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Posting & cookies?

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It has to do with security. Much like amazon will let you browse around in someones account without logging in, they want to be really sure you are the registered user when it comes time to purchase (unless you turn on one-click ordering - bad idea). As a cookie can only identify a computer, not who is using it, the ID / password provides additional security for currency related transactions.


On scouter.com, your currency is your posts. The site allows you to browse in someones area but not to post (and possibly impersonate) as them, unless you can prove who you are logged in as. So also get rid of all those yellow stickie notes with IDs / passwords stuck to your monitor, and improve your security!

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This site is fine in allowing me to choose my password exactly the way I want to.. I may not have passwords on stickynotes, but I do have a notebook next to the computer with otherthings as well as a site, the password & the username..


With various sites (and at work) various computer software that I need to log into it is impossible not to.. There are the software that I don't get to choose my password, the sites that require a certain number of charactors some with max & min different then others. Then the ones that need a number, a symbol, and upper/lower case etc. Then the ones that force you to change your password every 60 to 90 days and wont let you reuse a password again for 5 to 20 cycles..


Usernames also some will not let you pick them, others force it to be your email, or have a max/min size, others you need to find something different because someone already has the one you normally use.


When all is said and done you end up with 25 -50 different passwords with different combinations of usernames to add to the mess all to different sites.. All this "extra" security, forces those of us that have to live with it to write down our passwords for each site next to the name of the site in order to survive, thus forcing us to have no security at all.


Like I said, the retyping the Username/pswd here may be tedious, But unless your username was taken, this place at least let you choice the password you want.

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That little login box has been popping up for years and I've always ignored it and clicked around it. I still post with no problems. The box in the posting messages is filled in by Firefox and Chrome with no problem. I get used to ignoring them. If for some reason I might have someone using my computer, I just logout and that ends that.



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