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I tok the course in Feb and March of 1994. Got beads about Dec, '94.

North Florida Council.

There wasn't a lot of sittin around time, indeed. We had the 3 weekend course. A couple of patrol meetings back in the district. I realize EVERY course is a little different.


I'm in Northeast Georgia Council now. A friend who is attending now told me that they are using the tents already in place from summer camp. We had to pitch the our tents they issued to us and I think we were all missing a pole.


Doesn't matter. It really isn't worth squabbling over whether you sew or pin. I was a great experience, I'll never forget it. It made me feel like I was a scout again.




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"I noticed that none of staff wore their appropiate Patrol patch. When I question the Patrol Guide I was told that the Cadre was inform the wearing of the Patrol pacth of their Woodbadge patrol was wrong, so everyone removed theirs."


I didn't quite address this, but staff on a WB course, either on the current one or the previous Boy Scout Leader WB, should never have been wearing their patrol patch. I have no idea why you would expect them to be.


When the staff were wearing stripped uniforms, it would have been inappropriate to wear patrol patches, as the staff (not 'cadre') are filling adult positions and certain non-patrol youth positions (SPL, ASPL, Scribe, QM, etc) in the Wood Badge Troop.


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I have also seen many patrols sew or glue them on their course hats. Either on the back or the side that did not have the course number on it

As it has been mentioned, you do not need to strip the uniform anymore, just make sure the patches were in the correct spot and you that you have any non correct insignia or regalia taken off. We were also told that we should only wear 3 rows of knots. (Not a problem in my case)

My guess is that they wanted the participants to see what we did outside of Wood Badge and that we make sure that our uniform was correct because we were setting the example as a staff members. When I took the course in 2004 everyone had red woggles. I made a blue one to match my epaulets when I served as staff as everyone made one that matched the program they served as. The staff wore the Troop 1 kneckerchief for the course, except for the closing banquet and staff dinners

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There are many ways for staff and participants to indicate their WB patrol then wearing the patrol medallion on their right sleeve.


I know of:


* glueing it on the back of your leather WB nametag (as John in KC mentioned)


* special WB nametags- I've seen them that include your WB totem. Also, there is a on-line "Quartermaster Store" that sells very nice wooden hanging name tags that you can get with your WB totem. these are laser engraved.


* Put them in your hat. I've seen pins of WB totems. One patrol on my course went out an got all their hats with their totem embroidered on the side. very nice.


* walking sticks. if this is something that is used in your area, I've seen people with walking sticks that include their WB totem, either carved at the top, or put elsewhere on the stick.



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Speaking of walking sticks and patrol totems...I was stunned when at the morning flag ceremony on the first day of the 2nd weekend, my "children" in the Eagle patrol (that's what they begin to feel like!!) presented me with a walking stick, which they had cut on an angle at the top and burned my patrol totem into. It was a very unexpected gesture and very much appreciated!


Sue M.

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