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Everything posted by eaglescout07

  1. Wow its been a long time since I've been on here! Let me just blatantly say: my lodge has ruined Order of the Arrow in my council. They have taken an aspect of scouting, which I fell in love with, and changed it into something with little excitement/awe that it had a year ago. First our "higher ups" in the council shut down our NOAC acclaimed website for no reason (let me just mention that our youth lead society wasn't heard on any of this as well as our lodge advisers.) Then our quarterly publication gets dropped too...these things must be costing too much money??!?? On top of that our counci
  2. Have you gone to this website? http://members.aol.com/venturecod/index.html This site has a lot of information to start the COD program. It seems like a good way to honor venturers.
  3. I have to agree with Moxieman...1 year... thats how it is in our lodge.
  4. So do you think it all depends on my lodge or the out of council's willingness to conduct both a call-out and ordeal for these out-of-council scouts? It sounds like the call-out will be ok, what about the ordeal?
  5. My troop would like go to a summer camp that is out of council instead of the usual local council camp. We have some scouts who want to complete their ordeal next summer. What are the rules on getting called-out and completing your ordeal. My question is then: Can you get called-out at an out of council camp and complete your ordeal there? Any information would be helpful.
  6. I agree with Lauwit, OA keeps older scouts interested!
  7. Well I think the OA should make sure it is not scheduling its events on the SFF. But, the kids that went to the OA weekend should have talked with their troop before hand to make sure that if they went there would be enough hands to carry out Scouting For Food.
  8. Even if you can't find the records...most likely they will let you rejoin.
  9. I agree with Eamonn, the Order is awesome the way it is and is not "Secret"
  10. You can find out by your scout master or the call-out chairman.
  11. I have to agree with kichkinet and prairie, both camps in Iowa are fantastic and offer many activities!
  12. OA is part of my council's camp all summer. During the week we have a call-out, then the canidates complete their ordeal right there in camp. Its nice having it during our week at camp because it brings an interest to non-members.
  13. its nice to see so many eagle scouts from all ages!
  14. Hey, i'm new to scouter and would like to know if there are any other eagles out there!
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