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Rumsfeld steps down

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Hunt writes: "By contrast, the Republicans have done little to deliver to the social conservatives to whom they pandered to get elected."


Please explain further. Did they not pass a partial birth abortion ban? Did they not let the fantastically-misnamed "assault weapons ban" expire without renewal? If you are waiting on Roe vs. Wade being overturned, don't hold your breath. As much as I disagree with abortion, I think it is here to stay. Hopefully, there will just be fewer and fewer of them.

Please explain the promises that were made, but weren't delivered. You may be correct - I'm just curious of your views.

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I wish I really could live in the Fuzzy Bear World:

high school kids that cant get through the next level, forced to remediation for low achievers, that's a good idea, just don't achieve, strive for under-achievement so the feds will pay for more schooling. Education could also be offered through the workplace during work hours. I employ people to WORK, not study the stuff they should have known to begin with!!!!!! Federal grants could be given to states for scholarship programs for any that would accept and work hard enough to pass. I guess we'll have to raise taxes to pay for this one. For those that cant or wont work or learn, Social Security could supplement their wages and low income housing would be available as well as Medicaid/health insurance. Social Security (according to democrats) is in enough trouble, I guess we'll raise taxes for that (and put them in a 'lock box') For those that come here illegally without an education, the opportunity would be offered to them. Here's a good one, let's teach them instead of deport them, way to go FB!! If they refuse or cant, then they would be subject to poverty wages without the other benefits, just like the wages they were getting back home. The wages back home???? About a buck an hour, that's nice! They would be forced to become educated or return to their homeland. No, they should just be returned to the homeland. This plan would impact the service industry and increase the health of the overall country. What??? Are you tuned in to what you're writing here???(This message has been edited by Gonzo1)

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I see we disagree again. I would like to encourage you to write down some of your ideas about what you think would make this country a better place. I realize that we are not on the same side of the aisle but I still want to extend the good hand of bi-partisanship in these matters. The voters need to see that we are working together.


Arm Chairman of the Sideline Committee, fb

(I won't take office for a couple of months; just measuring the drapes.)




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My goodness, where could I begin?

I know you're just measuring the drapes, but the media has already annointed you guys as the party in control.


Let's see, in no particular order: how about lower taxes for all, lower spending in Washington. How about reduced export restrictions for our goods abroad. How about no abortion, tighter security at the border, even Canada. How about we let the military decide how to fight and win a war without media interference and bias. How about a stronger defense like more ships in the Navy, more Divisions in the Army, More Air Wings in the Air Force. Here's one of my favorites: line item veto for the President and No PORK in legislation. How about (at the risk of limiting speech) not allowing democrats in Washington to claim their agenda is "bi-partisan" ever again because it isn't. No nationalized healthcare EVER.


How about putting a limit on the time somone is on welfare. Change the welfare to be the most meager subsistence possible to get people off the government food stamps and into a job, they'll be more productive to society, feel better about themselves and won't be eating bon-bons watching Springer on TV. How about judges who don't legislate from the bench - period.


I'd like to see a return of the Civilian Conservation Corps, our forests and state parks could use some people.


I'd like to see prison become a bad place to go - I don't know from experience, but cable TV in prison is nuts. Limit time on death row to a reasonable appeal, a second if necessary, then get a month or two to say goodbye and presto, no more drain on the taxpayers. Waiting 20 years to carry out a sentence is wrong.


I suppose you would rather have the opposite, but you have the right. If you are truly a democrat, when you guys take control in January, how about asking your congressman to change the 1040 form to something like this:


1...Name___________ SSN # __________

2...Amount you earned on W-2 ________

3...Send in amount on line 2, then Uncle Sam can give it to someone else who is too lazy work, who can't or won't achieve anything for himself and can't get ahead without a federal handout. Everyone should be on the federal dole, so don't bother trying to improve your lot in life, just let the government take care of you.

4... ___________



I suppose you will whip out your Ginsu (Made in Japan) and try to hack this up, that's fine.

(This message has been edited by Gonzo1)

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First of all while I might disagree with him at least Gonzo lays a foundation for his arguments while you resort to insults and name calling.


Second its not the Republicans who can take credit for the current economy, Basic Economic Theory shows the cyclical nature of rises and falls has more to do with corporate decision making than the absurdity going on in DC. Our economy is finally pulling out of the recession caused by 9/11 not by anything Bush or Rumsfield have done. If we were not embroiled in Iraq there would be billions coming back into our economy and our dollar would be in a much stronger position on the worldwide financial network,and we could start paying off our huge deficit.


Now you can name call all you want but the facts are the facts, try taking a college course in economics sometime maybe then you could defend yourself better.

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Sorry to hear about your son.


I don't mean to come across as cruel. The President doesn't want FEDERAL spending on ebryonic stem cell research. There are other types of stem cells and private companies / donor could come up with the research money.



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"By contrast, the Republicans have done little to deliver to the social conservatives to whom they pandered to get elected."


As I think more about this, I don't want to overstate it...there have been a few things. I think Reagan was a much bigger culprit on this. Still, the Republicans didn't overturn the don't ask, don't tell policy, they haven't returned prayer to the schools, and they haven't done much about abortion. I think the partial-birth abortion ban is only symbolic, and is likely to get struck down anyway. I would also refer to the most extreme pandering case, which was Bill Frist and the Terry Schiavo case--as a physician, he knew that what he was saying was baloney. I also think the revelations about what the administration really thought of the religious right are revealing. I continue to think that old-line Republicans like the Bushes are concerned about taxes and trade, not social issues, and simply use the social issues to get votes from people who would otherwise vote for Democrats on economic issues.

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I can't recall any Republican promising they were going to over-turn the don't ask/don't tell policy. Please show me who, what and when. Our school has a moment of silence each morning, which is exactly what I want. No complaints there. On the other hand, Republicans promised to deliver a vote on gay marriage, and have done pretty well on that issue. I don't see your argument holding much water.



We don't have a huge DEFICIT, we do have a large DEBT. Do you know the difference? The DEFICIT has been cut in half, three years ahead of the schedule Bush proposed three years ago.

I have taken plenty of Economics classes at the Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Management. Since it appears you don't know the difference between DEFICIT and DEBT, I suggest you attend ECON 101. Also, Rumsfeld was Sect. of Defense. Does the SECDEF now set economic policy?(This message has been edited by BrentAllen)

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Christian conservatives have been complaining about the failure of the Republican leadership to actively pursue social issues: Here's a few relevant references:





(this one says the leaders haven't been economically conservative, either)

I don't know if Republicans promised to overturn don't ask/don't tell, but I don't think conservative Christians support that policy.

Oh, yeah, Harriet Miers was another example of the problem, although the people who were ultimately put on the Supreme Court probably will deliver. I remain unconvinced that Bush et al. actually care about any of these social issues.

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