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ACLU strategy will backfire

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As ACLU persecution of BSA continues unabated, public schools are now revoking their charters of BSA units.


Private sponsors like churches and VFW posts are being asked to take up the slack. I wonder if ACLU has really thought through the results of this strategy?


They want governement entities like schools and military bases to distance themselves from Scouting; yet the private entities that BSA is being forced to embrace as a result, are the very same entities (in many cases) that hold views about gays and atheists that are diametrically opposed to the views that ACLU wants to impose on BSA.


Does ACLU really want to make BSA more "inclusive"? Its not clear to me that driving BSA out of neutral sponsors like schools and military bases, and into the sponsorship of private (and potentially more conservative) entities that cannot be affected by ACLU views, is hardly the formula for success.


When this is all over (will it ever be over?), if BSA units are 100% controlled by the likes of conservative faiths like LDS and the Catholic Church, what will ACLU have accomplished other than putting BSA beyond its reach?


That alone will be quite an achievement. And then we'll finally know if this was all about the First Amendment and discrimination, or was this truly about ACLU trying to bend BSA to its will.


For the record, I predict now that ACLU will continue to persecute BSA at every opportunity, even after BSA withdraws from public schools, military bases, and other government agencies.

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The next step may be that the ACLU will imply that BSA does not represent society. They then will attack the value of the program as not being 'diverse', in an attempt to try to drop BSA member numbers. The counter to this should be for US industry to point out that any boy who is in the program as it is now produces better employees and leaders.

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Fred, the only ACLU "strategy" is civil rights; public schools can't own & operate Scout units, because they would have to violate the civil rights of their own students to do so.


As for the BSA becoming more conservative, that seems to be what the BSA wants:



While many churches already sponsor Cub Scout packs, Shields urges many others to get involved in all levels of scouting, an institution whose core values can fit well within the standards of most conservative evangelical congregations.



It sounds like the BSA is saying they only want "conservative evangelical congregations" as charter partners.

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"Fred, the only ACLU "strategy" is civil rights; public schools can't own & operate Scout units, because they would have to violate the civil rights of their own students to do so."



By sponsoring a GSUSA unit, a public school is violating the civil rights of their own students. By allowing ANY group that has membership requirements that eliminate ANY PART of the student body, the students civil rights are violated! And by the same logic, advancement placement and honors classes should be eliminated because they violate the civil rights of those students who are not intelligent enough to meet the requirements of these classes!




Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Actually, Merlyn, your requirements are about as minimal as they come. Believe in nothing! That requires no intelligence!


You, and by you I include the ACLU, have no interest in protecting the American public from 1st Amendment violations! Your sole purpose in these lawsuits is to destroy the BSA. Nothing more. And why? Because you lost the Dale case! If there was a true interest in protecting the American public from discrimination, any and all groups who receive public funds that discriminate in any fashion would be attacked with the vengeance you are attacking the BSA.


In the end, the BSA will prevail. And the ACLU will look like a bunch of ambulance chasers.


I will continue to pray for you, Merlyn. You surely need it.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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I've been reading an interesting series in our local paper about Head Start -- and some of their umbrella organizations being run through churches. Why aren't your sights set on them?


BTW -- I think insulting Ed's intelligence as being beneath you. Ed speaks plainly and directly. This in no way means he's unintelligent. I find your condescending tone disappointing.


Your intelligence is obvious. You are an intelligent individual. However, that does not mean that those who disagree with you are not also intelligent.


From what I've seen in life, the number one error of intelligent people is that they think they are more intelligent than others.



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How do you know my sights aren't set on Head Start in churches?

Do these churches refuse their government-financed services to atheists?


And Ed is genuinely stupid. I'm not one of those types who thinks everyone is somehow magically equal in the intelligence department. Some people really ARE less intelligent.

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Thanks Unc!



This isn't about intellect. This isn't about the 1st Amendment. This is about your and the ACLU's agenda. Nothing more. Nothing less. The Supreme Court ruled the BSA is a private organization and can set it's own membership standards. Just because you don't like those standards and are ticked off you lost, you and the ACLU have decided to "stop at nothing" to destroy the BSA. Well, guess what. It ain't gonna happen! All this will do is make you and the ACLU look like ambulance chasers and the BSA like heroes.


Thanks for wasting my tax dollars!


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Merlyn boy,

It must be terribly sad to have to spend your free time trying to stick pins in BSA dolls. The fact that you are not only a sore sport but a genuine horses puttoot must drive you nutz when you look in the mirror each morning.


Keep up the good work though, we all need examples to show our kids just whatkind of people we don't want them to grow up to be! God Bless, and try not to suck on too many lemons today.

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