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Eagle service projects


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Just googling on Eagle Requirements history and you can find several reference sites.


It looks like in 1958 they added the requirement "While a Life Scout, do your best to help in your home, school, church, and community". Then, in 1965 it was changed to "While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and carry out a service project helpful to your church or synagogue, school, or community".


I know that, while the wording has only been modified slightly since then, the scope of the project has changed considerably. Sometime in the 1970s, the rule was changed so that it could not directly benefit the BSA or any unit. I believe there was a growing trend for service projects to be for things like camp improvements and the like. Also, I don't know if it is explicitely stated, but there seems to be much more of a focus on the planning and leadership aspects than there used to be. But that's just my opinion.

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When I earned my Eagle in 1960, there was no service project requirement at all, other than your participation requirement (as pointed out by Eagle in KY) and what you might have to do in merit badges. My Eagle Board of Review, which I still remember, included no "service project" questions. It was more along the lines of how you helped your community, etc. I was SM 1967-1970 and had several Eagles, but don't recall any service project issues and it was much more informal than the structure we have today.

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I earned my Eagle in 1956 and we had no Eagle Project. You had to earn 21 merit badges--and they were different than the required ones today--had been a Life Scout for 6 months, served your troop as a leader, and served your community in a variety of ways. I cannot remember if this was a BSA requirement, but in our troop one had to present letters from various community leaders indicating one's standing. One had to be from one's school's principal.


I think the Eagle Project was a wonderful addition to the Eagle requirements.



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I earned my Eagle in 1975, and had to endure BSA changing the MB requirements mid-stream. I started out having to get 21 MB's, but because I didn't finish by a certain date, I had to get three more for a total of 24.


I have the same recollection as Trev regarding Eagle projects... mine was not so complicated, and I don't remember having to do the extensive documentation that is required for projects now.


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