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crossover age


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He is eleven. He is in the 5th grade. He qualifies for Boy Scouting.

If he can earn his AoL by the end of school, award it with a smile. If not, he should still pick out his Troop, join and attend summer camp with them. Do the crossover ceremony when and if appropriate, whether one boy or a dozen. Mark his "graduation" from Cub Scouting with some small pomp and circumstance, whether at a Pack Meeting, or Pack picnic, or formal OA exhibited "bridge". . He cannot continue in Cub Scouting in sixth grade, barring any extenuating circumstances. I believe your local UC and DE would be of the same opinion, but ya never can tell...


Thank you for your service to your boys.

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Ditto what has been said. PLUS most Cubs i know at this point are chomping at the bit to be Boy Scouts.


I'd get him comfortable with a troop ASAP, in order to get ready for summer camp. THAT is a big deal and he will lose out if he goes at 12, trust me on that one.

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What does the Boy want????


So is the AOL worth losing a year in the Eagle chase because that is exactly what your doing.


A lot of young men don't run up against the 18 year old cut off. This young man might be a scout who needs all the time he can get......


I am a firm believer in getting them out of cub scouting ASAP. Single year webelos program.

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I don't understand...why wouldn't he cross over? Why is he a Web I in 5th grade? Did he just join your pack in 5th grade?


Why would he want to stay behind in the pack when all his peers are crossing over to troops? I understand that it is is kinda sad to miss out on AoL, but it is not worth taking a year out of his boy scout journey for it. That is one less year to work towards Eagle.

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In 5th Grade, without earning the Webelos Badge, that Scout must earn the Webelos Badge and then the Arrow of Light.


"Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge." So, if he has earned the Webelos Badge, been active for at least six months and will earn the Arrow of Light as a 5th Grader and is 11, time for the Crossover and get to a Troop.


In Cubscouts you start Tigers in 1st, Wolves in 2nd and so on. There are requirements to be had. He is in the Webelos II program just playing the requirement catch-up game.

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Adam your confusing AOL requirements with Boy Scout joining requirements.



He can join the Troop at age 11 irregardless of the AOL.




Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.




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Finish his AOL ASAP, and then join scouts. If it's not easily possible to finish AOL in a month, go ahead and put him in scouts. Also, he cannot be a Webelos Scout past the 5th grade unless he is under 11. I'd get him in Boy Scouts ASAP, so that he can join a troop and go to Summer camp with them.

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A boy can be a Webelos Cub Scout until the end of 5th grade, or he is 11.5 years old - which ever is LATER.


A Scout with disabilities is a different matter.


When did this boy join your Pack?


If he was already 11 years old when he joined, why did your Pack not tell him to by-pass Cubs and go straight to Boy Scouts?


If he joined at the beginning of 5th grade, but was not yet 11, why didn't the Pack cross him to Boy Scouts with the rest of the 5th graders?


If the BOY (not parents, or Cub leaders) wants to earn his AOL that badly, he should be supported, but his options should be CLEARLY explained to him, and he has only until the end of 5th grade (or 11.5) to earn it.


Personally, I would have encouraged him to move on to Boy Scouts as soon as he turned 11. He would by now be on his way to earning Boy Scout awards, and getting ready to go to Summer Camp with his Troop.

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