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The best of the forum - program ideas


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Kicking the list off.


My advancement, investiture and promotion ceremonies are fairly elaborate and include Aboriginal culture and icons (with their permission). Family members are invited but the investitures are otherwise private Troop events (creating some mystique amongst the Cub Pack.


I follow the official ceremony but added a Scout dressed as an Aboriginal guide, didgeredo music, flaming lanterns, canoe transport from the Cub Pack when possible, signing the Troop role, Troop wall hangings (using poles and lashings as a frame outside), always conduct them at night and all badges are safety-pinned to the shirt.


I used discussions relating to OA and Mic-O-Say and then checked out a few sites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been on a couple forums for about 8 years, I hope you don't mind some ideas from them.


-SPL handing out advancment patches to scouts at end of meetings.

-SPL introducing scouts to the BOR.

-Troop Guide Program

-New Scout ASM

-Older scout program

-Camping without Patrol Boxes.

-Night Camporee




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Had an ASM once who told us about his youth experience...his SM would just tell the SPL the date and location of the next camping trip and would not say another word about it. It was up to the SPL/PLC to carry the ball from there...make notifications, arrange transportation, menus, collect money, get the troop gear in order, etc.


Talk about boy-run. In my troop, no one would show up. The youth nowadays don't seem to think about life more than 30 minutes in advance.


(By the way, a student in one of my recent SM courses took offense at the term "boy-run". Suggested that "youth-run" was more PC.)

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Ooh! I thought I had started a dud!


MB's handed out by SPL gives me another idea for use here.


That's the way - keep listing the ideas. I'm sure others would find the summary useful.


Thanks everyone

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Keep your program fun. What scout does like to cause a fire? Well teach them ( or find someone who can) how to build campfires, how to start the fires both matchless and with matches. How to build various kinds of firestarters. What kinds of wood to use. Show the right way and the wrong way.


Next show and teach them survival skills. Compass navigation, natural shelters, tarp tents, etc, etc. Star navigation, sun navigation, what to do when lost and what to have with them at all times.


Maybe the next step would be cooking skills, both with and with out utensils. How to plan, prepare meals. Maybe have one patrol (usually the adults) make a stupendous botch of it to show how not to do it. Scouts love that! Not just hot dogs, but chicken cordon bleu, roasts, corn on the cob, really go for it!


Then combine all of these skills in games designed to test these skills without the scouts knowing it is a test. Culminate all this with a wilderness survival overnight allowing maybe a 10 by 10 tarp, sleeping bag, survival kit, 50 foot of rope and 4 matches, with alternate fire starting methods allowed. Meals that are cooked the utensiless method. With each patrol competing with each other for the coveted "Survival Rock" or whatever.


Our scouts really enjoy this and fills 2-3 months of planning and program.


Good luck and sorry for being long winded.



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At our last Fall Fellowship, we had an "Aluminum Chef" competition among the chapters, modeled after the "Iron Chef" on the Food Channel. The featured ingredient was "Spam" (which they didn't know about ahead of time. What a hoot! They all got identical cooking gear and a propane stove, and got to select other ingredients from a large table (scavenged from the dining hall). Amazingly, there were some real creative "presentations".

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red feather you could substitute the matches for sugar, potassium permanganate and a spoon (from your camping ideas thread). If it is from their survival kit than only allow enough in a patrol for a couple of goes. ie one scout has suger, another has the potassium etc)


scoutldr that show (our version) is my daughters favourite. Sounds like an excellant idea. Notch up another idea trade.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I know this is a bit cheeky but since so many new posters responded to the "what do you do for a living" thread I thought I'd drag this one back up front.


We are looking for the single best idea that you have gotten off this forum.


I personally am always looking for new idea's - or old ones that I've been overlooking.

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