybody going to attend the Course Directors Conference at Phoenix this Weekend? I'll be there and I'd love to meet anyone that is going to be there. John
  16. I will be the 1st Assistant Scoutmaster for a contingent from California; we are going on a 15-day tour before we arrive at the Jamboree. This will be my first Jamboree as an Adult Scouter.
  17. Hello Dave, I am very familiar with Central America and have very close friends from all over Central America. I agree the typical tour you'd get from a Travel Agency is far too bland for my tastes as well. You can however work with Travel Agents from the country of interest and get a real Native look at the country. Costa Rica is great, so is Guatemala, there is a really great city called Antigua really beautiful also there is Pacaya and Calderas, real great eco tourism there. What I have done is booked a tour through a local and stayed in pensin, it's like renting a room
  18. I live in the Los Angeles area and Yes Scout shirts have become popular in the 17 - 24 crowd. They use them because theyre stylish. It is common to see punk/rock stars wearing BSA uniforms. They have really caught on, it is very difficult to find "experienced" uniforms in second hand stores. They all get bought up and believe it or not are then resold at stores on Melrose Ave (were you buy hip clothes) They dont want new shirts they want them with all the cool patches, the more obscure the patches the better, the older shirts have character. I went to a second hand store in my uniform to
  19. I am a Gen-Xer in my early 30s, I started as an Assistant Scoutmaster when my wife was pregnant with our first child. He is now 7 and just started Tiger Cubs this year. In the Past Seven years I have served as ASM, SM for 5 years, District Training Chair, Roundtable Commissioner, Wood Badge Staff 5 times I will be the Course Director in 2004, I am currently a Cubmaster, Assistant District Commissioner, and I will be ASM for a council National Jamboree Troop in 2005 years before my oldest boy is eligible to attend. All this before my three sons are even in Scouting. Part of the problem w
  20. Hello Scoutingagain, I used to live out your way, I lived in Lowell Mass. It has been a while so I don't know specifics off hand. I know you have many options. You can go into your local Sporting Goods store and ask there, or buy a book on local trails, and camping areas, buy a topographical/trail map of an area close to you a State or National Park and you can usually find some good hikes. On the internet there are several sites the host 'Trail Finders', these are databases usually, or lists of hikes, they'll contain information on difficulty, distance, and some further discrip
  21. With the new Wood Badge Course 21st Century Wood Badge most of the outdoor training was taking out, now the emphasis is on Leadership Skills. I think it is a good change; the Old Wood Badge didnt have that much Outdoor Skills training. The National Training Committee felt that there were more appropriate venues for outdoor skills training. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is just that, and Introduction, there are many other courses that can be given. From the High Adventure Training to Roundtables to other training courses there are courses set up to teach these skills. I am Roundtab
  22. I don't think you can name any major movie studio that supports scouting. Who knew that Follow me boys would be controversial. JohnSned
  23. Unless I am missing something the requirement doesnt specify if the camping is done with the Troop, Patrol or Unit. I dont see how you can compel the boys to adhere to requirements that are implicitly in the official merit badge requirements. Is this not the complete requirement for how many nights camping and what those nights must entail? I dont see where it mentions who must oversee the camping or what group it should be. It just says camping. Show experience in camping by doing the following: Camp out a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights. (You may use a week of l
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