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Posts posted by Gonzo1

  1. I think I'm going to design a new knot patch. It will have an illustration of a stick in mud. That way everyone else will know that I am tolerant of gays and atheists, but I don't want them in BSA. Not bcause someone thinks I don't like them, but BECAUSE BSA SAYS THEY AREN'T ALLOWED IN BSA!!!!!!!!!!


    I know, there is an argument that ASM915 pointed out, some are in the closet. I'll concede the point, some are in the closet. Fine! Stay there! If closeted cheaters are found out, toss 'em, toss them fast than Harry Wendlestedt tossing Bobby Cox from another baseball game!


    If a scout has some "question" about his identity, he can ask his parent, doctor, minister, gym teacher, another teacher, school counsellor, any adult in the troop, a cop, fireman, etc. I don't think that adults should put unauthorized and controversial patches on their uniform as a signal to scouts or scouters that it's somehow "okay" to talk with this person about gay and atheism issues.



  2. robvio,


    Your troop will benefit immensely. You will always find ways to apply what yu learn, at home, at work and in the troop. Aside from what YOU gain, the troop gains a well trained leader with increased motivation, dedication and ability. You will have the skills and knowledge to know when something is "right" and when it isn't.


    Plus, what John-in-KC said, And, I'll supplement Eagle Pete's guarantee with another Chicken Dance.


    After you've been to WB, encourage someone else in the troop committee (or other adult) to attend, you will have common but different experiences.



    Eagle Patrol, SR-59

  3. Ed,

    I rarely disagree with you. I agree that a scout uniform isn''t required, but I think it''s more or less ''expected''. Afterall, it''s required at WB, and BSA is a ''uniformed'' organization.


    If patrols are properly uniformed and a scout comes along who isn''t, the others will get him in line, especially if there is some occaisional reward.


    I''m tired of hearing about cost of uniform parts. I don''t like $40 for pants, but I also don''t like all the little extras that I spend extr money for eith.



    I think the ''anti-uniform'' folks are those who don''t care if a scout is uniformed or not. Whenever someone tells me (or posts here) that they wear ''look alike'' pants, that person doesn''t really fool anybody, look alikes don''t look alike. They''re a different color, different cut, different fabric, they''re just not the same.


    Go to ebay, buy use pants. do a google serch for used boy scout uniforms, you''ll find alot.


    On the other hand, I agree with Hunt, it may not be the most ''important'' method, but I think it is important. When scouts show up without all the correct uniform parts, they hust aren''t ''uni-form'', they''re multi-form, khaki here, blue there, green there, black somewhere else.


    If you shell out the buck for his soccer uniform, football uniform, karate uniform, etc, drop the $40 on the conter and get the pants, better yet, get the switchback, it''s like 2 for 1.

  4. Brent,

    I agree, ALL methods are important. I strongly encourage the uniform method. My son and I wear complete uniforms to all scout function. Yes, we even go camping in our uniforms.

    I cringe when I see our SM, he hardly ever wears his uniform, and when he does, it''s so badly wrinkled, it looks as though he ironed it with a hard cold rock.


    I agree with Ed, I''m not losing any sleep if a scout doesn''t wear his uniform.


    I wish we had the 70''s uniform, but that won''t happen. I hope national will adopt a uniform shirt to go with the switchback pants. Something everyone will like and wear.


    For anti-uniform folks, try sending your kid to football with his jersey and pads, but a motorcycle helmet and blue jeans instead. See what happens next.




  5. Gunny,

    You, me, John-in-KC are retired veterans, so we know the importance of good uniforming. when was the last time you saw a Marine is a bad uniform? A quick comment to the First Sergeant and wham, no more problem.


    It''s not so easy for scouts. Set a good example, lead from the front, and WORK THE OTHER 7 METHODS. When scouts see that Johnny got a coupon for the skating rink, pizza place, Chick-Fil-A, etc, the others will get onboard, for the free stuff if nothing else. But then, have a goody for some scout who STAYED in uniform for the duration of the event.




  6. Gunny,

    You, me, John-in-KC are retired veterans, so we know the importance of good uniforming. when was the last time you saw a Marine is a bad uniform? A quick comment to the First Sergeant and wham, no more problem.


