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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/24 in Posts

  1. Respectfully disagree. Even though the IVF has been used against the BSA in the lawsuit, at the time it was one of the best protections for youth. There are cases in there where the parents refused to prosecute the perpetrator, so it was never brought to court. One victim posted information about his perp where the records stated the parents did not want to have their children tesitify in a court martial. Perp went to a psych hospital, and was medically discharged. Only the IVF prevented him from working for the BSA, as he applied to a job. NOW, if you are declared innocent, then
    3 points
  2. I ain't touching that topic with a 10ft pole lol
    2 points
  3. A lot of financial support in most councils seem to support the professionals and the "development" and "marketing" staff who in fact seem to only raise money so the council can do lots of things not directly related to Scouting programs and then enable them to hire more "development" and "marketing" staff .... rinse, lather, repeat. Remember, BSA professionals and councils firmly are in the "Scouting is around so we can raise money" column. Most units and in the trenches volunteers naively think that "Money is raised to have Scouting". Never forget we do not actually have the same go
    1 point
  4. With respect, some councils do an excellent job supporting Scouting, and others do not. When folks ask for help from the council with recruiting new Scouts, and the council gives none, that is not supporting Scouting. When folks provide a budget, list of supplies, vendors, and costs with enough time to get them, only for council to ignore everything, causing the event organizing to run around last minute to get supplies locally for a higher price, and then blames them for going overbudget, that is not supporting Scouting. When folks secure a donor for an event, covers the cost o
    1 point
  5. Hello @Ironfoot, and welcome back to the forum after a good break 😜 I have not seen any comparison of these to any other routine. BP's exercises seem to me to just be a brief stretching routine to get ready for the day, or an activity. I would not call them a "workout". Instead, these are good movements to do before you start a workout or activity. Any stretching routine will do, as long as you work the major muscle groups. And, BP's routine does that... chest, shoulders, back, arms, abdominals, and legs. Enjoy!
    1 point
  6. I don't doubt it for a second, hence my RoboCop reference, but it's still not right what they are doing.
    1 point
  7. So, there was this District Executive (male) who was rather "rough around the edges" who came to put on a "Boy Talk" at our Pack's and Troop's feeder school ( with a female District Executive who was, is, and remains (after 30 years) the most impressive professional scouter I have ever met. He always seemed a bit short on sincerity-a bit cocky-so I was not too impressed, but, for some reason, I attended the Boy Talk (now, "Everyone Talk?"). And he said: "Scouting is the only youth outdoor program (meaning "sports") 'Where everyone can play all of the time.'" And that struck
    1 point
  8. Aviators have a saying.... "The flak is heaviest when you are over the target!" Although another iteration of that is: "If you're taking flak, you're over the target."
    1 point
  9. I hope one of our readers who has a firm grasp on membership numbers could discuss the big picture on the membership decline. There is such a tangle of issues that will have contributed to the decline (especially the bankruptcy and its many impacts) that I am unable to authoritatively opine on whether adding all girl dens/troops was a net membership add or subtraction. All I can do is share my actual experience as a “big troop” scoutmaster When we started four years ago, we were the only girl troop in our district. We were not always welcomed and I personally absorbed a lot of negative
    1 point
  10. You seem to think that financial support of the council does not support "Scouting." That's concerning. BSA has lots of rules and guidelines about how units are to finance their operations, etc., and who can solicit funds from outside sources. (Spoiler - the unit cannot solicit). They're not perfect but they're the rules and simply circumventing them or flouting them isn't the answer IMHO.
    0 points
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