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Merit Badge Changes for 2005


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The 2005 requirements book is now available, meaning it had to be printed and distributed long ago. Does National give any sort of "heads up" that changes are coming, effective on January 1st of the coming year?


Skipper's Hornaday course (and MB fairs, etc.) could have used an advance warning to adjust their long-planned program.


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I don't know about the rest of you, but my superior usually ends his requests with "by COB today", meaning that people at my level have little or no notice about many tasks. I'm used to it so the MB thing doesn't bother me much. However, if a boy starts under one set of requirements he ought to be able to finish under those same requirements.

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I went to our scout shop. Guess what... They have not received any heads up on the changes. In fact, according to the manager, Supply has been turning down his orders for phamplets for Atomic Energy, Chemsitry and Family Life. We called them late yesterday and asked them why. The said the item number did not exist. The manager asked them if they had the same numbers with an "A" added and guess what! They had them.


I think National needs to work a little on getting the word out. We already know that books will be changed for Jan. 1 each year for several years. Can't they give us a little heads up on the internet, a press release, or something?

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