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Posts posted by jhankins

  1. This is where we have many issues as an organization.


    ***Stick to the Syllabus you've been given, and don't deviate***


    1. Where in the syllabus does it say you have to carry a 20 pound, critter covered walking stick?


    2.The stave is a hold over from the "Old" Wood Badge. Councils have lost the right to hold a WB course for not moving on.


    3. Where in the syllabus does it say the staff should waste the participants' time patting them selves on the back?? It doesn't.


    4. The only thing we solicit is for pocket change for the World Friendship Fund. That's it.


    5. It's the exact same material I've covered in my Bachelors and Masters Degree programs. But ya know what? It was a lot more fun.



  2. We've noticed an influx of Bishops getting Wood Badge trained too. The operations of committees and programs suddenly takes action in the right direction when we see Bishops coming home with smiles on their faces!


    I'm a non-member of the LDS church, but was just called to be Troop Committee Chair. Today at the church meeting, it was put to a sustained vote that I be accepted into that decision, and the Bishop asked if he could place a blessing on me for the benefit of the boys I serve.


    I could have said no at any time, and so can other scout leaders. All the calling represents is the Bishop, after prayerful consideration, asking you to take on the Lord's work. If you feel, after prayerful consideration, that your load at home and at your job doesn't accommodate Scouting, you can say no.


    All that knowledge comes with adequate education, though.

  3. The map idea is pretty cool. We don't have those in my council, so I assume that's either not being done or was a local council offering. It makes a lot of sense, though! I did my own maps with school districts, LDS stakes, churches and schools to help me figure out where to place new units.


    TAY for districts and council is done for them, though, and placed inside MyBSA just as the Professional logs in, so the number is right in front of their faces. Not to mention, they also have to know that number for the district tracker and should be using it at every membership related Key 3 and district membership meeting.

  4. According to LDS church policy, the stake president and bishop are allowed to authorize any fundraisers that follow BSA policy in order to make scouting more affordable for the boys in the units.


    "Many Units believe that the Church has directed that Church members do not participate in Popcorn sales. The Church has given no such direction. If your Stake President determines that Popcorn sales could be an effective way to fund a unit with non-member boys, that decision may be made at local levels. While the Church has given general direction, the brethren expect that local leaders will be able to interpret the budget guidelines in ways that work for their unique situations." Straight from the top.


    LDS goals for fundraising are usually separate from the community units and the leadership and local business campaigns. For instance, in my district the "Family" goal for community units was $13,000 and the "Abundance" goal for LDS was $45k

  5. I am in an interesting situation. I'm a non-member of the church, but I've been asked by a local Bishop to serve as committee chair for his pack and troop. They want to get seasoned scouters and new ideas into the unit to help build a better program. We're talking with LDS-BSA relations in Salt Lake when we need to, and we're learning more all the time that this is a great way to provide program!


    The Scoutmaster is a school teacher, and just by displaying his Eagle Scout certificate he's recruited 4 new boys. Those 4 boys took their requirements to heart and recruited another eight boys. Those eight have recruited another 5 so far! So we have an LDS unit with 20 non-members and 5 members.


    Recruiting boys was just the beginning, we're now staffed with 3 non-member ASMs and 3 members. They're all going to training together. The committee is full of parents from the community. The LDS parents are seeing change happen and a bright, happy program growing and are participating now because they feel left out of the fun.


    We're also teaming up with other troops in the district for outings. Combining patrols of boys for hikes, having the 11 year old scouts camping together with their younger scouts, and the leaders from this ward are active parts of the training, activities and advancement committee at the district level.


    And, by selling popcorn as the first LDS unit in the district, it's making a huge impression on the other units that we're "more alike" than they had previously thought.

  6. The Same Ten People do become popular. Maybe it's the big red "S" on our foreheads?


    This coming Saturday I had the option of: a troop hike with orienteering skills, cooking at an OA Ordeal/Brotherhood weekend, Cub scout training (New pack, needs it in person!), attend a canoeing HAT class, or go rock climbing with my Commissioner venturing crew!


    I chose the Cub Scout training. Lots of little guys are depending on good trained leaders.

  7. I work with an autistic boy in a troop, and the sensation of the water surrounding him in the pool sends him into fits of rage and anxiety. The boy's been taking showers and spit baths since he was two because of it.


    We've tried every trick in the book, and next we're going to try wetsuits -- we're trying to think outside the box as best we can before explaining this all to his doctor, that he just can't compensate for the sensation of the water.


    Don't assume that because a boy "can't" swim that it's a cop-out.

  8. For the courses I have been a part of, we go to where ever the participant would like the ceremony, but we do insist on a brief ceremony. It's something special to complete Wood Badge, and should be celebrated. Not just because you put the work in but because of the legacy you leave behind for others.

  9. Melgamatic,


    My personal opinion is let your boy learn on what's convenient. Both have their benefits, but you can learn on either one. A bugle only plays in the key that it was made to play in (usually C, but available in others), and a trumpet us capable of changing keys based on which valve you use.



  10. Ya, I tried to keep my sash white... that lasted about a week.


    I only have a flap on one uniform, but I guess I could sew one on each shirt. But it doesn't matter to me. I know I survived the Ordeal and heard agreed with the Admonition, and that's good enough for me.


    The only reason I have a flap on right now is my son kidnapped my shirt and put it there! He's pretty darn proud of his mom.

  11. Thanks for the page quotes, allenj. That's basically what the scoutmaster and committee are doing. The scoutmaster has signed off all the requirements himself and isn't being "given" the badge as BrentAllen eludes to. He's earned it under the guidance of the troop during outings and participation directly with the leader of the troop.

  12. I can understand questioning an adult's motivation for wearing the uniform. I've run into my fair share of wanna-be generals or drill sergeants reliving their military days by wearing a scout uniform.


    But that doesn't change the fact that the uniform is a method of scouting and that national training encourages all adults to be examples of good uniforming. This doesn't change the fact that the awards and symbols we wear as adults are always taken the wrong way.


    I recently went through my OA Ordeal and wear the 100th anniversary Lodge flap on my uniform I wear for training. Today, a 40 year scouting veteran stopped me and had not seen the new flap and saw me wearing it proudly as a great way to promote the Lodge and the existence of such a patch! To me, this was an excellent outcome of the hard work it took to even get the flap.


    My own personal vision includes ensuring that every adult leader have the chance at the very best training possible. Properly wearing the uniform and using the awards I've been given is part of that to me.

  13. Color me what you like, but my son went to his future scoutmaster and made his case for allowing an AoL boy to earn his Tenderfoot badge when crossing over. The Scoutmaster and committee both agreed that if the boy could stand up to a SM Conference and a board of review *and* exhibit all the skills necessary from the AoL to Boy Scouts, they'd give him the badge.



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