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Atchafalaya Swamp Base

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Looking for Something New to Do. Tired of Camping in the Same place.Want to Try a New Environment besides the Beach or the Mountains..Ever Consider the Swamp, Kayaking, airboats, houseboats, and amazing wildlife await those willing to test themselves against one of the country's most intimidating wildernesses.

This is the Atchafalaya Swamp Bases' second year..Program is still expanding


I made this video as a good deed for them last summer.


best watched in HD..just click the HD on the Video


Photos are from Various Photographers from Swampbase and Crews. I just made the video with Windows Movie Maker.

Hope to go someday soon.



Outside of the Spirit of Scouting I have no affiliation with the Camp.


Check them out on the Web at http://bsaswampbase.org/Home_Page.php and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bsaswampbase

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The River Control Structure prevents the Mississippi River from changing its course to going down the Atchafalaya.


The above link is a reasonably good summary. The essential words are:

"The Corps completed construction on the Old River Control Structure in 1964 to prevent the main channel flow of the Mississippi River from altering its current course to the Gulf of Mexico through the natural geologic processof avulsion. Historically, this natural process has occurred about every 1,000 years, and is overdue. Some researchers believe the likelihood of this event increases each year, despite artificial control efforts"

My buddies over in the Hydraulics Lab used to laugh at the idea that we could 'control' the river indefinitely. There have been other times, besides the 2011 flood, in which the engineers were experiencing 'pucker factor' over this, lol. Me, I'd invest in real estate somewhere else if I was interested in a long-term outlook.

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Well I guess that all depends on what actually Happens if the water does start going down the Atchfalaya River.

Depending on High the water rises I guess..How much more surface water there would be.

perhaps create Islands.


Would the Failure immediately cause the Mississippi River to immediately run Dry and All Water Traffic to run down the Atchafalay?

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'Dry' might not be the word for it but....barge traffic probably would not pass New Orleans again. Maybe an occasional 15' bass boat or something. Think about it, the current flow through the Atchafalaya increases by 3X of normal flows, minimum. Now superimpose a big midwestern flood. Magnificent!

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