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Is this in compliance with BSA rules?

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The following fundraising effort was proposed by a unit:


"Prizes" - different items like a framed poster, tools, etc, were solicited from local businesses as donations to be used in a raffle.


Cub Scouts - in uniform - were to sell raffle tickets to the public in front of local businesses (with an adult leader present).


Note that this is occurring in January (a cold January) - with specific goals set for tickets sold per hour, shifts to be staffed etc.


The raffle drawing would be held at the Blue and Gold Dinner. Winners need not be present to win.


If there was an objection to having Scouts do this in uniform, it would be done as "Friends of local Scouting"


It appears that no approval was sought from the chartering Organization and no Money Raising permission obtained from Council....



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My understanding is that raffles or games of chance are not in compliance with fundraising guidelines.

Since no approval was obtained either from CO or council then the answer is definitly not in compliance with BSA rules.

Here are the rules from the application




The way in which a unit earns money to carry out its program is of great importance in the education of youth members in

basic va l u e s.

W h e n ever your unit is planning a money - earning project, this checklist can serve as your guide. It will be helpful to you as

you fill out the application.If your answer is yes to all the questions that follow, it is likely the project conforms with Scoutings standards and will be approved.

1 . H ave your unit committee and chartered organization

approved your project, including the dates and the

methods ?

There should be a real need for raising money based on

your units program . We should not engage in special

m o n ey - e a rning projects merely because someone has

o f fered us an attra c t i ve plan. I t s important to remember

that individual youth members are also expected to earn

their own way. The need should be over and above

n o rmal budget items covered by dues.

2 . Do your plan and corresponding dates avoid competition

with money - raising effo rts and policies of other

u n i t s, your chartered organization, your local council,

and United Way ?

C h e ck with your chartered organization representative

to make certain that your chartered organization agr e e s

on the dates and type of fund-ra i s e r. The chart e r e d

organization representative can also clear the other

dates by calling the council service center.

3 . Does your plan comply with local ordinances; is it free

from any association with gambl i n g ; and is it consistent

with the ideals and purposes of the Boy Scouts of

A m e ri c a ?

M o n ey - raising projects that include the sale of ra f f l e

t i ckets are in violation of this policy.

This question can be answered only in terms of specific

p r o p o s a l s. If there is a ny question of its suitability,

contact your local council service center for assistance.

4 . If a commercial product is to be sold, will it be sold on

its own merits and without reference to the needs of

Scouting, either directly (during sales presentations) or

i n d i r e c t l y ?

Teaching youth members to become self-reliant and to

e a rn their own way is an important part of training our

youth members.

The official unifo rm is intended to be wo rn pri m a rily fo r

use in connection with Scouting activities. H oweve r, the

u n i fo rm may be wo rn in connection with council-sponsored

product sales progra m s.

5 . If tickets are sold for any function other than a Scouting

event, will they be sold by your youth members as individuals

without depending on the goodwill of Scouting

to make this sale possibl e ?

T i ckets may be sold by youth members in unifo rm in

the name of Scouting for such things as pack show s,

troop suppers, circuses, ex p o s i t i o n s, and similar

Scouting eve n t s.

6 . E ven when sales are confined to parents and fri e n d s,

will they get their money s wo rth from any product they

p u r c h a s e, function they attend, or services they receive

from your unit?

Here again is the principle of value receiveda sale

standing on its own meritso that the recipients are

not in any way subsidizing either Scouting or the memb

e r.Youth members must learn to pay their own way

and to honestly earn the money to do it. You cannot

p e rmit anyone to use the good name of Scouting to

sell a product.

7 . If a project is planned for a particular area, do yo u

respect the right of other Scouting units in the same

n e i g h b o r h o o d ?

I t s a courtesy to check with neighboring units or the local

council service center to coordinate the time of yo u r

project and to see that you arent cove ring their terri t o ry.

Your unit commissioner can help you with this.

8 . Is it reasonably certain that people who need wo rk or

business will not lose it as a result of your units plan?

Your unit should neither sell nor offer services that will

damage someones live l i h o o d . If possibl e, check with

the people who may be affe c t e d .

9 . Will your plan protect the name and goodwill of the Boy

Scouts of America and prevent it from being capitalize d

on by promoters of show s, benefits, or sales campaigns?

Because of Scoutings good reputation, customers ra r e l y

question the quality or price of a product. U n c h e cked, the

n e t wo rk of Scouting units could become a beehive of

commercial interest to the neglect of character bu i l d i n g

and citizenship tra i n i n g .

1 0 . If any contracts are to be signed by your unit, will they be

signed by an individual without reference to the Boy

Scouts of America, and in no way appear to bind the local

council, the Boy Scouts of America, or the chart e r e d

organization to any agreement of financial responsibility?

B e fore any person in your unit signs a contract, he

must make sure the venture is legitimate and wo rt hy. I f

a contract is signed, he is personally responsibl e. H e

cannot sign on behalf of the local council or the Boy

Scouts of America, nor may he bind the chart e r e d

organization without its written authori z a t i o n . If yo u r e

not sure, check with your local council service center

for help.

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This definatly a NO-NO. For several reasons,


1. NO raffles

2. You solicitied from businesses

3. Cubs selling Raffle tickets

4. Cubs selling tickets in uniform.


As for the idea that if there is an object the would do it as "Friends of local Scouting" . If it looks like a DUCK and quacks like a DUCK, then usually thats what it is. Anyone that would use a lame excuse as that is knowingly violating the rules and should be called on it


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I don't know about his association with the unit, but I'm thinking the next post will refer to some conspiracy that the BSA is involved in ....


And I'm certain the he knew the rules about fundraising before he made this post.


That's my $0.02.


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common sense would also tell us that these young scouts should not be hanging out in front of the store in just their uniforms in a cold january as well. As we are into April already, is this something they planned on doing next year or is this something they already did?

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