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Scouts Carrying Religious Flags

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My take on Scout Sunday is, if the unit is sponsored by a church or church organization (like to KofC), then it should be "all hands on deck" to attend that Sunday's service at the sponsoring church, regardless of religion. It shows respect to the chartering organization and is in line with A Scout is Reverent. Savvy units will have spoken with the pastor well ahead of time to let them know they will have boys of varying faiths in attendance that day - most will work Scout Sunday into their services.


So that I'm clear, when I say "all hands on deck", I do mean that if you're sponsored by an RC church and you have a couple of Jewish boys in the unit, they should attend as well. As should any Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Muslims, Mormons, Deists, Animists, etc. etc. etc. (and yes, even suspected Athiests). BTW - that goes for all - if the unit is sponsored by a Synagogue and there are a a couple of Roman Catholic boys in the unit, they should attend Scout Sabbath.


If the unit is not sponsored by a church, my suggestion would be to partner with a local Community Church, which is often non-denominational, or whichever is the most welcoming church or synagogue in the area.

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Cal: Thanks for the clarification. I was going by what I read in several websites. Makes sense.

As for "all hands", absolutely all should be invited, but that would still depend on the permission of the Scout's parents and faith. With full disclosure, you might have some who, for various reasons, would choose not to attend such an event.

I remember our Troop attending a "patriotic" speech at a Synagogue. We ended up sitting thru a Jewish service! First time I saw a "backward" hymnal! After the service (cantor and all), we heard from General Hersey, (he wasn't that important to me THEN). And we had something to talk about later. I'm not sure we even had any Jewish Scouts in our Troop, but I don't remember anyone not attending....

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The troop sponsor when I was a Scout and young Scouter was a Methodist Church. Once a month, Scouts carried the flags in the opening procession, including the Methodist flag. One Sunday Joseph Brunton was sitting in the front row and did not seem concerned. It would never have occurred to me that there was an issue. I join the consensus.

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The Presbyterian church I attended growing up didn't allow the American flag or troop flag inside the church at all. Period. There was some serious discussion about this policy but the church was adamant. My Eagle ceremony consisted of about 5 minutes of recognition during a regular church service. Nothing more.

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