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Westboro Baptist church is at it again

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I havent heard if the WBC showed up or not. When these creatures slither up to the funeral of one of our fallen service members and spout their mis-guided trash...its a terrible experience for the family and friends of those being honored for the ultimate sacrifice for our nation...but to even contemplate the effect these creatures would have on the families and friends of 13 and 14 year old boys is nearly unthinkable!


The Scouts who lost their lives were seeking shelter from the storm.

They were not serving in the armed forces...but they were serving their country by their membership and participation in the BSA.


I cant begin to imagine the nightmare losing a child would feel like, but to think the parents of those boys having to endure the fact their sons are gone...and then have the likes of Phelps and the cretins and hate-mongering zealots he leads spread their poison and hateful diatribe within sight and hearing of the gravesides of those boys is truly beyond my ability to comprehend...much less envision.


Why the WBC continues to exist on American soil is indeed a mystery...if God hate America, and these @$$#*^"$ are American citizens, then by their own twisted reasoning...they must hate themselves...perhaps they could take the path Jim Jones and his flock took? Grape or Cherry Kool-Aid Fred?

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Trevorum, I am mystified as to who would 'ignore' you, of all people. Amazing. Ed, I think it's possible that the Ed/Merlyn show might explain the 'ignores'. But in all cases I consider the 'ignore' feature of this forum to be counterproductive and unfriendly. I never use the feature. And Ed, if you ever want to plant that smooch, heh, heh, you might have to run a fast footrace.;) Hey, THAT would be a really interesting game of tag....

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