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Look for a new Leader Knot for

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That would be the ...BSA Speakers Bank. As far as I know, no knot has been un veiled. Bob Mazucca (CSE) mentioned the possibility of one in his "state of the union" address at a national meeting sevearl months ago. However, I do not know of anything official yet. Very well could be at some point though.


This will be for individuals that are recommeded by the Council SE, accept, and ...do something or longeveity or something. Vague, but thats all I know from our SE.

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"...We are launching tonight a national BSA speakers bank. Members of the speakers bank will be nominated by Scout executives and our goal will be to have a minimum of 1,000 speakers recruited into the program by the end of this year. I am also delighted to announce our four charter members of this group

President Rick Cronk.

Commissioner Don Belcher.

Rabbi Peter Hyman.

And former national commissioner, Earl Graves.


Not a bad start. All tools, templates, and resources for these speakers have been developed by Edelman Worldwide and will be available online. A special Web site has been created for speakers to access programs and materials and to record where they have spoken and what issues they may have encountered and what additional help they may need. We are even going to have a speakers bank patch. And if you are really good, there may even be a new square knot in our future."


That is where this "rumor" came from.



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