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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Our troop allows electronics for the car rides. They are not allowed to bring them to their tents once we arrive. Mostly to prevent theft. In regards to the idea that all scouting activities are for scouting and not to be spent by yourself, what are your feelings on boys bringing books? We have two boys that are avid readers (my son being one of them) and they choose about half the time to read instead of playing the night game (Capture the Flag). Should the troop discourage this?
  2. Thanks for the reply. I also received a private message detailing what the GS program should be like. I will most likely ask the leaders if there is anything I can do at the meetings to encourage a bigger variety. My daughter likes to camp and would enjoy this type of activity also. Thanks for the information.
  3. My daughter's troop does mostly crafts each and every meeting. Is this typical for a Girl Scout Troop for 10 year olds (sorry, not sure what she is called - Cadet, Junior, ?). Also, at what age do they begin camping? Thanks in advance.
  4. I'm with Quixote on this one. God first, family second, country third. Thanks for the interesting thread OGE. I had never thought about this before. More often I am asked where I place family and work.
  5. smaster101, I really like your list. However, the one where you discourage dads from dropping in for a day has me a little confused. Our camp encourages parents and siblings to visit on Wednesday evening after dinner. Personally, I talked my wife out of visiting our son last year when he was a first class scout because I thought it would embarass him. But this year I was able to attend camp and three scout families came to visit. It had no effect for two of the campers, but the third one really seemed glad that his parents were able to visit. I guess I do not know where I stand on this issue. Perhaps after I gain more experience I will agree with you. Ed (Evmori), I like the Scripture verse you sign off with. Very appropriate for a Scouter forum.
  6. Quixote, Ourtroop has counted all activities that you listed as service time. We also include such things as helping on an Eagle project, performing work for the scout's church, and tutoring other boys at school when it is voluntary. Our summer camp also has the Pipestone award which requires service time benefitting the camp. We do not double count this either.
  7. I answered rectangular because I like the room for my legs. However, on polar bear nights I would never be without my mummy bag. So can we have two polls? One for three seasons and one for winter.
  8. Rivlax, Please let me know if you find any such lodging. We will be heading to Ely in 2003 and will be driving it in two days (from Northeastern Ohio). Thanks in advance, Glenn
  9. Sctmom, Thanks. The implied minimum makes sense. By the way, your son still has 3 years of growth before even considering Philmont since the minimum age is 14 (or finished 8th grade).
  10. Eisely, Where is this minimum height listed? I did not see it in the link that was posted earlier. Like sctmom, my son is short for his age but he would love to attend Philmont.
  11. I firmly believe the Bible was inspired by God and therefore is infallible. Not just the New Testament, but the Old Testament as well. Of course, there are many parables and fables in the Bible, but these were inspired by God to teach a lesson.
  12. 7 Ranges in Eastern Ohio. Can't miss the chance to earn this year's Pipestone. http://www.7ranges.com/main.php(This message has been edited by Glenn)
  13. Sctmom, ***Because it interferes with your social life is not a good reason --- being a parent inteferes with my social life, but I don't quit. *** Love that. Thanks for the laugh.
  14. I just tried it at 1:15 est and it's not accessible. Not sure how long it has been down.
  15. I attended 12 years of Catholic schooling. At that time, my school offered advanced (read double work!) classes in Math while my friends' public schools did not. Since Math was my forte, I was very fortunate. Now that I have children, I had to consider what was best for them. Due to the conservative small town area we live in, my wife and I researched the public schools and picked the "best" one as far as standardized test scores and programs offered. We then moved to that school district and have been very happy with our choice. If I had to live in a large city or a liberal area, we would have chosen Catholic schools.
  16. Lucky for me, this holiday and Sweetheart's Day are not celebrated in my family (other than my youngest at school). YAHOOO!
  17. OldGreyEagle, It was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross that replaced the needs for all the Jewish animal sacrifices and food requirements specified in the Old Testament (Mosaic Law). This is pretty clear in Galations where Paul is telling them that they do NOT need to follow the old laws of the Jewish faith (circumcision, etc.). Also, if you go back and read the early Church fathers (1st century AD and on), you can find writings dealing with the Mosaic laws. You may be interested in www.catholic.com. They have many answer tracts on various Catholic beliefs where the early Church fathers are quoted.
  18. Dedicated Dad, Thank you so much for posting this story. As my brother has Down Syndrome, I realize the time and effort the volunteers have to put in. I really admire them for this. And for the scouts to show the tenacity to master the skills is also commendable. Thank you again.
  19. Sctmom, What I would do in your situation would be to approach his coach privately. Explain that you have heard that this boy is too old and wanted him to verify this. If he comes back and says he checked this out, then you have two choices. First, call the commissioner of the league and ask them to verify or second, leave it go. Personally, if the coach verified to me that he knows the child is of the correct age, I would let it go. Just my two cents.
  20. I'll assume Sctmom's question: People keep saying it's a choice of association. I'm just curious how you avoid ever being around a gay person or ever having your children around a gay person. If your brother, sister or child says "I'm gay" are you disowning them at that point? was directed to me. I just told you my kids are around my gay cousin, but not told that she brought a girlfriend. Maybe that is the same as "not being around them"? When they get older (currently 10 and 12), I will most likely bring up some of these immoral situations (i.e. active gay lifestyle, shacking up, etc.) with them and explain how it is against our religion and more importantly against God's desires. If either of my children came to me and said they were gay, I would direct them to a nearby organization (one that Scouter Dad has posted before for example) that will teach them this is a choice and they can lead a moral life. Preferably by becoming heterosexual. If not, then a chaste life.
  21. Sorry, coming in late on this one. I voted to leave. Couple points I'd like to make. The one post where the scouter said their kids loved their gay uncle and his partner really scared me. I would never allow my children to go to someone's house with that type of arrangement. It would teach them that this type of behavior is acceptable and God has told us that it is not. In a similar fashion, when my brother was living with his girlfriend, I told him we could not come over and visit until he was married. It ticked him off, but I refused to allow my kids to see that. It's a little different at family get togethers. If either a gay couple (like my cousin and her girlfriend) or my brother and his live in girlfriend come, I wouldn't avoid that because that is explained to my kids as being their friend. Another point. Sctmom asked if one would shop at a store where they hired gays. I think this is totally irrevelant. The store employees are not role models and are not looked up to like SM and ASM are.
  22. Weekender, I think you hit the nail on the head with your statement It must chap the ACLU's hide to think that freedom of speech extends to conservatives too. But I would extend this to all the leftist groups (NOW, pro-abortion, homosexual agenda, etc.). Anyone that uses their freedom of speech to denounce their agenda is then negatively labeled (chauvinist, homophobe, etc).
  23. My major problem with not responding to trolls, is that future visitors to the site may get the impression that the troll must be correct because no one disputed him/her.
  24. Bob, I am a little confused. On the one hand you talk about a troop NOT being able to require a uniform for a board of review. And then you proceed to state that we need to encourage full uniforms whenever our scouts are in public. Other than by example, how do you get the boys in full uniform?
  25. I thought earning the Arrow of Light as a Webelo meant visiting at least one Troop, and attending an outdoor Boy Scout outing. When my den earned the Arrow of Light, I had to make sure the boys' parents knew of these requirements, and why. I wanted the parents to be involved with their sons' Troop choice. The last I heard (around Christmas), all five boys are still in Scouts.
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