    It''s not so easy for scouts. Set a good example, lead from the front, and WORK THE OTHER 7 METHODS. When scouts see that Johnny got a coupon for the skating rink, pizza place, Chick-Fil-A, etc, the others will get onboard, for the free stuff if nothing else. But then, have a goody for some scout who STAYED in uniform for the duration of the event.




  7. Brent, I agree, politicians will say about anything to get votes, and the the gay vote is what domocrats want, they''ll cater to that crowd.



    I disagree, I believe the BSA holds the "moral high ground" and that is what upsets democrats and liberals. Liberals in general don''t like (rather despise) that BSA doesn''t allow homosexuals as members.


    But, then again, there is Sprial Scouts, they would gladly have homosexuals as members and I''m glad they do. I wish them well.


    Mr. Richardson can decline to be Honorary President of the BSA is elected POTUS, and WE can vote for someone else. He may cater to the gay vote, but like Levi Strauss, doesn''t care for BSA members.



  8. Merlyn,

    I''m OK with schools teaching "world religions" as much as you''re (probably) OK with schools teaching evolution.


    You don''t believe in God, I don''t believe we crept onto land from the sea or evolved from apes.


    If evolution is taught then in my opinion, world religion should be taught.


    I think it''s one thing to pray before a football game and pray that no one gets injured, I don''t believe in praying for a win. I am opposed to a teacher in public schools teaching his/her specific practices/denomination/etc. related to the teacher''s own belief system, but rather something like Catholics believe X, Jewish people believe Y, Pentocostals believe Z, Mormons believe N, and so on.


    I am otherwise opposed to teaching evolution and other left leaning non-sense like global warming (sorry Packsaddle).


    I''d really prefer to not discuss much more with you, I don''t want to upset you.



  9. Ed,

    I''ve said for a long time that one way to kinda get around the school prayer thing is to have the announcer say: "I wish to now quote from the Congressional Record" and then actually quote a prayer that had been previously prayed in Congress.


    Ed, I also think it was Madelyn Murray O''Hare who got her nose out of joint about the school prayer thing. Personally, I have no problem with non-denominational prayer in school.



  10. Ed,

    You''re absolutley right.


    The name of Iran is Isalamic Republic of Iran. Our country is the United States of America. We are free to worship anyway we choose, or not worship at all. Except, we can''t pray in school, we can''t pray before the football game, we can''t pray at graduation, we can''t pray outloud because somebody might be offended. We have a hard time gathering at the flag pole to pray too.


    If I choose to pray, good for me, as long as I don''t interfere with anyone else.


    On the other hand, I guess comedian Kathy Griffin can now join BSA, she says that her Emmy trophy is her God. ''Atta girl!



  11. Scottteng,

    Thank you for posting Ammendment 1.

    Many people forget that the "free exercise" part is there.



    Many times the SCOTUS just plain gets it WRONG. For example, in a recent ruling, one justice relied on laws from other countries for his opinion. Excuse me, but this is the United States, we are not obligated by any foreign laws and the Supreme Court should only interpret our laws.



  12. Gern,

    Nice sticker


    The Scout,

    That''s my point, "Separation of Church and State" is BS, it''s not anywhere in the constitution. Jefferson wrote about a wall of separation, but not in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence, which by the way is full of references to God, Creator and so on.


    It came about because the SCOTUS said it''s there, but it isn''t. I wonder if some of the robe wearers are "smarter than a 5th grader"?





  13. Trevorum, Eisley,


    I agree, laws are made in the legislative branch, enforced in the executive branch and interpreted in the judicial branch. However, there is the matter of "case law" where someone gets their nose out of joint and sues someone because they didn''t get their way. There are far too many cases to point out, but look at First Ammendment case law. THERE IS NO "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE". In other threads, we''ve been over this before. Freedom of religion does not guarantee anyone freedom from it. Our "free exercise thereof" doesn''t really sem to matter to the so-called "separationists".



    Trevorum, what''s the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead attorney in the road?





    There are skid marks in front of the skunk.



  14. As to RV''s and campers, even sleeping in the car because it''s raining, I would say NO!


    If it''s your own family camping, use what you want, but, on scout camping, um, no.


    Get a bigger tents, get a cot or air mattress.


    Set a good example and sleep in a tent.

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