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Weekend two complete!

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Had an early start on Saturday morning.  The camp is a bit over an hour away and I wanted to have a good breakfast before the start of the fun.  I got up at 4:30, having not slept well the night before.  After the flag raising, a round of "Back to Gillwell", ceremonial change of duties, and some announcements, we loaded up our pack and started the walk to the overnight area.  Had a good day of classes and games - the day flew by.  Our patrol elected to make individual meals - I had MREs left over from work.  We wanted to simplify cooking and cleanup, not knowing exactly what the timeline would be.  The troop put on an evening campfire, which was enjoyable.  We had a sort of potluck cracker barrel.  Some were fancy with freshly made popcorn, while others brought "embossed chocolate cookies bracketing a creamy center" aka, Oreos.  Our patrol did a run to get vehicles for the morning exodus and retired to our campsite.  We did a little more bonding over various issues that we universally have in our units and headed to our tents.  It was then that I discovered that Tennessee has little thorn bushes hiding in the grassy parts in the woods.  I forgot my ground sheet, having lent it to a family last year and not repacking it in that particular tent.  It's a 34 year old tent that needs retaping and resealing, so I wasn't too concerned about seeing a needle come through the floor.  Just glad there wasn't one under my new air mattress.  It was rather warm last night, so I didn't sleep well again - extra humidity as well.  At the appointed hour, we woke up, packed quickly, heated up water for breakfast for some, ate random snacks for others, and departed for the main area.  Today was a couple of classes, reviewing and reflecting on the material.  We then ate a great lunch - you won't lose weight at Wood Badge.  Afterwards, a few more talks and closing ceremonies.  Met a couple more people in my district, which was cool.  Now it's time to start working on my ticket items.  But first, some rest.

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