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Is Becoming a MB Counselor Worth the Effort?

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I filled out my application and turned it in to Council April 12th. Heard nothing back, so I called and left a message asking about my status on May 3rd. Got an email on May 7th saying I needed to turn in another adult application, along with the consent form, as this is a separate position. That seems nonsensical and redundant, but sadly used to this with scouts. 

I filled out another application and sent it to our committee chair to sign (having received no instructions to the contrary), then she forwarded it to Council. We (CC and I) then got a passive-aggressive  email back saying, “M, I communicated directly with S because merit badge counselors are not a unit position and the application is not signed by the chartered org rep.

Then I got a separate email telling me I needed to turn in another application. 

I foresee nothing but headache here. Convince me otherwise. Or confirm and I can tell her forget it with no qualms, lol. 

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Thank you for trying to do this.

And welcome to another headache of mistreatment by paid staffers.

If your integrity and doing things with excellence are important to you, then yes, pursue.

If you are not the type to jump through bureaucratic hoops, and you have a unit leader with access to Scoutbook who will approve MBs on your behalf, then consider that option.

We are in a similar situation.  We have an adult leader who submitted the application in Feb.  He was approved as a MBC in March (about a month later), is populated in Scoutbook, but has NO MBs associated (yes, this is a two step process.)

Our Registrar is overworked and underpaid.  I spoke with District Advancement Chair... since this leader is not counseling any "restricted" MBs, we told him to go ahead and counsel in good faith.

He will fill out a blue card, and we will approve things in Scoutbook based on the signed blue card.

Sometimes you have to "help" the system.

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Yes. It is worth it. I will soon complete my first year as MB counselor. Also ASM for the troop. It is amazing to watch scouts grow, learn new skills, and bring them back to the troop.

There seems to be an all-around registration issue going from paper applications to electronic. I am stuck trying to renew. The prompt says to renew in the electronic system but nothing about my MB counselor position is in there.

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100% worth it. I taught Rifle/Shotgun during summer camp for 2 years, with some other events outside of camp, and the look on their faces when it "clicks" is satisfying EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. 

Feed the bureaucracy their paperwork so you, and the scouts, can reap the rewards. 

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I apologize on behalf of the MBC corps as it sounds like a lot of your issue is that your unit does not understand the MBC role and governance. Just push through, it's worth it.

Your council is absolutely correct, being an MBC is a council membership requirement. You have the right to choose to be council wide, district wide, or just specific unit(s); however, it's a council at large membership. Because of that council at large membership you do have to fill out a new (no cost if already registered) membership denoting 2nd/dual membership enrollment and someone from your council will have to review and approve (my council has a made up position literally called the MB Czar that handles this). 

Restricted MBs may sometimes vary by council but normally they are shooting sports related, diving, climbing, etc... and of course everyone's favorite restricted MB Citizenship in Society. If you are qualified you will not have a problem getting signed off. If you are qualified you might have to endure a stupid meeting or phone call (I basically brow beat the MB Czar over my qualifications to counsel Wilderness Survival). When you go through it just tell yourself "Hey this is a good thing, council doesn't want unqualified know-it-alls teaching some poor scout the wrong thing."


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