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Common In Use Scouting Abbreviations

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AA Associate Advisor (Explorer Post) .

ADC Assistant District Commissioner .

AFAIK As Far As I Know Internet folklore

AOL Arrow of Light .

AOM Award of Merit .

APL Assistant Patrol Leader .

ASPL Assistant Senior Patrol Leader .

ASM Assistant Scoutmaster folklore

BCSR Boulder Creek Scout Reservation psc

BL Boys Life Magazine folklore

BLT Basic Leadership Training see also CBLT, CSLBT

BOR Board of Review .

BSA Boy Scouts of America .

BSA Baby Sitters of America Common missunderstanding

BSA Boy Scout Acronyms Other missunderstanding

BSALT Boy Scout Adult Leader Training old

BTW By The Way Internet folklore

CA Assistant Cubmaster recharter form

CBLT Cub Basic Leadership Training see also BLT, CSLBT

CSALT Cub Scout Adult Leader Training old

CC Committee Chairman recharter form

CE Sometimes mistakenly used for SE mistake

CL Cub Leader folklore

CM Cubmaster .

CO Chartered Organization (local org. who holds a unit charter) .

COH Court of Honor .

COPE Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience .

COR Chartered Organization Representative .

CR Chartered Organization Representative recharter form

CS Cub Scout .

CSLBT Cub Scout Leader Basic Training .

CSP Council Shoulder Patch .

CSR Cutter Scout Reservation psc

DA Assistant Den Leader recharter form

DAC District Activities Chairman ?

DAM District Award of Merit ?

DC District Chairman .

DC District Commissioner .

DD District Director .

DC Den Leader Coach recharter form

DE District Executive common

DL Den Leader .

DRP Declaration of Religious Principle .

DS Discovery district psc

EA Explorer Post Advisor recharter form

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Internet folklore

FOS Friends Of Scouting .

FYI For Your Information Internet folklore

GSA incorrect form of GSUSA incorrect

GSUSA Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. .

IMHO In My Humble Opinion Internet folklore

IH Institutional Head recharter form

JLT Junior Leader Training .

JLTC Junior Leader Training Conference .

JOTA Jamboree on the Air .

JOTI Jamboree on the Internet .

KISMIF Keep It Simple Make It Fun folklore

MB Merit Badge slang

MC Master of Ceremonies inofficial

MC Committee member recharter form

NESA National Eagle Scout Association .

NLS National Leadership Seminar. OA

NOAC National Order of the Arrow Conference OA

PSC Pacific Skyline Council .

OA Order of the Arrow .

PL Patrol Leader .

PLC Patrol Leader Conference

PN Peninsula District psc

POR Policy, Organisation and Rules U.K., Australia

PTC Philmont Training Center .

QM Quartermaster .

RT Roundtable .

RTFM Read The Fine Manual Internet folklore

SA Assistant Scoutmaster recharter form

SE Scout Executive .

SIT Staff in Training .

SM Scoutmaster .

SME Sustaining Membership Enrollment (like FOS) .

SMF Scoutmastership Fundamentals Other acronym for BLT

SPL Senior Patrol Leader .

SQ Sequoia district psc

SOR ScoutORama psc

ST Stanford district psc

TDC Trainer Development Conference

TLA Three Letter Acronym common; non scouting

TLC Troop Leader Conference (like PLC) folklore

TTT Train the Trainer (replaced by TDC) old

UC Unit Commissioner .

UW United Way .

WA Assistant Webelos Den Leader recharter form

WB Wood Badge .

WDL Webelos Den Leader not official

WAGGGS World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts .

WL Webelos Den Leader recharter form

WLOT Webelos Leader Outdoor Training .

WOSM World Organization of the Scout Movement .

YIS Yours In Scouting internet folklore



Not at all meant to be complete or accurate even, just a few thoughts over what the letters might mean

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Great list, To add to it:


BALOO Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (Cub Leader)

OWL Outdoor Webelos Leader training

IOLS Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (Boy Scout Leader)

LOL Laughing out loud (indicates jest or a joke)(Internet)

IIRC If I remember correctly (Internet)

AFAIK As far as I know (Internet)

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