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Scout leader arrested

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OK, fellow Boomers, our generation needs to look at ourselves.


We were the ones advocating free lust, free sex, and no consequences. We later boomers (55-64) were the ones who the newsies first called DINKs. We were the 20-somethings and 30-somethings who were ravaged with the first wave of AIDS.


Our attitudes towards love influence how we act towards lust. When I was in my early 20s, it wasn't easy to find porn. Now, all I have to do is mis-type a url.


I think the growth of all sexual perversion is a consequence of decisions we made 20 years ago.


I agree with all the others: Eternal Vigilance, for the sake of the youth we serve.

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In truth I suspect that there was just as much abuse and molestation in previous generations as there is now. Its just that no one talked about it back then. There have been two many cases where pastors or priests have been busted for something that they did 5 years ago and then turns out that there is a whole line of victims going back 30 or 40 years.


The first time I took the YPT class the trainer (who was 50+ years old) closed the class by asking for a show of hands as to who had been molested as a child. I was in the front of the room so I do not know how many hands went up besides his. He was quick to point out that his molestation was not related to scouting. I am also sure that his incident went unreported.



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John in KC,


I agree. The baby boomers (I am one) have caused this nation much harm, some of which may be irreparable.




You may be correct but I suspect that the actual percent is higher even when adjusted for under-reporting. That is just my opinion which is all that either of us can say.

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John in KC,


I agree. The baby boomers (I am one) have caused this nation much harm, some of which may be irreparable.




You may be correct but I suspect that the actual percent is higher even when adjusted for under-reporting. That is just my opinion which is all that either of us can say.

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