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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/22 in Posts

  1. Keep in mind that the Pack exists for the kids. But, the grown folk need to have fun too, because negativity spreads like cancer. If your boy is enjoying it and likes the other guys you may consider stepping back and let him enjoy the pack.
    2 points
  2. For us it's been a number of years now that recharter won't go through if anyone is not YPT current, or won't be before the charter expires/renews. So many of our adults expire in December because Recharter was the final KIA to get it done. This is different. Recharter for us is January; these are folks whose expiration dates were in October, they're supposed to be suspended affective the date they expire.
    1 point
  3. That is probably the best solution. Scouting is a great thing in a lot of ways, but some folks are full of self importance and ego. If you keep the kids first I think you'll be just fine. Best wishes and God bless.
    1 point
  4. Something has clearly got blown out of proportion. Do your best to iron things out. Get help if need be. There’s more to life than scouting, you have quite a few years of parenting ahead of you, and you all will be seeing each other in your community.
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately, once someone forms a negative opinion or perception of you, you aren't really gonna be able to change that in a short time. And, it largely depends on whether that person is open-minded. "Is there anything that can be done about this?" Sure... leave it alone for now. And ask yourself, "Why would they think I am a gossip? or Who is giving them this misinformation?" If you are a gossip, stop. If you know who is gossiping about you, avoid them and read this: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/feeling-it/201612/8-things-do-if-youre-the-target-hurtful-gossip
    1 point
  6. Welcome to the forum, @feistyscoutmom . Why? Quit what? Do you have a leadership position? Will your son have to go as well? A CC that uses a child as leverage to remove an adult is a mess. Clearly, you and the CC don't get along. But let's face it, you picked the name @feistyscoutmom. Is it possible that you're both a bit feisty? Scouts is a volunteer organization of loosely affiliated organizations. There are units that belong to chartered orgs. There are councils that don't really like getting involved in people problems in units. Technically, your pack bel
    1 point
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