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Everything posted by fgoodwin

  1. When the answer is right in front of you, and you guys keep arguing, its clear to me you don't want to know the answer, you just want to argue. It doesn't matter how you were raised, what your religion is, etc. Per BSA regulations: MALE SCOUTS & SCOUTERS DON'T WEAR THEIR HATS INDOORS unless part of an official ceremony, and even then, not if prohibited by local custom. If you're unsure of the local custom: FIND OUT BY ASKING IN ADVANCE! Bottom line: follow the Insignia Guide! My goodness, how much simpler could it be? You may continue with your arguing now . . .
  2. Excerpts: Perry on gays, Boy Scouts and ACLU http://tinyurl.com/yweg7l By W. Gardner Selby Monday, February 11, 2008, 09:07 AM Gov. Rick Perry gave an interview on his new book on Friday. Our account, viewable here, led a reader to wonder what-in-hey is a No. 2 washtub. "Bizarre," the reader said. (If they're looking for a wash tub pic, try this link. But, I confess, it's not identified as a No. 2 tub.) Meanwhile, some excerpts from Perry's book, which questions the American Civil Liberties Union's efforts to open the Boy Scouts of America to gays and people who don't
  3. I don't know if its bad manners so much as ignorance of BSA regulations. Headgear regulations are covered in BSA publications. The Insignia Guide states that headgear comes off indoors. An exception is that headgear may be worn indoors if one is part of an official ceremony, like the color guard (unless the local religious institution forbids the wearing of headgear indoors). What's so difficult to understand? The only difficult part is that so many Scouters are blissfully unaware of the existence of the Insignia Guide and other BSA literature beyond their son's handbook. I s
  4. Maxwell, welcome to the forums. I'm curious why you want the requirements for an obsolete MB?
  5. I'm with pappy on this one. Its not the courts bringing the lawsuits, its the ACLU. And make no mistake -- if BSA would only bend to the will of the ACLU, the lawsuits would magically disappear.
  6. Find Nature Nearby Green Hour has teamed up with NatureFind to provide you a quick and easy way to find many of the local, state and national parks near you -- and some private parks and nature centers as well. Simply enter your location or zip code to get started! http://www.naturefind.com/greenhour/ The NatureFind tool will display a list of results including web links, direct-mile distance from your starting point, and list of the recreational opportunities available at each location. This link will give a list of outdoor events in your area: http://www.naturefind.
  7. I found a great blog covering all manner of protocol and issues related to the US Flag: http://www.flagsbay.com/flag/
  8. Four new license plates available in SC http://www.wrdw.com/home/headlines/15544102.html Posted: 11:35 AM Feb 12, 2008 Reporter: Tom Campbell COLUMBIA, S.C.---The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles is offering four new specialty license plates. The Boy Scouts of America, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., and the Surfrider Foundation plates are now available at DMV offices across the state. You can check with the South Carolina DMV for more information. [excerpted]
  9. Vineland man promotes service, brotherhood as Boy Scout chaplain http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/local/cumberland/story/7534284p-7436918c.html http://tinyurl.com/2fml78 By JOYCE VANAMAN Published: Friday, February 8, 2008 For The Press The Rev. Cornell Brunson, of Vineland, has a dream that one day there will be more males in Boy Scouts than in prisons. "I can relate to them because I was addicted to drugs and alcohol and had some arrests as a teenager and adult before going into a residential drug program," Brunson said. Proudly wearing his Boy Scout ch
  10. GernBlansten writes:How would you classify Jesus? Girlyman? He did seem to care for people a lot.True enough. I'm not Pappy, but I would add that when Jesus chased the money-changers out of the Temple, he wasn't exactly all "nicey-nice", was he? There's also this little gem from Matthew 10:34 (KJV):Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.Doesn't sound like a "girlyman" to me!
  11. Ten Commandments Hike IX set for scouts Saturday http://www.sbsun.com/breakingnews/ci_8198659 By Monica Rodriguez, Staff Writer 02/07/2008 03:46:19 PM PST POMONA - Boys and girls from across the San Gabriel Valley who are involved in scouting will spend Saturday learning about various religious faiths during the Ten Commandments Hike IX. The ninth annual hike organized by the San Gabriel Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America is expected to draw 400 youths for a four-mile trek that includes stops at seven houses of worship in Pomona and Claremont where they will hear
  12. "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"? Not a bad choice, but somehow I doubt the boys came up with that one on their own -- I suspect an MBC suggested they watch it . . .
