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Was Baden-Powell a Christian; if so, any documentation?


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I have been researching Sir B-P and am wondering what his beliefs were. I haven't found anything really pointing to his convictions. If anyone knows anything about his spiritual life, could you tell me a good reading resource so that I can read up on this?


Thanks so much,

Bear (and a good 'ol Bear, too!)

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I knew i saw something on this, Check the book


"Rovering to Success" writen by Baden-Powell published by Herbert Jenkins Limited



In the Chapter named Rock Number Five, IRRELIGION B-P discusses the importance of religion to happiness.


I found it intersting while B-P talks about Christians and Jesus, he also quotes the Koran and Marcus Aurelius two distinctly non-christian sources to support his argument religion is essential to happiness.

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Thanks, OldGreyEagle, for posting your reply to my question! I have really been wanting to research this particular area of B-P's life. I am hoping our library has this book you have mentioned.


I am a Christian and am, of course, curious about this information.


Again, thank you for your answer,

YIS & hopefully a fellow Christian,


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  • 1 month later...

There is a related comment regarding this subject in the interview in the last issue of the Paper Scouter. It is also noted in many of his various writings and articles in the British scouting periodicals. A book entitled B.P.'s Outlook is a really good resource. From the numerous scouting histories and B.P. biographies it is obvious that his religious beliefs were fairly broad, though probably based on his early experience with the Church of England.

Hope this is of some use to your research.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From one Bear to another

I believe that B-P was a christian, mainly because of this quote.No man is much good unless he believes in God and obeys His laws. So every Scout should have a religion....Religion seems a very simple thing: First: Love and Serve God. Second: Love and serve your neighbour. - (Baden-Powell, Scouting For Boys, 1908) As you know these are the two commandments that Jesus gave when asked which ones were the greatest. I think that B-P quoted from a lot of different sources because he wanted the program to attract any boy as long as he beleived in a Creator. He was obviously a wise man. Of course we all know that B-P was a good ole bear too. That's what BP stands for, Bear Patrol

from a good ole bear too

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