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The Charlottesville Council’s Sudden Rise and Failure, 1914-1916


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7 hours ago, DuctTape said:

Great article. I followed an embedded link to the other article about UVaS Scoutmaster training. Reading the content summary of that course should shame anyone who considers current scoutmaster training adequate.

Well said; here is a small cut/paste from the article regarding the Scoutmaster training at the U of Virginia:

"Specific topics of study were; a Local Organization and its Relation to the Community, Benefits of Scout Work for Boys, Organization and Leadership, the American Boy and His Relation to Family Life, Scout problems and Country Life, and Scout Efficiency and its Relation to Citizenship. Special lectures and demonstrations were also given by experts in the fields of Local Bird and Animal Life, Forestry and Conservation, Local Rock and Geographical Formations, Indoor and Outdoor Programs for Scout Work, Knot Tying, First Aid and Bandaging, Fire Building, Tracking, and Camp Management."


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