  13. Other than eBay, I'm not sure what to suggest. Of course you realize that JLT was replaced by TLT 2-3 years ago, right? And that the JLT curriculum you are teaching does not "sync" as well with NYLT and NAYLE (and WB21C for those youth who become 18-yo adult leaders) as TLT? I think you are doing your youth a disservice by not using the currently approved syllabus.
  14. I'm not sure how relevant this is, but its worth remembering that England has an established (i.e., state-sponsored) church, viz., the Church of England. That fact alone makes comparisons to the US situation somewhat problematic. I suspect the role of the CoE in English culture is somewhat different than the role of non-established U.S. churches in American culture.
  15. oldsm, with all due respect, I'm going to disagree with you. I think the intent of the requirement is to get the boy to use HIS brain (not yours) to think about what movie he wants to use to satisfy the requirement. If you simply hand him a list that meets the requirement, how much thinking has the boy done? Its like the old saying, "Give a man a fish, and you've fed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for life". Making the boys choice(s) for him isn't exactly teaching him to think. Just my 2
  16. DDibben, your district might consider CORs to be unit Scouters, but they are not. COR is a district position (they wear silver tabs). P39 of the Insignia Guide (my issue is dated 2003) shows the COR patch listed under "Council and District Badges of Office.
  17. SA writes:I started to respond to this question but decided it's an absurd assumption. Scouting is apolitical. Anyone who sees it as an extension of politics, part of a culture war, red or blue, one way or another doesn't get it.Right, tell that to the Scouts in the color guard who were booed by California delegates to the 2000 Democratic National Convention . . .
  18. Nature Recreation at All-Time Low http://www.nature.org/pressroom/press/press3334.html Arlington, VA February 4, 2008 New Nature Conservancy-funded research shows that across the U.S. and in other developed nations, people are spending far less time outdoors than ever before. The study will be published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers say this study the most comprehensive look yet at nature recreation is a grim confirmation of a long-held theory that people, especially children, are spending less time in the great outdoors.
  19. The requirement states: "With the approval of your counselor and a parent, watch a movie that shows how the actions of one individual or group of individuals can have a positive effect on a community." Now, if the counselor selects the movie, why would the Scout need the counselor's "approval"? To me, needing the counselor's approval implies that, first the boy picks out the movie, then obtains approval from his counselor & parent. Is that adding to the requirements? I don't think so. Everytime this thread pops up (and it does like clockwork, every year or so either here or on
  20. On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting for http://www.onmyhonorthebook.com/synopsis.php/ by Governor Rick Perry In "On My Honor", Texas Governor Rick Perry takes dead aim at the secular humanist movement, and their agenda of moral relativism, for its corrosive impact on the culture. Examining the left's legal assaults on the Boy Scouts of America - which spans more than 30 years - Perry offers prescient insight into one front in this multi-faceted war which pits the proponents of traditional American values against the radical leftist movement
  21. Sunday, Feb 3 is Scout Sunday; Saturday, Feb 9 is Scout Sabbath: http://www.scouting.org/relationships/05-204/index.html If your CO is a church or synagogue, do you have anything special planned for your Scouts as part of the service?
  22. Scout's oath 'is religious discrimination' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/01/31/nscout131.xml http://tinyurl.com/2ppp4q By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent Last Updated: 10:04am GMT 01/02/2008 The Scout Association has been reported to the equality watchdog for allegedly discriminating against atheists by making them swear an oath to God. [...] it has become the latest target of secularists when the National Secular Society and the British Humanist Association complained to the Equality and Human Rights Commission. [...] the two sec
  23. Fewer Americans are donating their free time http://www.kansascity.com/business/story/458091.html http://tinyurl.com/2rn4xr Posted on Wed, Jan. 23, 2008 By DIANE STAFFORD Americans worked a median of 52 hours last year without pay. Theyre called volunteers. Many organizations cant survive without unpaid labor, and many people are glad to provide it. Sadly, though, data released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that both the number of volunteers and the volunteer rate the percentage of the population that volunteers declined in 2007 from
  24. I attended Jambo '05 as a staff member (Episcopal Church booth in the Relationships tent). I remember thinking after it was over that I'd never do that again, but as Jambo '10 approaches, I'm thinking I'll probably go back. After all, how many times does one get a chance to attend Jambo during BSA's Centennial?
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