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So, What's so bad about being gay?

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When the church takes over the state, then it will not only silence science, no matter what the definition but it will also do away with freedom of religion. It is inevitable. The Christian Coalition believes that they are of one mind but in reality they share little in common. Look closely at their belief systems. They have for years cast doubt on each other in order to sanctify their own individual religions and they have written extensively to prove it. The way to take control is to carefully craft a universal system. Afterwards, they will be forced to make it so. Science is now a convenient target to accomplish that one goal for the greater good, a rallying point. Intelligent Design is little more than a Toady that will later be dumped with little fanfare and even fewer proponents. When people already have all of the answers, anything else is superfluous, unnecessary, a threat to be disposed of. It is a type of cancerous infection that will turn in on itself in a valiant effort to prove its worth.



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That is why, I think, we need to be very careful about how we the people let religion inject itself into politics. There are good reasons why the founding fathers sought to stop the creation of a state religion. If you start letting particular religious groups pass laws based on their beliefs, you are headed down that path. And it's not all the land of milk and honey like some would like us to believe. For example, the Bible brings a lot of good things with it as a way of life, but it also brings mass executions of non-believers and public stonings. Be careful what you wish for. You only have to look as far as the Middle East to see what happens when you set up religious states. We only have to look to our own states to see the potential effects. There are attempts being made in some states to stop teaching evolution and teach Creationism instead. You don't happen to belong to a religion that takes Creationism literally? Well, too bad, you're going to learn it anyway. I see a lot of danger in the path we're headed down. Religions tend not to be tolerant of other views; they only see themselves as the true path to salvation. If we want to remain "America the light of the free world" we can't afford to let any single religious point of view dominate our country. They are all welcome; that is the American way, but when they try to force their beliefs on everyone else, that is just wrong and has to be fought every single inch of the way.

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Thanks for that link; it's truly a fascinating debate that's going on in our culture.


The last line in the article has a great quote: "I'm saying that the culture is changing and ... within 10 years or so, people will look back and wonder: What was the big deal? Why did this once seem so big on our radar screens?"


The same could easily have been said for giving women the right to vote, for extending civil rights to African Americans, for integrating the physically disabled into society ...


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