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The ACLU finds some time

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And certainly a topic which many are not shy about expressing their opinions (or "facts" from a certain perspective).


I listened to Mr. Hanegraaff's radio show the night of the posted reference to his web site. He had a guest, and the topic was the book of Mormon - that it included internal inconsistencies which proved it wasn't reliable (from their perspective), but that adherents were too close to it to recognize those inconsistencies.


Go figure.

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I hope we dont allow this thread to die out. I would really like to get back to discussing the ACLU and our respective opinions of the organization and its effects on our collective lives. Some have taken issues with the ACLU trying to change the Constitution while others see their actions as simply forcing us to live by the Constitution. Some feel the ACLU is trying to take God out of everyday life, while others again see it as forcing us to live by the Constitution. If the Supreme Court says any reference to God by official means is unconstitutional then if we want God in public we need to change the Constitution not stop the ACLU from forcing its enforcement.

The BSA wants to be a private organization but doesnt want to live with the price that entails. The ACLU is not asking BSA to change its policies just live with the consequence of their policies. If we want to exclude atheists and gays then we have to accept the restrictions put on private organizations. Government can not pick and choose which private organizations it grants favors to. How can we justify leasing public land for private use to private organizations if all private organizations are not given equal opportunity to acquire a lease? I dont think many of us would be supporting the idea of allowing Whites Only groups to be sponsored by local governmental agencies. Ive been involved with BSA since Cub Scouts back in the 50s, I believe in this program. I dont think there is any other program which provides youth members the same opportunities to learn and grow that BSA offers. I believe that for any wrong we do we do 20 times more good. But does that mean we should get special treatment from government?

The ACLU does not make laws they fight for blind adherence to the laws as written. Our legislature refuses to address current problems through law enactment because they are more interested in getting re-elected. Politicians dont want to take a hard position because it costs votes. We need the ACLU to point out our inequities and our bias. If we want In God we Trust on our money and under God in our pledge then we should all be petitioning for an amendment to change the Constitution and allow it, but I dont see that happening. The ACLU is just like the law enforcement officer that pops out of your trunk when you decide to push the speed limit or not wear a seat belt, a pain in the butt. Just remember that they are also the ones we call when someone is trying to break into our home or steal our car. IMO the ACLU deserves everyones support, when we dont like the ruling the ACLU gets we should blame the legislature which wrote the law not the lawyer who got it enforced.



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