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Female Leader Shirts Tucked In


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This topic is a joke, right? If you have to ask the question of tucked or untucked you are looking for an excuse to do it the way you want to do it, to hell with the uniform guide. Untucked is sloppy and lazy. And if you are too fat, tough, don't bastardize the uniform.

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Just another in a long list of uniform questions. All take the same format. I don't like the uniform for a variety of personal reasons. Is it OK for me to do what I want instead of following the rules. The answer is No. Uniform means One Form. Everyone the same, following the rules.


People who ask this question will do whatever makes them happy and the regulations be dammed.


The other big gripe is the cost. $100. If you join Cub Scouts, your son will attend for 5 years. 2 den meetings and 1 pack meeting a month for 5 years. 180 wearings. Are there any other clothes in your closet you wear 180 times before it is worn out or out of style? No. That is less than $.50 a wearing.


If you son continues onto Boy Scouts, 4 troop meetings and 1 campout a month. Say he only stays in the troop 5 years. 300 wearings. $100. Less than $.30 per wearing.


I am still wearing the uniform I bought 8 years ago. 4 years of Cubs and 4 years of Boy Scouts. 126 of Cub events, 240 Boy Scout meetings. Oh and add in 5 weeks of summer camp and a week of high adventure. 350+ wearings. Cheap and durable.


Stop your belly aching and wear the uniform correctly and proudly. Never let the scouts see you out of uniform. I wear my uniform from Friday afternnon thru Sunday afternoon on campouts. I bought 2 extra uniforn shirts just so I can wear a clean one every day on the campout.


If you have a body shape that does not fit well into the uniform, hire a tailor to make the uniform better fit your body.

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Uniform means One Form. Everyone the same, following the rules.

The problem now is we have about 3 variations of the uniforms because National Supply just changed the look of the uniform shirts again.  In my Pack, adult leaders wear a combination of the any these 3 variations depending on how long we have been in Scouting.  My newest leaders are puchasing the newest style.  We're all following the rules, just not really in "One Form."

It's interesting to note that the Centennial Shirt does not have "tails" which makes it look better when it's untucked. 





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So what happened to a scout is kind? Friendly? Didn't realize calling people fat and lazy fit into the scout law. How is calling people fat and lazy helping other people?


When you have a female body, with female curves, you can call me lazy for my uniform choice (and it is a choice. The uniform isn't a requirement for scouts or volunteer scouters). Instead of spending hard earned money on a tailor, I am going to spend it on my scouts -- where it really matters.


Methinks some of the posters in this thread need to review scout spirit a little bit.

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ScoutLass, thanks for your articulate and classy reply. You said it best.


At the end of the day, the guide is non-regulatory. It's an administrative guide. Volunteers pay for their own uniform, they can wear it as they wish.


The higher ideals of scouting are more important than any guide, or uniform.

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Geez folks.


I looked monday night and all of the gals at the den meetings had their shirts tucked in.


We got some Fat ones, we got the football player build ones and a super petite one. They all managed to tuck their shirt in.


Just sayin.


my shirt was untucked but I was putting troop gear away......

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Blade, nice dodge!


And thanks for the thought on "character." I will ponder it, along with your previous commentary about "sloppy...lazy...fat" people who don't tuck in their shirt tails.


Funny thing is, I always wear my BSA uniform properly. That's me.


Folks that don't wear a uniform, or wear it with "county options"--that's their call. And I support their freedom to do so.


The men and women that comprise the BSA are not conscripts, nor prisoners. This is not boot camp. Or the parade ground.


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I believe that the uniform should be worn properly; that was taught to me and demonstrated to me by Sue Nunn at Scoutmaster training and that is good enough for me.


However alienating cubbie mom's on this issue is not the hill I would choose to die on. Leave at gentle reminders and move on. I think that there are gender differences toward uniforming...my wife wears the same dress as another at church it will never come out of the closet again, two guys show up with the same tie and it's a thumbs up and "looking good!".

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Character is also what you do when others are watching. Right now, others are watching you verbally attack volunteers who willingly sacrifice their free time and money to work with and help youth. I understand that you feel very passionate about uniforming, but that is never a reason to resort to insults and rudeness. That is not modeling scout-like behavior or even mature behavior in any environment. Sometimes, we must agree to disagree. THAT is showing good character.

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Please do not take my words out of context. I wrote "willing sacrifice" is one you make because you enjoy it or find it worthwhile. It is not the same as a forced sacrifice you would rather not make. But I believe you already know that and are familiar with this common phrasing.

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