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Multiple Registration for Adult Volunteer Scouters

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Interesting. So anyone who is a commissioner can't be a leader in a unit with the exception of a committee member or COR? Why are these positions different from the other adult leader positions?


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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I don't have the real answer and maybe I ought to hold back until the wise and informed members of the forum speak.

But I have got this far.

I think that a Commissioner is commissioned by the Council to provide Commissioner service.

A Scoutmaster is selected by the charter organization to deliver the program. The other positions are there to support the unit.

As I say this is just my thoughts and I await the right answer from the wise.


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This is a response I'll ask you to read carefully, because if you skim this one, you're going to get the wrong idea.


Ready to read? Slowly . . .


Bob White is correct in that the Commissioner's Field Book does say that commissioners must not be unit leaders and should dedicate themselves first and foremost to commissioner service.


I agree.


However, it is not specifically banned by registration regulations and Scoutnet will accept more than one district position/commissioner, etc. for unit leaders and committee members.


I wish everyone would follow the Commissioner Fieldbook, but sometimes reality and rules have to meet and a way has to be found.


Sometimes, the BSA digs in its heels. We all know that. A Cubmaster can not register as a Den leader within the same unit. Do some Cubmasters take over the leadership of their son's den? Sure. It happens, we know it happens, but he/she can't register that way.


Different topic: Proud Eagle asked if someone can be registered in multiple councils. The answer is yes.



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