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Posts posted by eagle90

  1. We have rafted down the New River in West Virginia twice in the last four yars. We have used Rivers Water Rafting Resort in Fayetteville, WV and were very impressed with their operation. They had excellent accomodations and equipment, an outstanding staff and great food. They have special packages for Scouts and even have Whitewater MB counselors on staff. We would definitely recommend them for an exciting whitewater trip.

  2. This is about the time High Adventure plans for 2003 are being made and firmed up. What are some of you planning for next summer? Our PLC has decided to go down to Lake Cumberland Kentucky and spend a week aboard a houseboat! We've done this before, and while not the traditional high energy activity, its loads of fun and you really get to know your older boys living in close confinement for a week? What are you others planning?

  3. We had a problem in our area with the Clothes survival requirement in that almost all of the local pools in the area would not allow a scout to jump into their pool with clothes on. Thus,about the only place this could be done was at summer camp, and in many cases this would delay the first class advancement many months. I agree with it being in the MB but not 1st Class requirements.

  4. Our PLC set up the following criteria in order for a scout to be eligible to attend Summer Camp and/or High Adventure activities: A scout must attend 2/3 of our troop meetings and at least 3 of our 8 weekend campouts.

    The PLC came up with this and reviews it at the beginning of every year, and so far in about ten years or so, there have been no problems or complaints. We do adjust the numbers for scouts who join mid year or have special circumstances.

  5. On our Committee, everyone who is registered on the charter is eligible to vote when there is an issue. I disagree that there is nothing to vote on. I, as SM, do not want the total responsibility, expecially for financial issues. That only breeds problems. We spent $2400 on tents recently, and yes, the committee did vote on this expenditure. If the committee makes no decisions, votes on nothing, why have the body at all?

  6. I reading these forums over the past months everyone is stressing the importance of the chartered organization.

    It seems they are of utmost imprtance in the operation of the unit. But what if that is NOT the case? We are chartered by a PTA-like organization who allows us to meet in the school. END OF COMMITMENT.

    They do absolutely nothing for us, and want to do nothing. We have been told to pick our own COR. They have been invited to all Courts of Honor, Dinners, Eagle Ceremonies, etc. and NEVER show up.Most of the time they don't even RSVP. We give them a yearly donation to help their causes, and do not even get the courtesy of a thank you. Perhaps it is different if sponsored by a religious body than a school-based organization. Anyone else have these same problems? Any suggestions to get them more involved, or do we even want to do that? Thanks for the input.

  7. Younglblood, no matter how many times it is told to the scouts, no matter who tells them (SM, OA members, etc.)

    it is not a popularity contest, IT IS A POPULARITY CONTEST. Unfortunately I think that is always going to be the case. I have over the years marveled at who our scouts have elected. But I guess that is why it is a boy election and not adults.

  8. Scout Nut - Excellent post. I too am concerned about the possible loss of Hoover Outdoor Education Center. We traditionally camp there both indoors and tent camping during the year. It is a great facility and would hate to see its demise. Hopefully some of the deep pocketed members and businesses in Chicago will come thru with the endowment fund by the deadline.


  9. And another thing...Just thought about this after my last post! I'm a 40+ year veteran and it seems to me that in recent years parents (both moms and dads)have become more and more protective of their sons, maybe even overly so. I now hear "That boy called my son a name"; "There are too many mosquitoes where you camp"; "My son can't camp unless I am there"; "The games are too rough"; "We don;t like the older boys" etc. etc. etc. I'm sure these kind of complaints have been around forever, but my mom or dad would have said - GROW UP! GET USED TO IT! NO ONE SAID LIFE WOULD BE FAIR AND EASY!

    Maybe its just a sign of the times and middle (old) age creeping up on me!

  10. While our troop is fortunate to have an adequate amount of male leadrship, we do have quite a few females on our committee in key positions. We do not forbid women from camping, but we have never had any that want to join us either. We recently had our annual family campout with moms, dads, and siblings present, and it does defintely change the camping environment having the females along.

    I have asked our scouts about this and it seems the older the boys are, the more they want a "male only" atmospehere. We have 12 high school agers and a lot of them said "Thats why I go camping - to get away from mom!" Not PC, but probably true! If I remember back to my days as a scout, I would have probably agreed with them! Hope mom is not reading this!

  11. Ah - the belt!


    This was our biggest point of contention at Summer Camp. Of course the lastest "style" is to wear the pants low and have the boxers showing over the top. The adults were constantly telliung scouts to "Pull up your shorts" "Get a belt". etc.


    I guess we older "dudes" just aren't up on the latest fads!


  12. We always seem to have our eagles in "flocks" 2-3-4 at a time. Such a problem to have! We usually have combined ceremonies, as the boys have wanted it that way. We do keep the ceremony dignified yet keep it down to a little over an hour. It also look great having the room filled to capacity with friends and relatives!


    We have always wondered if you have 2-3-4 ceremonies over a short period of time if the last boy gets the "ho-hum, another eagle ceremony" and attendance suffers.

  13. Wow! This sounds like a great event. Too bad we dodn;t know about it earlier. Purcelce, is this a yearly event? If so we will definitely consider it for next year. We have taken our troop to chanute AFB many times when it was still an operating base. I would be interested in seeing what has been done since it has closed. Please advise if this event is held every year. Thanks for the info!

  14. We have used the Eureka Timberline Outfitters for years in various sizes. They are extremely durable and have been used for canoe camping and rafting trips. Yes, they are more expensive but with the proper maintenance, they will outlast many of the cheaper brands. Some of our tents are approaching 20 years old and still going strong.

  15. I think it is because Bob is very black and white, Yes and no, cut and dried. No gary areas. There is NO room for interpretation. If BSA says it , it HAS to be right. God forbid an independent thinker criticizes the program in any way.


    That said, I have also learned a thing or two from him along the way. Keep us on our toes, Bob!

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