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Posts posted by eagle90

  1. For your summer reading pleasure, I just finished a book called "Scout's Honor - A father's unlikely foray into the woods" by Peter Applebome. It chronicles his first three years as his son joined a scout troop and dad came along out of what at first was duty, but as time went on became a love of Scouting. He describes weekend campouts, canoe trips, COH's, and summer camp, some successful, some less than that. He describes the boys in his son's troop in great detail, and it's remarkable how similar they are to boys I have known! I think he proves we all have the same successes and challenges no matter where we are and what kind of program we run. The book will make you smile and laugh, and other times leave you with a lump in your throat. For a change a positive spin on Scouting. I highly recommend it. It is available at Border's and Amazon.

  2. I would also vote for mixed age patrols. This year we tried the new scout patrol idea with not favorable results. The new scouts did not seem to mesh into the troop activities and spirit as well as in years when we just assimilated them into existing patrols with experienced leadership. My recommendation next year is to go back to mixed age patrols.


  3. I agree with OGE. Tipping of individual scouts or counselors should not be done, but each year our camp staff has a staff party at the end of the season, and the camp commissioners will normally ask for a small contribution from each troop to help out. We have tipped guides at a commercial river rafting firm we have used.

  4. every single time I present a Scout with his Eagle badge is a most proud moment for me. But recently, as his Eagle project one of my scouts collected used (and misused!) bicycles, reconditioned them, and donated over 30 like new bicycles to the Illinois Masonic Children's Home. The looks of joy and amazement on these kids faces when they realized these were THEIR new bikes was, as the commercial says, PRICELESS.

  5. While not a new badge, I have always thought that Cooking should be an eagle-required badge. While most of us may never have a chance to save a life, or save the environment, etc., at one point in their lives every boy will eventually have to fend for himself and cook a meal. It sure helps to be able to cook yourself a good meal instead of relying on fast food or a constant diet of PB&J.



  6. I was wondering when someone would get to Country! ME TOO!! Alabama, Reba McEntire, George Strait, Martina McBride, Lonestar, Lorie Morgan, Toby Keith, Garth Brooks, etc. etc. etc.

    I have actually even turned some of my scouts to country music! My mission is fulfilled!!


  7. Eammon, I congratulate your council for the early start. It will definitely help the over all experience. I was a SM at the 1997 Jambo. Your council is to be applauded for using veteran SM's. Our council, in its infinite wisdom, has the exact opposite policy - if you were there last time, you aren't going this time. A lot of mistakes could have been avoided and a better experience for the kids would happen with some experienced leadership. I felt the biggest challenge was taking 36 relative stangers and molding them into a working troop. We did a fairly good job, and everyone enjoyed themselves. For me it has been the highlight of a 40+ year scouting career so far. If anyone has the opportunity to go or to send your boys, DO SO!



  8. The best recruiting tool is Word of Mouth. Plan an exciting program for the five scouts you have, and they will tell their friends. "Hey I went on a canoe trip last weekend. "We're going caving this weekend" etc. Your 5 scouts will tell their friends and you will be up to ten in no time! Good luck!!



  9. Sports and Scouts can co-exist if we as leaders understand that BOTH are important in the life of the boys. Our troop is seeing 5 seniors graduate next week, four of whom are Eagles, all five have been active in sports or band, but have given our troop 7 years of leadership and loyalty. We just understand that on football Saturdays the band members will not be camping with us. And in spring, our numbers will be down due to baseball. LIVE WITH IT GUYS. Never force them to chose, as you may not like the choice they make. I would take a troop of 30 boys just like the five we are losing every day of the week!

  10. The camp we attend offers 45 merit badges, 6 of them from the required list. We ask our scouts to pass a minimum of 2 during the week, with most of them doing 3.


  11. I am continually amazed that scouters who advocate dining halls seem to think that advancement and patrol cooking are mutually exclusive. Our troop has always camped at a patrol method camp and our scouts average almost 3 merit badges per scout during the week. If the camp staff plans the meals correctly it should not cut into advancement time. Fires built, meals cooked, eaten, and cleaned up in a relatively short time.

  12. dsteele -

    Just wanted to let you know, about 5 years ago we were searching northern Wisconsin, touring for a new Summer Camp (We had been attending Mach-Kin-O-Siew) and we toured R.S. Lyle. We were very impressed with your staff and facilities back then, and I'm sure it has only inmproved since then. Out of the six camps we toured, Lyle was our second choice. BTW, we now attend Lefeber Northwoods Camp in Laona.

  13. Bob - You are right on the mark, especially the boredom issue. KEEP THEM BUSY! Years ago we had a camp nurse who was the sweetest old lady there ever was - she was everyone's Grandma. But she babied the homesick kids, letting them sleep in the health lodge and spend their days there with her. She was full to capacity! An old crusty Commissioner finally took things into his own hands, routed them all out of sick bay, got them to MB classes, instructionals, etc. and the homesickness ended rather quickly. Kind of a tough love situation, but it works.

  14. As usual, what great responses. As SM, I cannot serve on the Eagle BOR, but I have copied the above and will pass it along to our Advancement Chairman for his use. Our council gives us an option of having a council wide BOR or an in-house BOR.

  15. We do not hold regular troop meetings during the summer, as we meet in a school, which is closed. However, we do continue to be busy with our Summer Camp Training day, trip to a ball game, Camp Orientation meeting, Summer Camp, High Adventure trip, and program planning meetings for next year.


    Although I do love Scouting, it does feel good to be free of weekly meetings for a few months. I think it kind of prevents some burn out too.

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