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backpacking merit badge


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At http://usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/mb061.html there is a footnote for requirements 5 & 6 of the hiking MB that states: The hikes in requirements 5 and 6 can be used in fulfilling Second Class (2a) and First Class (3) rank requirements, but only if Hiking merit badge requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been completed to the satisfaction of your counselor. The hikes of requirements 5 and 6 cannot be used to fulfill requirements of other merit badges. So if that is correct, then no, the hike for the Backpacking MB cannot be used for the Hiking MB too.



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SWScouter you are correct about the footnote. Except that in this case you are using Backpacking hikes for Hiking not the other way around.


This is how it was explained to me by the Dean of MB counselors for my council since I do both badges.

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The footnote clearly means that you cannot use the hike used for Hiking for any other MB. Turning the equation around does not change it, it is still being used for Backpacking as well.


Is the goal the MB or is the goal the experience?

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In one case, the trek is for the proper distance with a backpack on. It could qualify for either MB.

In the other case, it is only a hike. And therefore cannot possibly qualify for the backpacking MB.

That is the difference as I understand it. But it is still up to the counselor, I think.(This message has been edited by packsaddle)

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"If a scout walks ten miles in one day while doing either 15 miles in three days or 30 miles in five days requirement for backpacking merit badge can he use it for hiking merit badge?"


I agree that the footnote makes the answer no. However, if he backpacks for 40 miles in 5 days, I think the Hiking MBC would be within the zone of reason in counding a 10 mile leg as a hike.

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