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Posts posted by Eagle732

  1. The point on the FOS money is well taken. At every FOS presentation I've been to it is always stated that this money helps the council's camp and that Scouts could not afford the full price of a week of summer camp without help from FOS. Now it seems the NE standards are that a camp needs to be self sufficient on fees alone. Maybe instead of FOS we should be raising money for FOC (Friends of Camp).


    Many of our troops go to other council's camps but I've always advocated supporting our camp by attending it each year. I believe that if we don't support our camp we will loose it. Interesting is the fact that at the last camp meeting the council's camp director stated that the emphasis is to attract outside council troops to camp. I suggested that they make at least the same effort in attracting local units too.

  2. NE-IV-88

    My post then was:


    "Tenderfoot through Life requirement states: "Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in your everyday life." The the Eagle requirement states: "Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life." My question is what's the difference between these two requirements?""


    At that time I had two Eagle SMCs to do and was reviewing the requirements and noticed the difference in wording. Although I thought there was essentially no difference in the requirements I was wondering why they were worded differently. Both Scouts have since received their Eagle, both with high recommendations from their SM.


    As I stated in my OP I am not in this position (having a Scout who I would refuse to sign off on for whatever reason).(This message has been edited by Eagle732)

  3. What would it take for you as a SM to refuse to sign off on Scout Spirit and/or the Scoutmaster's Conference for Eagle?

    At what point do you decide that a Scout is not going to be an Eagle in your troop?

    Would you not sign off because of a lack of attendance? How about a Scout found forging a Merit Badge card?

    I'd like to hear from anyone who has actually refused to sign off on Eagle.

    Disclaimer: I am not in this position, this is just a topic for discussion.

  4. First, this method is something we are in the process of trying so I don't have all the answers. The purpose is to facilitate a smooth transition of new Scouts into the troop which is a big change for these guys coming from Cubs.

    Here's the scenario:

    8 Webs join in March, they form the NSP. They have a Troop Guide assigned to the patrol who becomes a temporary member and an ASM Advisor. They elect a PL, name the patrol, make a flag, come up with a cheer, etc. They work together on advancement, camp together as a patrol, and they're all friends from Cubs anyway. The end result by the time they finish Tenderfoot (before their first summer camp) is that most want to keep the patrol together. They form what we call "Unit Cohesion". A few leave, I had one case where a Scout just couldn't wait to get away from one of his old Web buddies, some want to join patrols that have older friends in them, but usually they want to stay. It shouldn't take more than 6 months to finish Tenderfoot and by that time they would have finished many 2nd Class requirements too.


    Now to answer some of the questions:

    Who populates the NSP?

    We'll we seem to have a few new stragglers throughout the year so they go to the NSP. And hopefully we get new group of Scouts every year.

    How do you start the process?

    We started with a large group of new Scouts that came from one pack.

    What happens when you only have 2-3 Scouts left?

    Same thing we do with other patrols when their numbers get low. The PLC decides to disband the patrol and the remaining members choose another patrol. The PL needs to recruit for his patrol if the numbers start to fade and they don't want to be disbanded.

    What happens to Scouts that are left behind (not advancing)?

    No one would be left behind, if the members all want to go to other patrols after making Tenderfoot except one or two Scouts then after a reasonable amount of time and some individual advancement encouragement then they would be allowed to move. If a Scout hasn't made Tenderfoot in 6 months there's a larger problem that needs to be addressed.

    Next year the process starts all over assuming there are enough (5 minimum) Scouts. Last years NSP is either a regular patrol by now or its members have moved to other patrols.

    Hope this answers some of the questions.



  5. Well technically it was a recession, the worst recession in the last 60 years. It was from November 1973 to March 1975, where real GDP fell by 4.9 percent. I remember the gas lines, inflation, high interest rates, those were the good old days! And the Dukes of Hazzard first aired in '79.

    I like you admonition (all-a-dook-a-haz-ar) but where can I find the proper pronunciation of the real admonition?

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